Maggie starting doing nebs when she was two. We always did CPT since she was born practically. Some things that have helped are giving Maggie a neb to play with(obviously we wouldn't use this one). She could do her "puff-puff" to her baby. All Maggie's baby dolls got CPT by Maggie plus they had plenty of bandaids on them too. Is your daughter using the VEST or is it manual CPT? I found it a struggle to do manual CPT on Maggie, she didn't want to lie down, she'ld try to wiggle away. Sometimes I'ld wait til I knew she was sleepy and then do her CPT kind of holding her and rocking her and she'ld just fall asleep. Our pediatrician told us to alway tell your child what a great job they are doing(even if they are not)when doing something medical to them. Let them know what a big girl they are, how proud you are of them(even when YOU feel like crying). Eventually, the child will fill that role. It worked for both of my children when it comes to medical stuff. Hang in there.