My Little Bro



I am so sad to hear this news.  You are an amazingly strong
person, what a great sister you've been.  I'm sure he was a
wonderful brother.  I'll keep you both in my thoughts and


New member
You both put up a good fight. You should be proud of the good sis you are. May peace be with you and your family.


New member

I will be thinking of you and Mike also. I am so sorry to hear this news. Please know you will be in my thoughts. I think you are an amazing woman to step up and walk with your brother through his fight with CF. Please PM me if you need to talk - I will gladly listen.

Thinking of Mike, your daughter and you,


New member
Oh sweetie,

I am so sorry to read this. But at the same time-I am so proud of you, and Mike, for putting up the fight. How comforting that he had such a beautiful soul with him, pulling for him, before he went. Many people in life do not have that. In time, I hope that gives you comfort. He had so much love-from you as well as others.

You are in our thoughts during this time. Remember the good times, the laughter, and that he is at peace.

<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
I'm so sorry to hear of your loss. Mike was a very lucky man to have a sister like you. I can only hope to be that kind a sister to my little brother. My thoughts and prayers are with you during this time.


New member
Sometimes it is so hard to know what to say.  My husband and I
were thinking and praying for both of you yesterday.  We will
continue. Thank you for your commitment to your brother-for being
right there with him and supporting him in the battle.<br>
with much love and prayer


New member
I am so very sorry. You and Mike had and have a special brother-sister bond.
You both put up a good fight the whole way - and then when there wasn't a chance for one more comeback seperated for a while with love.
I feel strongly (in some nonreligious way) that they ride on our shoulders and in our hearts after they pass and that we will be together fully again someday.
Inh my experience the first days/months of mourning are a lonely journey (one we finally take by ourselves) but my wish for you is that you take comfort from anyone and anything that offers it.

You are obviously a woman who can love fully and completely.
This is a great gift- both to you and others. And I wish you much love in your life - from your daughter and others.

Keepiung you in my heart...


New member
I am so sorry for your loss. Just 2 months ago my son, Nico, who
was 15 years young lost his fight with this disease. I know your
pain. You sound like a truly amazing sister and Mike was very lucky
to have you. I hope the prayer below can help. It has helped me one
day at a time. God less you and your family:<br>
I'm Free<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">on't grieve for me, for now I'm freeI'm following the
path God laid for me.I took his hand when I heard him callI turned
my back and left it all.I could not stay another day.To laugh, to
love, to work or play.Tasks left undone must stay that way,I found
that peace at close of day.If my parting has left a void,Then fill
it with remembered joy.A friendship shared, a laugh, a kiss,Ah yes,
these things I too will miss.Be not burdened with times of sorrow,I
wish you sunshine of tomorrow.My life's been full, I've savored
much,Good friends, good times,a loved one's touch.Perhaps my time
seemed all too brief;Don't lengthen it now with undue grief.Lift up
your hearts and share with me,God wanted me now;He set me free.


New member
I was almost afraid to open this post .... I am so terribly terribly sorry for your loss. I know how much you loved your brother, and how hard he ( and you) fought . If you need to talk you can always email me( ) or pm me....I'm always here to help in any way i can. RIP Mike <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Sorry to hear that. You will be in our thoughts and players. That was a nice way to say goodbye especially since goodbyes are so hard and seem so permanent.


New member
I am so sorry to hear of your brothers passing. What a tough time it's been for you & your family. <img src="i/expressions/brokenheart.gif" border="0">
Please know that many, many people are keeping you in our thoughts/prayers. Please feel free to post anything here that's on your mind and we'll be glad to offer support any way we can.


New member
I am so sorry to hear of MIke's passing, I know this must be incredibly difficutl for you. My thoughts and prayers are with you.


New member
I'm so sorry you had to go through those incredibly difficult decisions at the end. I think you are wise to take things "one minute at a time" as you said. You're going to be processing all of the emotions and thoughts and feelings for a long time to come. I hope the the pain and grief that you experience now will gently fade as the friendship and love you shared with you brother keeps you moving forward to better days.

It doesn't seem fair that some are rejoicing at a time when others are hurting, does it? Take care of yourself, sweetie, and if you find yourself too overwhelmed, ask for help. You have endured a lot as people have leaned on you for support--let someone support you now in your time of need.



New member
Dear Kim,

You are the best sister anyone could ask for and your Brother has enriched your life for the better. I am glad that you shared with us all that you have. I am sure he will always be your guardian angel.
God Bless You and your Daughter