My Lung TX site


New member
I am creating a web site that will journal my entire TX experence throuh the entire process.

I am doing this for everybody that would like to follow this journey. I am hoping it will answer ?'s and, be informative for everyone that will go through it and, for parents of CF chrildren. It will chronicle my move (jan 9th 2006) and be updated daily with a message board.

I is almost finished and ready to go. I will post a link when ready.



New member
My wife has done the same here is a link to her site:

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">A Miracle For Martha </a>

The website is a lot of work to keep up (we use it for fundraising as well) we are lucky because my sister has donated her time to be the webmaster and maintain the site. We have got a great amount of positive feedback from it. We have also made new friends and reconnected with some old friends. I think the guest book comments and the encouraging e-mails Martha has received because of the website have helped her moral a's always nice to know people care about you.

It helps me (Martha's husband) too. I try to contribute to the website often, it keeps me busy while waiting for the transplant call!

Well good luck and be sure to post your website link when it's ready (maybe we can share ideas about website promotion in the future?)



New member
Looks good. I plan on updateing (my wife) this site daily with pics and stories. I want it to be as informative as we can make it. Going through a Transplant is such a hugh undertaking that I want others to learn from our (family, wife, friends) experence.

Best wishes to you and your family.


New member
These websites are such a great idea. I visited Martha's and was sooo impressed with it. It is so professional.
I will be going down this road soon with my husband and don't know where to begin. Fundraising is such an overwhelming
thought...please send me any info on the rules, etc. or websites I can visit to help.
I am overwhelmed to say the least.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>lgautier</b></i><br>These websites are such a great idea. I visited Martha's and was sooo impressed with it. It is so professional.

I will be going down this road soon with my husband and don't know where to begin. Fundraising is such an overwhelming

thought...please send me any info on the rules, etc. or websites I can visit to help.

I am overwhelmed to say the least.



As far as fundraising goes, I know what you mean about overwhelming, we put it off as long as we could! All that you need to do to get through it is to contact COTA at

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">WWW.COTA.ORG</a>

They are great and really make it easy...they handle the entire fund and explain all the rules and they do not charge you a dime.