I think that for the time being, maybe we ought to leave the politics regarding a universal medical system/drug coverage... out of this particular thread as none of it is going to help Treble at this point. It's one thing to mention the differences, it's another thing to write an entire page about it without addressing the issue the poster is asking/stating. It's definately a hot topic, but it should probably be discussed in it's own thread as to not take away from this one.
Treble, the thing that worries me is that now you are insuranceless, you are kind of screwed if you get on another private insurance plan because they can refuse coverage of any CF related treatement for a certain waiting period because you had a gap in coverage. They can also deny you coverage all together because of this gap in coverage.
That being said, is there a reason why you are now off the cobra? To be honest, i'm not extrememly familiar with cobra, but is there a time limit and your's was up or what? Could you just not afford the premiums, and if so, maybe i can put you in touch with some CF resources that can give you a bit of $$ to pay for those premiums.
YOu are right, earning 800-900 at your part time job does make you inelgible for SSDI (because you are already earning at the substantial level) although I'm not 100% sure it makes you inelgible for the SSI because you can still earn a certain amount of money each month for the family (based on the family size) and get SSI. I believe you previously mentioned you live with your parents though (correct me if I'm wrong) and that could be what is making you inelgible because their income IS counted for SSI. Is that the case?
I agree with what other's have asked, is there another job you can do that won't be so stressful and taxing to you? Could you do an 8 hour a day desk job? That would give you ins. benefits after a certain amount of time.
Also, even if you aren't elgible for SSI you can still be elgible for medicaid coverage. Have you at least applied for that benefit?
Debbie makes a good point, you could quit working all together and you would be immediately elgible for medicaid with no income. Apply for SSDI but it's wise to know if you have enough work credits first. I think I already sent you some stuff on that, but if not, let me know and I can. THe best way is to go in to you SSA office (DON'T call them but rather go in) and ask them how many credits you have based on how much you've earned. Then you can make the decision debbie mentioned. Although if you weren't working at all, while you waited for your SSDI decision, you should get ins. coverage, but then again, that would also depend on your living situation (do you live with your parents, if so, medicaid might count their income but medicaid is different in every state so they may not count your parents income which would be to your benefit.