My son gets Embarassing Smells


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heheh Your little one seems to have mountains of wisdom within him, compared to many others, CF or not CF that float around. For his age, he has the understanding and general complacantcy of a 20+ year old (with regards to how silly the CF fart thing is). Life is hard enough to deal with being CF, but having other restrictions placed upon you, as in your fragrance of your farts, it's just stupid. And yes, he sounds like he will be a little freak like I was, and light his farts for many laughs at parties when he is older. Don't worry at all about this little trooper, he will be carrying on the cause in my place long after i'm 6 feet under. Embrace the fact that you have such a wonderful, intraspective, comical son. He rocks <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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Hey there....

oh..the farting issue, it just never goes away. I am going to die in a room of foul smell I know it. That sounds really gross, but really kind of true.

Couple of helpful hints possibly, because all my life I have had issues with this. I have been approached at one job, and probably another I just can't think of it right now. But, I was pulled into a room and because I was working in a closed in space (I was a barista at a coffee shop) what was I to do? It is really painful to hold it int sometimes. Or do you just go to the bathroom all the time? It's really annoying.

Hints: I have this spray that doesn't have a scent. They have this in hospitals. It comes in small bottles. I have brought it with me to this day to plays, theatre, and movie's. I try to sit away from others for I can sit comfortably with my smelly self. But, this spray works. It is the worst when you have to be in a confined area for an extended amount of time. Spray a little here and a little there....

I take fiber daily and this has helped with stomach cramps, digesting food better, and less farts. A lot less farts. I get my fiber at GNC. Now, your son is young, but talk to the doc. See what he or she says. Also, I take acidiphilous. We have a lot of farts because our system doesn't break down our food properly right. Well, the bacteria from the food stays in and creates different gases. The longer the food stays in, the worse the smell. I know this. So, the acidiphilous is good bacteria that eats the bad bacteria in our gut that is sitting there creating havoc. I have actually left work on my break to rush and go to GNC and pick up the Ultra (mega doesn't work for me) Acidiphilous and it works great. I have had problems with gastritis then I can't digest a darn thing. But, in the beginning I don't know what is happening, cause for whatever reason my gut doesn't like anything. I take a few of the acidiphilous and I can return back to work. I have taken it many many times in my life in several occasions. Also, if I eat something that is more fatty than other foods, I take an extra fiber tablet and some mucymyst and this helps greatly. I would say 80-90% less pain and farts. I wish I knew about it when I was 14. I also stay away from really fatty foods a lot of the time cause I just can't digest them anymore and it leaves me in great pain. I remember I was approached at another job a few times. They were trying to say it was my medicine smell from the mucymyst. I do think the reason that CF farts are so toxic is because of all those flippin' chemicals especially the sulfur from the mucymyst. They smell sulfuric. Both of those jobs I only lasted less than 3 months. Bub-bye!!!!

So, the spray from the hospital, fiber, and acidiphilous. Maybe people have seen me with the spray here and there I don't know. No one has every approached me. Maybe they think I have this weird obessoin with the my air quality. Or from far away maybe I really like perfume. I have a friend that knows endless amounts of information about herbs and minerals and such, and she has gotten me discounts several times with all these products. But, they really aren't that bad of a price for the relief.

more info about why we fart: Or I just googled "the science of farts."

Also check how the enzymes are working. It has taken me many many years to be in a lot less pain. But, I still fart a lot. My friend created a fart club in my honor to make joke of it. What to do? I can't stand being around myself some days.

as far as going to the bathroom in public places, it's a bathroom...what do you expect? Deal. It bothered me a lot when I was younger of course, now I have grown this skin that says "too bad." Again a bathroom. If I am a friends house maybe I am getting to know or something, I bring the spray with me. Ladies go the bathroom with their things all the time, it looks normal. Boys put everything in there pockets and it's small enough to fit or you can pick up a smaller bottle at a store or something.

good luck. Wish the best...

Tessa 28 w/cf


New member
one more you can see this a problem. I drink coffee daily and granted your son is too young for that, nor do you really want to incourage drinking coffee but I am far less pain because of it and less farts. I drink decaf after I eat pizza or something to insure a more painless evening.

Tessa -I forgot to login.


New member
He seems to enjoy himself when he "toots" now. When it is a "sbd" (silent but deadly) he gets this devilish grin on his face, and then here comes the smell. He is just getting so funny about it now. I think he has grown the same skin Tessa! lol I'm glad it's now before high school those kids can get mean I remember! and everyone at his school seems to understand as well. He is so small and yet a big stinker!

He can eat so much too! This past summer he was in a contest with a friend of mine (who can eat more hamburgers) JJ put him to shame!! He ate 6 burgers, but we ALL payed for it later! lol all night long, but JJ was just so proud that he beat a grown man, he just farted and smiled. He's just to darn cute!


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I read the very first posting and then went toward the end. This might have been addressed, if so sorry. My son, wow, what a smell? I spoke to his dr. just this past Tuesday. He was told for one to up his enzymes and yes, sad but true, just part of the CF thing. He farted one day in the car and my daughter sitting beside him actually vomited. It was so sad!


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We took a trip to Boston this past weekend and OMG I had to stop to a gas station and get an air freshner! I just thank god he sits in the back of the mini-van and I can open those windows a crack. We stopped to a rest stop so he could go to the bathroom my husband was in there with him while I waited outside the door and I saw grown men walking out of there with green faces! LOL I think for now on I'm going to make sure he has his own can of air freshner to bring in with him! He didnt care he just came out and said "whew I feel better" my little man knows how to clear a room thats for sure! Kind of reminds me of "pumba" on the lion king.


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I wasnt dx until I was 7 so My mom has some amazing stories about my aroma. Like when I was potty training & I would bring my little potty chair out INTO the living room to show everyone I was a big girl.....CLEARED THE ROOM I DID!


New member
Haha melissa that's a classic!!! the innocence of youth can be a funny thing - i bet at the time you were horribly confused though!!! why is everybody leaving the room???? huh?? but don't you all think i'm clever and a big girl??? hehe lets all hope you don't do that sort of thing anymore eh? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">

Kat (37 with CF, NZ)


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I am proud to say that as of last week I am officially a big girl and no longer need my portable potty for training! Now company wont leave abruptly!


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SeanDavis that is an extremely hilarious way to and outlook and the porblem we have with gas. The reality is though , and especially depending on the person you never get completely comfortable with your gas. I dont really think there is anything you can say to change the way he feels. Im 21 years old and growing up with great parents they never made me feel uncomfortable about what was going on. Now that I am becoming an adult work full timed, go to school, there are many social situations in which I feel exetremely uncomfortable. I reefuse to use almost anyones bathroom but my own . It is embarrassing, maybe I have anxiety but whatever the case may be it is due to these daily abnormalities in my life that I alienate myself from certain situations. For example..... staying at a girls house for an extedned amount of time, sleeping over other peoples houses ( and not just for gas purposes, the coughing and spitting are probably number 1 ) point is ...we all wish there was an answer to these kind of things but there just isnt.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Nolimitmce</b></i><br>SeanDavis that is an extremely hilarious way to and outlook and the porblem we have with gas. The reality is though , and especially depending on the person you never get completely comfortable with your gas. I dont really think there is anything you can say to change the way he feels. Im 21 years old and growing up with great parents they never made me feel uncomfortable about what was going on. Now that I am becoming an adult work full timed, go to school, there are many social situations in which I feel exetremely uncomfortable. I reefuse to use almost anyones bathroom but my own . It is embarrassing, maybe I have anxiety but whatever the case may be it is due to these daily abnormalities in my life that I alienate myself from certain situations. For example..... staying at a girls house for an extedned amount of time, sleeping over other peoples houses ( and not just for gas purposes, the coughing and spitting are probably number 1 ) point is ...we all wish there was an answer to these kind of things but there just isnt.<hr></blockquote>

Before any social engagement where you don't want to pollute someone elses house: Hit up the local small conveinence store with a single person bathroom on your way there. Works for me.


New member
sean i hear ya man...but lets not deviate from the truth or reality.....if it was that easy believe me I could have saved myself from alot of embarrasment in my life.


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I don't know not being a CFer, if the gastronomics are increased by the meds. I'm learning more and more though the posts.

I've had embarrassing moments myself to which I know which foods I cannot digest properly which always produces the problem. Too bad they're the best tasting ones I like. I harldy eat these foods foods now. Goodbye Taco Bell and White Castle <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">


New member
Thank you Terri for that little tid bit about your Son how he admitted to his own fire cracker. How adorable. You have nothing to worry about. He sounds like he wil lfind his own comfort zone at school.

I believe gas comes from bad food combining and fatty foods like the other person who went into technical explanation earlier.

I do remember when I met my husband and I was on this nasty drug once a week (culprit for my gas) HE said do not go to the bathroom just let it out right here and he held me tight I was in complete shock. It has been ten years since we are together and now if I have a few toots, he carries on but he is just joking.

AFter a few months into our relationship, I accidentally washed some veggies with soap and thought I washed it all off but apparently I did not and we went shopping to Brands Mart and I had a really bad stomach so I went back into an isle and let it out. I thought I was going to be cool well when I went back to my hubby he said you cannot believe what just happened. He said this little girl was walking by your isle and she stopped in her tracks and said Eeewwwww and made a bad face. He always brought that moment up and i said the soap......

Too funny.