My son needs a G-Tube


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G tubes are good if you think your son needs it. You have to consider other things, is your family all thin, is he underweight?what does he think. The doctors for years and years told me i needed a g tube, but my family is all very thin, it's genetic for me to be thin, i'm 5'5 and they want me to be 140lbs.. but it'll never happen, basically my mom always left it up to me, she knew i was hyperactive, she knew i was naturally thin, and even though i didn't get all the calories that they wanted me to i survived through it with no complications. I'm a very healthy 120 lbs and am happy with it. Ultimatly it's up to you, but sometimes people do get too used to being on them and find it hard to come off... I dunno.. i'm not anti-g tube, but i never got one and i was fine. If he's not sick and not horribly under weight I don't think there is much of an immediate need for one, but like i said you know your son more than anyone else, if you think he needs one than do it, but if you're happy with his weight and he's happy with it and he's not constantly sick or losing weight like mad then you'd have to really think about it


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Well on Monday we are having the Gtube put in. Listening to all of you and the Dr. I feel much better about it and doesnt seem so bad. I think my son is looking forward to it probably because he gets to take a week off from school! lol He is such a trooper well wish us luck. I'll post again to tell you how he is doing.


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i am a 23 year old very active person. I got a g-tube put in 6 months ago. I still do everything i did before. I even still babysit a 2 year old little girl. It is mostly hard to get use to it being there. yea, it will hurt for the first couple of weeks and then you just forget it is there and continue life as you would without it. Hope i helped a little. I wish him and you the best of luck on your choice.


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Hello, hey my name is Micaela and I'm 15 years old. Anyways, I have Cystic Fibrosis and a G-tube. And, looking to make friends. When I get put in the hosptail we are not aloud to be in the same room together. And, I'm wondering if its okay if your son and I could talk to each other by e-mail. if its all right with you and your son just e-mail me at ( have to go for now. hope one of yall write me.


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Well JJ got his Gtube on monday he is still sore and i took him out of school while he heals up. He isn't too happy about that he LOVES school, but he will be fine. lol He is doing really good the machine is a lot easier than I thought it would be, and this is turning out to be much easier altogether than i thought. So that makes it easy on him and myself. Thankyou everyone for all your help and support it makes things better knowing that there are people out there dealing with the same things as we are. Love you all!

Terri and JJ


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I am glad to hear that things are going well! Getting the tube was one of the best things for my daughter Holly. I just wish I wouldn't have messed around and put off getting it. She has had good weight gain with the tube. Best of luck and I hope things continue to go well. Julie


New member
It's been 2 weeks now and JJ is doing great! He is back to himself running around, and fighting with his brother and sister! He even jokes about it saying he has an extra belly button and used it for "show and tell" I can already tell he is gaining weight. We went to the Dr's and he gained 5LBS!!! It used to take at least 3 months to gain that amount! It's amazing at how well this is working out for him I'm so happy we decided to do this. The Dr. said they want him to gain 30lbs at first I couldnt picture that weight on him but now I can! And to think how nervous I was, and now I think this is the best thing we could have done for him. The first week was a little rough only because I hated to see my little angel in pain, but seeing him now you wouldnt even know he has it at all. <b>Text</b>


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Can you tell if JJ is feeling a difference? Not just with filling out clothes better, but with overall health since weight is so closely linked with the rest of CF! I am happy that the results are so obvious!


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He says he feels better, but I'm assuming he is talking about feeling better than he did right after he had the tube put in. He was never really that sick. He only has been in the hospital 3 times since he was born. One time for being diagnosed, one time for polups in his nose and finally his g-tube put in. We have been very lucky so far, and I pray that it stays that way. As he gets older he is getting better at making sure he is dressed warm to go outside(we live in Vermont) it gets very cold here! lol Other than that he is back to his old self running and jumping. He is upset he can't "body slam" his brother anymore, but I'm actually glad of that. lol He has always been a very active little boy, playing all kinds of sports and I dont think this or anything else will slow him down one bit.


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He isn't too happy about that! boys will be boys. He had a mishap at school today, his tube came open and liquid came out getting his clothes all wet. A teacher noticed and told him, he checked and the cap at the end had popped open. They gave him some new clothes to put on, and he was fine just a little embarrassed because he said it looked like he peed his pants. I put a new top on today when he came home from school and the nurse said we probably will have to change it every so often until he gets his "button."

He went sledding today and had a ball! I told him just be VERY careful. He looked at me and said "DUH" I told him sorry i just worry about you thats all. He called me a worry wort and smiled. These kids are so strong, there are sometimes I really worry, and yet he is just all happy go lucky taking everything in stride. I don't know where he gets the courage sometimes for both of us.


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Hi, My name is Andrea and I also have a 9 year old daughter who has a problem with weight gain. She was being given pediasure for a few years when younger, then they stopped it due to her weight gain. As of now all I do different is buy or make fatty foods for her. She loves Mcdonald's, Taco Bell and Mac n Cheese. Grilled cheese are another favorite which are quick and easy to make. I also always have doritos, cheetos, and munchies she likes to eat. This helps her keep her current weight and when she eats enough of these things, we learn at her 3 month follow ups that it works!

My daughter too, is very active like your son, she goes, goes, goes, goes, my friends even go as far to say "Take the battery out". LOL


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He is gaining some weight I can see it! He looks so much better it was the best thing I think we could have done. The only problem we are having is the top keeps popping open, but he just puts some tape over the top and it won't do that, hopefully soon the Dr. will put the button in instead so we wont have this problem. Other than that it gets a little red and I have to remind him to wash it a few times a day so it won't get infected. but he is doing great and I'm so happy we have done this.

Andrea, JJ loves Mcdonalds he gets a big mac value meal he says the kids meals are for babies and he said he is a big man and he wants to get fat! lol snickers are also high in calories and he was very excited when his Dr. told him they are good for him! The only problem I have with that is after he is done with one he is bouncing off the walls!! lol I tell him if he wants to get fat he is going to have to sit still for more than 5 minutes at a time. At school he eats salad bar for lunch! I told him ok but make sure you put lots of ranch dressing on it to get more calories! He is so funny he said "well duh" lol