Has anyone had a positive sputum culture for Candida dublinesis? What did your CF team do to treat it? I had a sputum culture done over a month ago at my clinic and they just came back with the final results
Antibiotics almost always causes an excess growth of Candida in the body. Candida is a yeast and there are many variations. I use our RIFE device to kill off the excess candida after antibiotic treatments. But this device is not available to everyone since it cost about $2600. (
www.bioelectrics4health.com). But there are many candida/yeast cleanses available. Go to Whole Foods or any health and nutrition shop and ask for candida cleanses. Keep in mind for any cleanse to be effective, you will need to do a lot of sweating to get rid of the die off as the regimen kills off the yeast. Otherwise the dead toxins will backup in your body and cause extreme discomfort and flu-like symptoms. (not the flu, just similar symptoms). Most CF doctors I have known don't do anything about this, but at times one doctor prescribed Diflucan to kill the yeast. Excess yeast in the body can cause many problems and lead to more problems. It will get in the lungs, digestive system and blood system. It feeds on acid and sugar. Do a google search and learn more about it, then make your choice for a cleanse routine. Sometimes it can take several weeks to clear up.
To sweat, I use a sauna, because its available. But many do not have that. So I did this years ago before I had a sauna available. I filled my tub with water as hot as I can take it. Add a quarter cup of epsom salt. Soak for 20 minutes, once or twice a day during the cleanse/detox regimen. I am not suggesting anyone do what I did. Do your own research first, then do what you are comfortable with. This worked well for me, but we all have different variations of CF. You know your body best. Just take precautions like I note in this next paragraph.
Before and after you do the sweating part, be sure to hydrate yourself with water, salt, magnesium, and maybe potassium. you also should add lemon juice to the water you drink. This is especially important for CF patients, because we lose so much of our salt and electrolytes when we sweat.