My Thoughts on the Board


New member
heather, although alot would like to believe otherwise, i dont go round saying random rude comments just for the fun of it like some are. i have good solid reasons. either way you shouldnt take it personally, im being critical of your opinion, not YOU. alot of people think im just having a dig at them personally for the sake of it, this is where they are so wrong. anyway, if advice is wrong, it can be dangerous. and if advice is right but overexaggerated, you end up scaring the pants off the poster whos asked the question. if there are too many conflicting answers then we should just tell them to get the answer off thier doctor. that way no ones in danger of doing anything dumb.

dave it doesnt bother me directly either. if someone called me this and that its not the end of the world. but unfortunately not everyone is like us. this is what bothers me and its why i like to speak up. besides, im sure there are times when we dont want certain things like 'get over it' or 'youre not going to get better' said to us. i know i wouldnt like a blood taker to say 'get over it' to me if i complained about the way they took blood.


New member
Well.. I haven't read all the replies because the network I'm currently using is not enabling a comfortable browsing, so I apologize in advance for any duplicates in my comments.

This is a global internet problem. Not related to any desease of whatever. This is emphasized here because of the option to post as "anonymous". I am owning a forum, also about CF, in France, so French based, and I have never wanted to offer this option. It's too easy to criticize, to be rude, while hiding behind "anonymous". However anonymous is not really anonymous, as any input on the web can be traced and tracked. Also, it's very easy to criticize instead of trying to be constructive. The more one criticisizes rudly, without respect, the less trusted he/she becomes. We are all here to move forward and help eachothers. Nobody as the full knowledge, every experience is good to hear, every doubt has to be supported.

The same is happenning overhere on some CF mail-list. Some think they know everything, and their sayings are THE sayings, the only ones to be correct. No, that's wrong. Everybody can help at he own level. Every question can lead to other questions or reflexions, reflexions on CF, on life in general, on the others. If some one is not prepared to help without being rude, this one should leave the forums.

Living with CF, having CF kids is not a piece of cake every day, and sometimes frustration is the winner VS reflexion. It"s a common thing to think "

I am not judging any one, just commenting (to be quite clear <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> )

As far as I'm concerned, you can feel free to criticize my English loooool !!!

<b>The fight is against CF, not against of forum members.</b>


Wow, I haven't checked the boards in a while, I came on and I saw this. I think the anonymous post, Kylie, and Oliver and all the others seem very informative. I agree with some of the people, the boards are just plain abusive for us who post our opinions, thoughts, or ideas. Now some haven't gotten caught up in the abuse, but it does exist. I also agree that anonymous posting shouldn't be allowed. Very good subject to bring up Anonymous!
btw, I liked your last post Oliver very insightful... if only people would take your advice, this would be a much nicer board!


New member
Well Oliver68, I might choose to poke fun at your English except it was excellent. lol
And I'll be the last to comment because your English is far better than my French would be. I never took a day of French in my life. Hahaha!
Just for your own info, I didn't have a bit of trouble understanding your post. It was better English than many lazy Americans use.
<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


I agree with Emily, way better English than some americans use... Of course, people like me (the lazy people), use the "net" language like btw= by the way, ttyl =talk to you later, etc. If I could only strive to be as articulate and as well thought out as Oliver... my English teacher would love me..


New member
I don't even mean the net abbreviations. It happens. I use ttyl sometimes. I just mean people who can't spell and don't use any grammar and this is soooo off topic it doesn't even matter. Hahaha.


New member
Appalled, people are appalled! They come in here and ask for advice. When we voice our opinions, advice or whatever, we are told that it is ... not correct. I find I must add my voice to this topic once again... We are now "preaching" towards other people, I personally wasn't aware that we are a church. Also I've found that we are defending our advice, my answers to this are "OF COURSE WE ARE" Have you not heard what we've been going through on these boards? People come on here and tell us that our advice is stupid etc., Do you not expect us to defend ourselves? People here critize us for posting back, defending ourselves, when in fact if they were critizing you you'd do the same. Why is it people don't think this applies to them..., until it does? My advice to everybody... stop being surprised at what you see here on the boards, if you asked for the advice say thank you I appreciate it, though I might not agree, but it was good to hear your input. If you are a poster, just ignore the rude posters (and find someplace else to rant and rave... like here) and put your advice down. And for the people saying that this "other" board will be a nice friendly board, boy that's a wish and a dream. With something like CF you will always find controversy. So why post that it isn't? I mean that's what we come here for, different opinions, and different solutions to an answer. So of course you will find some controversy (that doesn't mean we have to be rude about it though...) And isn't it interesting the people who do not want to be "jumped" at always sign on as anonymous?
-The Anonymous Poster


New member
This is my first time to respond to this thread, and I do not remain anonymous so no one "jumps" me. I just prefer to remain anonymous & that's my perrogative<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I just have this phobia, I guess you would say, about using my name in chat rooms, web sites, etc. Maybe someday I will be more comfortable. I have no problem w/ people remaining anonymous and if people get on here just to stir trouble up, which has happened plenty (luckily the moderators nip this in the butt), I just ignore their comments anyway. Thank you for allowing me to share my opinion, anonymously. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


I am horrified at what I have read on the boards... Especially the anonymous posting toward Renee! I had read this post before and believe that it needs to be revived again. People are inconsiderate! And then to hide behind anonymous posting! People are being rude and confrontational, hurting some people, and making us defend ourselves. We do not come onto the board to be verbally attacked! Nor should we have to put up with it. I think that Anonymous posting should be banned. If people truely want to give their opinions then they shouldn't be afraid to post under their own names. I believe the only way to prevent this is to ban Anonymous posting. Anonymous is not helping any of us... Only putting us under verbal abuse that we neither need nor deserve.


New member
Hi, Candice.
I have already asked the administrator of this site if at least requiring a user ID or something would be possible because of the abuse some people use while hiding behind an "anonymous" name. They told me that wasn't possible because some people choose to remain annonymous and that is why they're so open and even willing to use this site (you can see my question and their answer under FAQ). Anyway, I was very discouraged by this reply from the administrator. I think many people will end up LEAVING this site because they feel victimized, which I beleive is worse than deterring the few that won't use it because they won't even choose to pick a user ID! I totally understand if people don't want to use their actual names and identifying characteristics, but I would think at least requiring a user name would be appropriate. It wouldn't say anything personal about the person posting, but it would give us an insight as to who is posting what and if they have a habit of being rude. I guess we'll have to wait and see if it is ever changed, but I doubt it. I personally have never been on a forum/chat that you can remain completely anonymous and I think it a bit unnerving that a board dealing with such personal issues such as chronic illness and emotions would allow anyone access to comment on such personal things under the disguise of "anonymous".

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


While I know that some people like to remain anonymous, I wish the boards only allowed registered users. If they could have it where the registered users was online and signed in, but could have the ability to remain nameless... like you click on a button before you post saying "I wish to reply to this post anonymously" That way the boards can still keep track of us, but we won't be out in the public on the boards. Wishful thinking, I know, but I do believe that something has to be done about the rude posters.