I am six months into treatment for NTM.... It is a night mare... The antibiotics are ruining my hearing.... I just had to stop last week and we are waiting to see what to do... I would consult National Jewish Hospital in Denver Colorado. I am astounded at how amazing they are.
They are top in the nation for NTM and they can give you insight. I was so so sick before I started treatment because the old center I went to did not do a sputum culture on me in two years.. so by the time I switched centers and complained of the same symptoms, night sweats, low grade fevers etc, I tested positive ... I had to test positive several times which I did and I just had a bronch and it is still there....
I know sometimes they don't treat it if you are not having really troublesome treatments because as you well know the treatment is awful
I would for sure if you could go to National Jewish.....
best of luck