Name given to gas!


New member
During a chat about gas I was wondering if your families refer to farting as something else. When I was growing up we didnt say fart we said I left a whopper which of course was quite fitting. I know people that call them stink bombs and toots etc


New member
My dad used to say "I smell pine trees." This started when me, my sister and dad were driving to Galvaston I had let one, and my sister says eww I smell pine trees. Because we were just arriving into Galvaston and all the pine trees on the side of the roads. Plus we were really young I think my sister was maybe 10, and i was younger then her. So ever since then we say "i smell pine trees". lol


New member
I can't even admit I ever do something like that.. much less give it a name....I am extremly shy when it comes to bathroom things....My friends have sent me hysterical books to try to help me get over my phobias.. but so far it has been to no avail... I just don't have it in me to admit it... I am beat red even reading this post......


New member
I say fart now... or just wait for Mike to smell it, then look at him and LAUGH! He gets it pretty fast. lol.

When I was little, I had a name for it, though. I used to call it "foof." So I foofed. LOL that word looks so ridiculous.


New member
We say "toot" for now as in "I just tooted". It just sounds nicer to hear a toddler say that she tooted rather than farted but it still smells just as bad, lol.


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My daughter always embarasses me out in public when she farts. We can be standing in a store looking at something and she will pass gas then say "Mom - that's disgusting - shew". Then everyone in the store thinks I was the one that farted.


New member
"fart" is a swear word in our house (according to my dad) so we just wait for people to smell it :p but when im with people, other then my dad, its just "fart"



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Apparently when I was little and went grocery shopping with my mom... I would fart in one aisle, leave my mom in the dust, and run around the corner. Then I'd listen carefully for people to say how gross it was and laugh my little butt off. lol


New member
wow. thats pretty much <b>awesome! </b> lol, i wish i had the guts <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> thats more my brothers area though! lol....


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<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>My daughter always embarasses me out in public when she farts. We can be standing in a store looking at something and she will pass gas then say "Mom - that's disgusting - shew". Then everyone in the store thinks I was the one that farted.<hr></blockquote>

LOL My son does that. I just keep on walking like nothing. Zack was telling me the kids in school was talking about "farting" and one girl says she doesn't, Zack said my mom rippes them pretty good and so does my sister you have to fart, LOL I guess kids can get away with it huh. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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I don't know why, but growing up my dad would call them "beavers". Didn't think of it much until jr. high when I learned what else "beaver" meant.


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My brother use to say that he burped from his bottom....I love that one! But other than that we said that we beeped! My kids now say that they toot and then say eeewwww! My husbands and I say that we fart and then we say eeewwww too <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>JazzysMom</b></i><br>The poor beavers getting the reputation of skunks. That STINKS! (get it?!) LOL<hr></blockquote>

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> LOL


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When I was young I spent the night at a friends house and I farted, my friends little sister about 5 years old said "eeew someone air pooped" I thought it was funny but I was kinda embarassed.


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<FONT color=#008000 size=4><STRONG>I'm not sure how it started with my family, but when someone farts we do not say "excuse me".  When one of us let's one loose we say "SAFETY".  That way everyone knows to run for safety.......lolSeana</STRONG></FONT>


New member
When my oldest son was little he would say "Listen Mom! My butt's singing". I laughed my tail off the first time he said it.