Nasal Polyp Surgery


New member
Hey everyone-

Has anyone had to get a polyp removed? Can you tell me the different procedures that you may go through in order to get one removed and the recovery time? My boyfriend just got his first polyp and we have no idea what types of procedures he may have to undergo.



New member
Thanks Girlfriend of Anthony for posting that question, I am also curious what it involves, my 4 year old goes on Tuesday to see ENT and his CF doc's are saying surgery most likely. If anyone has any information, we'd appreciate it.


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I don't have much information because I don't remember clearly what happened when I had nasal polyp surgery (I was 5). But I know I was in and out in a day, and it was pretty mild.


New member

I have had recurring nasal polyps for as long as I can remember -- actually it was because of the presence of nasal polyps that I was originally tested for having CF - how's that for a smart pediatrician!!

Anyway.... about the surgery...

Depending on the extent of the polyps, your boyfriend will have two choices, both of which should be outpatient.

1) He can go in for general anesthesia and have them removed - he'll wake up with a bunch of packing in his sinuses, and probably won't feel very good -- coming out of general anesthesia always made me extremely sick... also, although they will work to prevent it, he will swallow quite a bit of blood, which will also lead to vomitting. The naseau shouldn't last very long.

This alternative is good if they are doing extensive work deep in his sinuses... they can only go up so far using local anesthesia.

2) Local Anesthesia - he can go into a doctor's office that looks an awful lot like a dentists room. They would numb him using various sprays and a shot in the back of the mouth (there is a nerve there that has to be numbed). Then, using a snare, the doc. will go up into his lower sinuses looping and pulling as many polyps as he can reach, and as your bf can tolerate. This is extremely uncomfortable, but its easier to do than the general anesthesia, and he'll recover from this a lot faster (because they haven't gone as high and removed as much).

SO, I guess the answer is "it depends." If he has a lot of polyps, and no airways, really, the full blown cleanout is worth it. Also, it lasts a lot longer than the local option.

Growing up, I would have the full blown surgery every 1 to 2 years, and the local "as needed" to maintain my airways until my higher sinuses filled up... then we'd go back in.

Luckily, as I've grown older, polyp growth has slowed significantly, and I don't need surgery often... I haven't had the big one for about 2 years, and have made the decision not to do local procedures, and just wait for things to back up before going in again.

Your bf should also enquire about a variety of steriod nasal sprays, which can slow polyp growth... personally, I never responded to them, but its worth a shot.

Hope this helps,


25 w/ CF


I was about 13 and 14 when I had nasal polyps removed, and my situation seemed a bit similar from cdale613.

I think the first case the doctor will consider is how the patients lung functions are. The surgery room is quite cold, for many reasons, including to not spread or culture any germs. The concern regarding that is the CF patient won't cach pneumonia during the surgery.

I went in twice for nasal polyp surgery, and the first time was by local anesthetic, like cdale613 indicated, but I was in the hospital for a couple of days, so they could take the majority of packing out before I went home.
I think the second time, was after more polyps were discovered from the first surgery, and I had to wait a few months for re-schedule.

This second time was under general anesthetic, so they put me to sleep for the rest of the show! I think I was in a little longer, because they had to wait to take out the packing when it was time to.

Since then, I haven't had any nasal polyps that were in need of surgical removal.

Before considering the nasal spray with steroids, I'd suggest conferring with your CF, or ENT doctor about any adversities with that kind of medication. I don't take them, personally, and I also recall hearing they can become "addictive", but it probably depends on the contents of the steroids.

I hope hearing from another one who had the polyp removal done was additionaly helpful.
Austin had his polyp surgery about 4 years ago. I remember one of the doctors saying that they happen more often in males with CF. We were just talking about it and Austin doesn't remember much about the surgery. He does remember that he had horrible migraines and was scared to death when his nose would not stop bleeding. It bleed for 4 hours, with them changing the dressing every half hour. I think the other scare he had was post op when his doctor had to go in and remove the packing. It was pretty painful. But Austin said that if he had to have the surgery again, he would. It was worth it to be able to breathe better again. He was only in the hospital a little over 24 hours. (Gotta love having sucky insurance *sigh*) The doctors said that he might have another one forming and that if he has to have surgery, they want us to have it done down in Sacramento. I think it would be great to have doctors that specialize in CF, do the surgery, but it will be hard to drive back and forth for the post op visits. 3 hour drive down and 3 hour drive back. Yuck. If I was to ever come into a large amount of money, I would pay the doctors to come up here to Redding every 2 months and help all of the CF patients in this area. It's pretty tough to make that trip over and over again.

Anyway...please let your boyfriend know that it's for the best to have the surgery and that he'll notice a huge difference when it's all done <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


One thing I just remembered from pre-surgery, was that I had NO sense of smell, or taste, and because my nostrils were completely conjested, I had to constantly breath through my mouth...sometimes it was hard to breathe when eating, or while sleeping.

I think this problem went on for nearly two years, maybe because it was hard to tell my sinuses were blocked from polyps, not constant colds.

Boy, was I thankful to have my taste back for more Pretzels and Pizza!!! (However, wished it wasn't back when Dad would decide to make liver for dinner!!)


New member
I had sinus surgery a little over a month ago. I was told that I would be better in 3-5 days. I had polyps in all four of my sinus cavities. I only had one polyp my whole life until i got the lung transplant and then they just went nuts. Well I went to Columbia presbyterian since they are a transplant center to get it done. Great surgeon but he made a mistake during the surgery and cut a hole in the lining that separates my eye cavity from my sinus cavity. Well I woke up not only with the biggest migraine in the world but with excruciating pain in my eye. My eye was black and blue and swollen shut. I ended up spending the night in the hospital and couldn't move my eye for a week. The doctor said that I should take 2 weeks off of school to recouperate. I told him that I would take two weeks off of school if he reimbursed my father for my tuition for the semester. Moral of the story, leave time for accidents when getting this procedure done. Because of all the crusty blood that ended up in my lungs I developed an URI as well. so my experience with sinus surgery...not good.

Double lung tx 11.11.04


New member
My husband, who doesn't have CF, had been plagued with allergies all his life, and he also had some polyps... He just had surgery last Wednesday 11/9/05. I'd say he is taking a little longer on healing than when I, with CF, had my sinus surgery. Though I'm not sure if I actually had polyps, I know they opened the passages for proper drainage. My surgery was also a requirement for my transplant. In any case, I think everybody's body heals differently.


New member
My daughter had her sinus surgery last year & they used dissolvable packing so nothing had to be removed at a later date. She did stay in the hospital for 48 hrs. because this is her CF docs requirement if any of his CF patients have general anesthesia.


New member

when I was a child, they had to remove my polyps over 40 times (we stopped counting at the 40. surgery). At the first time I was only 4 years old, so I got a total anesthesia and had to stay in hospital. All the other times it was done with a local anesthesia and I could go home immediately. My big problem was that it was tickling so much, when the doctor touched my nose, so I had always tears running done my cheeks... The doctor did always say, I was his only patient where it was tickling during the anesthesia...
I can´t remember any problems after the surgery.



Eileen, how'd that happen????<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">
<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi Eileen,

I can´t remember exactly, but I think I was about 12 years old. I did not grow any more polyps, when I started a regular oral antibiotic therapy.



I had mine removed when I was very my teens..I am now 37 with CF. I don't remember the surgery all I know is I had it cause I remember having my nose and throat suffed to the gills with cotton. hahaha And I didn't like it when they had to pull it out. Maybe I was younger than my early teens, I dunno