Natural Cures They Don't Want....


New member
Have any of you read Trudeau's book "Natural Cures They Don't Want You to Know About"?
I wondered if there was anything in there specifically related to CF or if it was more generalized to pulmonary care.
Overall, I would be curious to know what people's opinions are if they have read this book. Is it worth the money?
I have only seen the infomercials and would tend to agree with some of what he's saying about natural things being of benefit, but wonder if it may be exagerrated about the FDA, FTC, etc.


New member
I am curious about this book also. I would like to know if it addresses the negative aspect of any natural cures or remedies or any possible interactions with other natural remedies or prescription meds. I am not willing to waste my $$$$, but maybe someone else has invested theirs already. If not for CF itself maybe other daily problems we deal with.


New member
Everything I've seen about this man screams "Con artist" - Even if he DID promote a "cure" - I wouldn't believe it for a second.


New member
Here's a link about Dead Doctors Don't Lie
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