

New member
Any body have any ideas on how to give my 21 month old her nebulizer treatment without fight? She was good first few days now she screams hits, gets so bad she start coughing so bad ? I've tried letting her play with her tablet, letting her "be a big girl and hold it" tried bribing her with gummies. Gave the treatment to doc mcstuffins and Sofia even me n her daddy. Nothing. She screams like she is scared ?


Super Moderator
Oh mom, I'm so sorry. Our son was diagnosed shortly after birth so he was too little to fight too hard, but the screaming and crying was sooooo hard. A couple thoughts: First, if you think she is scared see if you can order an extra nebulizer cup and mask (you should be able to get from local pharmacy same day), and let her "play with it" practice putting it on, play turning the machine on and off when she is in a good mood. Then, maybe try starting up the treatments when she is in a "good tired" (not overtired), fed and if she fights say calmly "this is your medicine. we need to do it" and continue to hold the medicine and cup, and read a book or something she loves while it is going. If she fights to much, turn it off and stop the fun stuff, and say calmly "we'll try it again in a minute. We need to do you medicine." It will likely take an hour of her screaming the first time, but as long as you don't express anger, sadness, frustration, or engage her (begging, playing, or even matter what she does), she'll should recognize she has to do it and within a week will do it without fuss. (This is the instructions I got from a therapist on oral medications and it worked wonders...but oh, was it hard to do!!!) Sending you a big mommy hug!
PS If she is using albuterol instead of leverbuterol (Xopenex), it might make her jittery...I'd call and see if they'll script Xopenex in case that's part of it.


New member
We use to put my son in his high chair and drop cheerios through the holes of the mask, one at a time of course throughout his treatment. Then when he was done, i gave him 3 gummy bears. This was the only time he was given gummy bears. It was a special treat.


I have had this problem in the past with my 21 month old also. And it is still a struggle some days. I do it in the morning, just get it over with, because hers is once a day. That way if she fights it, it isn't right before bed time. I like the cherrio advice from jshet, but ours doesnt have holes in the mask to allow that. I put on her tv show, and get cereal in a bowl. She will do the vest and neb at the same time. I hold the nebulizer cup/mask, and she leans away slightly, puts cereal in her mouth, and then leans back in to the nebulizer. Im not sure if you are supposed to but it works for us and she is gets most of the treatment, whereas before i dont know how much she was really getting because she put up such a fight. Hang in there, and dont let it get you upset. I found myself getting so mad and that didnt help. :) let us know what works for your daughter!


Super Moderator
Can you tell us how you actually are giving it to her? Fish mask?.....elastic around her head?....or are you holding it? What do you do when she protests and when do the protests start? Have you spoken to the respiratory therapist for suggestions, etc? Did some malfunction occur around the time she began protesting? More info might help. You may need to introduce it more slowly again. I would also suggest you read Lisa Greene's book on Parenting Children With Health's excellent. Really. She has two children with CF.