I understand your point and if they don't get back to me with info. I'm at about the end of my rope in terms of time I'm willing to commit to researching it. I don't like there to ever be just one option in life...even if I choose the 'best' or 'most popular' item I like to know about the competition and encourage the little guy. After all monopolies never are good (in my mind at least). And the little guys often end up beating the big guys so they are to be watched...can you tell I've only ever worked for little companies - haha!
My real motivation though is I'd like to find an alternate to Pari LC Plus for Pulmozyme so I can stop labeling my nebs but really I have to keep doing that to mark the start date. I just won't have to mark 'P' anymore and there will not be any confusion when it comes to wash time where I diligently don't wash 'P' nebs with 'Other' nebs.
I'll post the datasheet if they get me some valuable information about the product. I told them that my call was on behalf of 4,000 potential cf users so if they don't get back to me with some credible information, we should all take it as a slap in the face that this co. is not worth our time. Until then I'll stay hopeful that someone wants our piddley business.