need a cayston cord



I need to get a new cord for cayston. The cord that attaches to the neb cup then to the machine, not the power cord. The part that clicks on to the two metal prongs that cone out of it is broken. Part of the plastic snapped off the first few days we had it but tonight the puppy got a hold of it and now it's useless. Called the pharmacy they told me to call the repair line, it did and they said $55. Plus 7 for shipping
Has anyone else been able to get a new cord? From where? I just feel like we are bleeding money right now...


New member
You try searching ebay? $55.00 + $7.00 is alot in this economy. This is beyond cheap, but is there anyway you can try glue it or snap it back it to place the gray part? In my opinion the entire cayston system for what the charge the base $800.00! is really badly made cheap plastic system. Perhaps get your doctor to give you a new prescription for an entire base and keep your extra one as a back up? Also, maybe if you call the line again, don't mention the puppy part, just say it stopped working... * woof*.... ;)


I'm gonna try calling again tommorow with it just stopped working.. the first neb cup we had didn't work at all kept coming up with an error. Too much technology! And I couldn't find them on ebay at all! If tou hold the thing together it will work but jo longer snaps in so it's kinda inconvenient... wish it was cheap like the other nebs!


Super Moderator
Ugh, sorry, what a pain!!

My gray cord broke awhile back too, prob about a year ago. The part that hooks onto to the neb cup cracked and wouldn't securely attach. I called CF Services Pharmacy, because that's where I got the machine. They kept me on the line and called Pari for me on a 3 way call. Pari sent a new one right out, free of charge. Maybe mine was still under warranty? Not entirely sure what the difference would be with yours? Most Pari's have 5 year warranties, not sure what the Altera's is. I should probably know these things.... Lol.

Anyway, good luck to you. I second Rocky's suggestion of calling them back again, maybe specifically ask about the warranty as well.

Autumn 33 w/CF


Unfortunately we never filled out the paperwork for the warranty. ..not sure we even knew there was paperwork for it until the stupid thing broke last night.



The same thing happened to my cord. I don't know if I filled out the warranty or not but I called CF Services and they shipped me a new one overnight.

Patti Rowland

The cords to that machine, both the power cord and the one you mentioned are made so cheap! We have had to replace both those cords over time because they just wear out. They always sent us a new one for free, along with a box with a prepaid postage label to return the defective one. I never filled out any warranty or paperwork. I guess the difference here is there was no "puppy" involved. That makes me furious they want to charge you that much for that stupid cheap cord. I would see how much it would cost to just get a whole new system. Or call back your pharmacy that makes so much money off of you and tell them other pharmacies out there are taking better care of their people than they are! Good Luck.


Active member
Mine broke also, just a few months into using it. The exact part you dscribed too. Cf services overnighted me one right away for free.


The whole system is listed on cf pharmacy website for $860 way too expensive for me to buy right now! Part of it broke the first month we had it I guess we should have called then. The puppy just helped it along last night grrr! We also had different insurance when we got it so I'm wondering if his Dr could call in for a new machine. ..


New member
The Cayston system eflow device is made and assembled in Mexico while the drug is manufactured in Austria.. This machine is really worth $25.00 rather $860!! I try to keep mine nice as possible and in the case it came with, but even the case on the zipper became faulty!! For that price at $860, this should be like my neb machine that I used for all my stuff, my high pressure pump machine Mobiliair which was $300 and is an AWESOME pump!

Also might I add, the battery life is terrible, now it doesn't last me a cycle, a week with new batteries if I am lucky, so I now just plug it in.

cfgf28, let me know if you get any luck and if you get a new cord,!


Yay for awesome people at our clinic! His respiratory tech is sending him the cord from a demo machine in her office! Man I hope when the children's hospital he currently goes to merges with one of the adult hospitals that we don't stop seeing this tech! They tell him like it is and help him out alot! So happy for good care!