Hey. I will be moving from Austin TX to San Antonio TX in the next 5 weeks for college and have attempted research on doctors to transfer care before the move and it has been a mess of a process and so far failed. Well i'm pretty sick with an infection causingsome blood streaked mucus, fever, difficulty breathing, little appetite, some issues with 02 and HR levels and just waking up every 2 hours at night struggling to breathe. Needless to say I need to see a doctor before I end up hospitalized again (just in 2 months ago). My doctor here in Austin is refusing to see me with no explanation; there have been some issues but I figured id be transferring care anyways, and primary care cant see me because my condition scares him and he is uneducated. Does anybody know of a pulmonologist in San Antonio, TX that can see a new patient on short notice? I hope to find somebody who can take me and just drive down to the appointment to hopefully get some care. Thanks for any help!