Need a theme song for CF video. . . help please


New member

I am making a video of my beautiful son Justin (just turned 8) for the CF Gala as I/my husband are the bid speakers. Any suggestions on a song? I was thinking "I hope you dance" because I have always read the book with the words to him as well as he has been a ballet, tap and jazz dancer since 2 (in the Nutcracker for the 2nd year this year). Any thoughts on the matter or suggestions.

Thanks in advance.

Josette in PA


New member
I think this song is inspirational: Don't you worry child by Swedish House Mafia.
Its dance music though so might not be to your taste, lyrics are great though... "My father said, don't you worry, don't you worry child, see heaven's got a plan for you"


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Its a little hardcore but I LOVE the song: Warrior's Cry by Volbeat. No song will fire you up to fight more than this one, it is more energizing than the old Eye Of The Tiger from Rocky.


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I have always wanted to make a video to Rascal Flatts "I won't let you go" That song makes me cry every time I hear it, because that's what I want to tell her, is that I will always be there for her no matter what!!


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I dcided to you I hope you dance. For us, it I think it was the perfect choice. Justin has danced (jazz, tap and ballet) since he was 2 years old (2nd year in the nutcracker) and the focus on hope. I appreciate everyone's input. I was not sure Justin would like the song, but he seems to love it.

Thank you again.