need help with a picky eater !!!


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Hi everyone !!
My 18 month old daughter has suddenly become a very picky eater...It's so frustrating and I'm white knuckling (sp?) it when it's time for a meal !!!
I wouldn't be so anxious if she wasn't taking enzymes...She takes 4 creon 5's with it's not like I can try again in 30 minutes or so, ya know?
I'd love some input...or food suggestions...
She loved...
baked mashed sweet potato's with butter and brown sugar...all kinds of rice, eggs, french fries, shredded cheese, ham, turkey, mac and many things....NOW...I start with one....and end up loading all these things on her plate by 20 minutes into her enzymes cause I feel so desperate !!! By the end she eats probably a 1/4 of a french fry !!!!! I am at my witts end !!! PLEASE help !!


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I think a lot of kids go through this stage, regardless of cf. I think when you add cf in there, it just really stresses some of us moms and dads. I have through that stage more than once with both of my kids. My first child still has issues with eating today because I was so concerned with getting enough food down when she didn't want to eat. My second child eats well. I think part of it is because I didn't allow myself to get worked up if he didn't eat. My best advice to you is to read, Child of Mine, by Ellyn Satter. You can buy it on-line at Amazon.

In the end, the more we as parents get upset, the more feeding trouble you might have with your daughter. It is up to her to eat. Period. It is hard to accept, but we can only offer an appropriate amount of food, the right foods at the right time and we just have to sit back and pray they will eat. Read the book, I think it will help you. It really helped me learn how to feed my son.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


New member
Thanks Sharon !!
My daughter has no idea how stressed I am....I am WELL aware of how that effects feedings......It's just I said...if enzymes weren't involved I'd be much more laid back about it...and wouldn't be having these silent little nervous breakdowns..I have a 3 year old (without CF)....and if he doesn't eat....I don't sweat it at ALL..It's the enzymes that make me crazy..It's challenging to give them to her....then once she takes them (she's famous for batting your hand away when you try to give her enzymes!!!) I want her to eat !! I hate giving them...if she's not going to eat. anyone else???? Suggestions??


New member
Your not alone!!! Jaden had went through that stage as well. Now at 22 months we actually eat what I make without the fight. Don't overload her with alot of choices at once. If she eats 1/4 of a french fry then so be it. Jaden was like that and trust me it gets easier. Ever need to talk I am here. IS she drinking milk? Any other supplement like pediasure? My email is Hang in there.



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We have been told to give our kids enzymes in the middle and end of the meal. I was told by the doctor that it is best to give it then because it helps digestion. Also, you are able to give a lower amount of enzymes (or no enzymes) based on what they eat.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


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You don´t have to give her all the enzyms at once! Giver her one, let her eat and if she eats more, give her another enzym tablet, otherwise don´t.



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I wouldn't feel comfortable waiting to give her enzymes....she almsot always wants her pediasure as soon as she sits down....and liquid runs right she needs her enzymes for that, no? My husband is a physician and he insists that I give her enzymes first for that reason.....but I do like the idea Uli of giving her 1 at a time and basing it on how much she's interested in eating....thanks guys !!! The strange thing is that her docs never told us to split them up like we assumed that you give them all at the beginning of a meal...405


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Doctors often don´t tell you the practical things...<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">
I do also take my enzyms like I told you, because I never know really how big my appetite will be.



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We have always given our childrens enzymes at the beginning of the meal so they are present in the digestive system as the food passes through otherwise they are of no use. I am curious to know if there is a reason why you might have been told to give them in the middle and end of the meal....I don't want to alarm you Sharon but it amazes me how some doctors advice can differ from the general consensus.

Do you remember why you were told to give them like that?

For the original poster I would recommend giving her enough enzymes to cover the fat content of the pediasure and one extra for her meal and wait to see how much she eats. If she eats enough then top her up with another enzyme. They do say that too many enzymes on the odd occassion shouldn't have any adverse effects on someone other than possible constipation but the doctors I have spoken to have said that even that requires more than one or two too many enzymes.

I would also recommend limiting the selection of food you are giving as we all know how smart our little ones are and if they don't like what they see and know if they don't eat it something else will appear in front of them, they will simply never eat. I used to get my eldest daughter involved in the cooking process - we woud make pizza's etc - and as she was the one who made it she would then be happy to eat it.

Good luck.


New member
Jaden takes to long to eat so we split her enzymes up and she has been doing much better. She gets two to start and three to finish since she ends up drinking all her milk when she is done eating and everything has been good to go. I was worried about her fighting taking them but no problems.


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I took my two kids to see Dr. Warwick from the Minneapolis clinic last year. He has been working with cf kids/adults for over 30 years and invented the vest. He is the one who told us to spread out the enzymes. He said if there is a choice, that the end of the meal is best. But we give it throughout. Dr. Warwick is great because he doesn't base his advise on what most of the doctors do. He bases it on what he observes works best for his patients. Actually, my kids GI doctor here in Houston also told us to spread out the enzymes for best results.