Need help with some questions


Super Moderator

Having a crying fit (in my opinion) is a good idea. Is there anyway you could find a quiet place to have a real good cry(private place so people don't ask if you need a psych consult, joke) I'm serious, like go in your car and cry til you can't anymore(obviously not in front of your daughter.) You may need to just let it out so you can move on and deal with theses issues ahead. And I know you can and will deal with them fine. Sometimes it's just too much and you need to let it out.

my daughter cultured MRSA almost 2 years ago and when I found out I cried like a baby. I looked up all the info and found out how awful this bug is. I threw a nutty. After I was done, I evenutally moved on and we do what needs to be done for my daughter and right now she's ok.

take care


Super Moderator

Having a crying fit (in my opinion) is a good idea. Is there anyway you could find a quiet place to have a real good cry(private place so people don't ask if you need a psych consult, joke) I'm serious, like go in your car and cry til you can't anymore(obviously not in front of your daughter.) You may need to just let it out so you can move on and deal with theses issues ahead. And I know you can and will deal with them fine. Sometimes it's just too much and you need to let it out.

my daughter cultured MRSA almost 2 years ago and when I found out I cried like a baby. I looked up all the info and found out how awful this bug is. I threw a nutty. After I was done, I evenutally moved on and we do what needs to be done for my daughter and right now she's ok.

take care


New member
Thanks for the responses. I did have a crying fit last night. As you can probably tell, I was ready to break when I posted. Kailtyn finally fell asleep so I left the room and went to the lobby (which was completely empty at 1:30 am) and cried like there is no tomorrow. I cussed the world, cried and cried some more. When i was completely exhausted I came back to the room and had to take her blood sugar again. And guess what... it was down to 200! (it had been 365 before)... So that was encouraging. And this morning it was 116 which was even better. I'm still scared, angry, confused, etc... but for right now, this very second, we're doing okay. We are supposed to go home today. We have to do PFT's and Xrays first. So, thanks again for the support. It is hard not having anyone who understands. I have a very good friend who calls every day and is always there for me, but at the end of the day I know she still cannot understand and that's hard.


New member
Thanks for the responses. I did have a crying fit last night. As you can probably tell, I was ready to break when I posted. Kailtyn finally fell asleep so I left the room and went to the lobby (which was completely empty at 1:30 am) and cried like there is no tomorrow. I cussed the world, cried and cried some more. When i was completely exhausted I came back to the room and had to take her blood sugar again. And guess what... it was down to 200! (it had been 365 before)... So that was encouraging. And this morning it was 116 which was even better. I'm still scared, angry, confused, etc... but for right now, this very second, we're doing okay. We are supposed to go home today. We have to do PFT's and Xrays first. So, thanks again for the support. It is hard not having anyone who understands. I have a very good friend who calls every day and is always there for me, but at the end of the day I know she still cannot understand and that's hard.


New member
Thanks for the responses. I did have a crying fit last night. As you can probably tell, I was ready to break when I posted. Kailtyn finally fell asleep so I left the room and went to the lobby (which was completely empty at 1:30 am) and cried like there is no tomorrow. I cussed the world, cried and cried some more. When i was completely exhausted I came back to the room and had to take her blood sugar again. And guess what... it was down to 200! (it had been 365 before)... So that was encouraging. And this morning it was 116 which was even better. I'm still scared, angry, confused, etc... but for right now, this very second, we're doing okay. We are supposed to go home today. We have to do PFT's and Xrays first. So, thanks again for the support. It is hard not having anyone who understands. I have a very good friend who calls every day and is always there for me, but at the end of the day I know she still cannot understand and that's hard.


New member
I am so sorry to hear you ging through all this. Just reading it made me cry so I can imagine your feelings. I agree with one of the other responders. Go find you a quite place and have a good cry let it out. This will help you get it out and be able to focus more on the situation at hand. One person can only take so mcuh before we have to let it out and be able to absorb more of what is going on. If not you may become to wverwhelmed and break down in fornt of your daughter and I know that is not what you need to do. Also for know you may find it easier to do no more research till you find out for sure what you may be facing. I went through the same as you did last year about this time. My son was hospitalized 3 times between Oct and Jan. Our doctor is 4 hours away and every 3 weeks from Sep05 to March06 we were back and forth to the doctor. Missing my other two kids was awful. My son was diagnosed with Msra, Pseundomonas and his blood sugars went whacky. We even had to deal with having a feeding tube put in. But the good news is he is doing somewhat better now. I can say I left had myself a few good cries and just keep my head up and prayed. I will be praying for your family. You know we are here if you need to talk and get things out. Keep us updated on how things are going and remember you are in our thoughts and prayer.


New member
I am so sorry to hear you ging through all this. Just reading it made me cry so I can imagine your feelings. I agree with one of the other responders. Go find you a quite place and have a good cry let it out. This will help you get it out and be able to focus more on the situation at hand. One person can only take so mcuh before we have to let it out and be able to absorb more of what is going on. If not you may become to wverwhelmed and break down in fornt of your daughter and I know that is not what you need to do. Also for know you may find it easier to do no more research till you find out for sure what you may be facing. I went through the same as you did last year about this time. My son was hospitalized 3 times between Oct and Jan. Our doctor is 4 hours away and every 3 weeks from Sep05 to March06 we were back and forth to the doctor. Missing my other two kids was awful. My son was diagnosed with Msra, Pseundomonas and his blood sugars went whacky. We even had to deal with having a feeding tube put in. But the good news is he is doing somewhat better now. I can say I left had myself a few good cries and just keep my head up and prayed. I will be praying for your family. You know we are here if you need to talk and get things out. Keep us updated on how things are going and remember you are in our thoughts and prayer.


New member
I am so sorry to hear you ging through all this. Just reading it made me cry so I can imagine your feelings. I agree with one of the other responders. Go find you a quite place and have a good cry let it out. This will help you get it out and be able to focus more on the situation at hand. One person can only take so mcuh before we have to let it out and be able to absorb more of what is going on. If not you may become to wverwhelmed and break down in fornt of your daughter and I know that is not what you need to do. Also for know you may find it easier to do no more research till you find out for sure what you may be facing. I went through the same as you did last year about this time. My son was hospitalized 3 times between Oct and Jan. Our doctor is 4 hours away and every 3 weeks from Sep05 to March06 we were back and forth to the doctor. Missing my other two kids was awful. My son was diagnosed with Msra, Pseundomonas and his blood sugars went whacky. We even had to deal with having a feeding tube put in. But the good news is he is doing somewhat better now. I can say I left had myself a few good cries and just keep my head up and prayed. I will be praying for your family. You know we are here if you need to talk and get things out. Keep us updated on how things are going and remember you are in our thoughts and prayer.


New member
I am also so sorry that you have to deal with all this. It sounds like you are being a great mom to your daughter though and that is what she needs now. I was on 40 mg prednisone and on IVs and my blood sugars were really high. I freaked out but my doctor said not to worry about it at all. He said that they will most likely come down once the meds were all over. I am not promising that would happen but that is a huge possiblity for your daughter. It is promising that her blood sugar is down to the 100s even with that amount of prednisone.


New member
I am also so sorry that you have to deal with all this. It sounds like you are being a great mom to your daughter though and that is what she needs now. I was on 40 mg prednisone and on IVs and my blood sugars were really high. I freaked out but my doctor said not to worry about it at all. He said that they will most likely come down once the meds were all over. I am not promising that would happen but that is a huge possiblity for your daughter. It is promising that her blood sugar is down to the 100s even with that amount of prednisone.


New member
I am also so sorry that you have to deal with all this. It sounds like you are being a great mom to your daughter though and that is what she needs now. I was on 40 mg prednisone and on IVs and my blood sugars were really high. I freaked out but my doctor said not to worry about it at all. He said that they will most likely come down once the meds were all over. I am not promising that would happen but that is a huge possiblity for your daughter. It is promising that her blood sugar is down to the 100s even with that amount of prednisone.


New member
I am also sorry that you are dealing with this situation without any support, and hope you are home now. I think that the thing that worked for me recently with my son was to just take things one day at a time (I know it's cliche...), but it really does help, just for today, I will deal with what's happening now, and not terrify myself with imaginable tomorrows.


New member
I am also sorry that you are dealing with this situation without any support, and hope you are home now. I think that the thing that worked for me recently with my son was to just take things one day at a time (I know it's cliche...), but it really does help, just for today, I will deal with what's happening now, and not terrify myself with imaginable tomorrows.


New member
I am also sorry that you are dealing with this situation without any support, and hope you are home now. I think that the thing that worked for me recently with my son was to just take things one day at a time (I know it's cliche...), but it really does help, just for today, I will deal with what's happening now, and not terrify myself with imaginable tomorrows.