Need Help


New member
I have been ill for the past 2 months. I went to the hospital after running feavers of 102-104. I was there and treated with IV Vancomycin, Colistine, and Primaxion. I stoped running feavers while in the hospital. When I went home the feavers and shortness of breath started again. Went back and got better again. Went home and the feavers returned. The doctors are stumped. I am not growing anything in my cultures, nothing. Something is there. Any thoughts


New member
Wow, that's really bizarre. The only thing I can think is maybe there's something inside your home bringing the fevers up.... though I'm not sure what that would be. I hope the doctors find what it is. Keep us posted.

22 w/cf


New member
My home is much cleaner then the hospital. I do have 3 cats. The only other thing (a long shoot) is maybe the IV's from my home health care are not right for one reason or another.

I have also notivced that while at home I only sleep 6 hours total daily. These IV's take up a lot of time. I have no help. In the hospital I lay around and sleep all day.

Any thoughts?


I have had that problem before too! Have you been tested for mold? Not saying that your house has mold but sometimes you can be alergic to mold that is everywhere. I was tested for mold and that is what was the matter with me.