Need help


Staff member
Medical equipment and medications are all excempt from baggage limits, etc. So you can bring them as carry ons, incuding your vest if you have one.

I put all DS's meds in a clear make up bag with labels facing out -- make sure all have prescription labels on them. I have an old doctor's letter indicating DS has cystic fibrosis, but after a trip to mexico last February and being taken aside at our local airport because we have a "breathing device", think we need it updated. Scared the heck out of me. Thought they weren't going to let us travel. Found out later from Emily (when hers got taken apart and security cleared the airport), there'd been a scare a few years back with someone putting an explosive device in a nebulizer and trying to get thru security.

You should also declare to them prior to going thru security that you have medications and medical equipment. Regs have changed recently regarding carryons, toiletries -- size limitation and need to be in a plastic baggy. My MIL got stopped last week because she didn't realize she had a bottle of nailpolish in her purse that wasn't in a baggy. She didn't even realize it was IN her purse and they gave her a tough time.


Digital opinion leader
When we went to Florida last week, we packed all the pills in a ziplock bag and included a letter from the doctor that included a list of both boys meds. We put pulmozyme in another zip-lock bag with a cold pack. We put the nebulizer and the feeding pump in small padded tote lunchboxes. We even had the cans of feeding formula in our carry-on.
When we got to the security checkpoint, we took all of the baggies out for inspection. The other stuff was scanned, then opened and inspected. No one questioned any of it on either flight.


Digital opinion leader
When we went to Florida last week, we packed all the pills in a ziplock bag and included a letter from the doctor that included a list of both boys meds. We put pulmozyme in another zip-lock bag with a cold pack. We put the nebulizer and the feeding pump in small padded tote lunchboxes. We even had the cans of feeding formula in our carry-on.
When we got to the security checkpoint, we took all of the baggies out for inspection. The other stuff was scanned, then opened and inspected. No one questioned any of it on either flight.


Digital opinion leader
When we went to Florida last week, we packed all the pills in a ziplock bag and included a letter from the doctor that included a list of both boys meds. We put pulmozyme in another zip-lock bag with a cold pack. We put the nebulizer and the feeding pump in small padded tote lunchboxes. We even had the cans of feeding formula in our carry-on.
When we got to the security checkpoint, we took all of the baggies out for inspection. The other stuff was scanned, then opened and inspected. No one questioned any of it on either flight.


New member
Yep... I put meds in their original boxes/containers with the phramacy label and my name on them in my carryon. I never put them in see-through bags though, since they're usually in the boxes. I've also never declared them, but was asked a lot about my vest ("Is this a c-pap?") Anyway, the vest is the only thing they've ever taken out and checked. The neb machine is always in with the vest, so they check that too. I agree a doc's note or something may be good to have. I've had it in my bag, but never brought it out. I've also never been asked what the liquids were in my carryon when its been neb solution. So, maybe I'm just lucky, but haven't had too much issue with it. I have traveled twice since the new liquid restrictions and several times before that... all within the U.S. though.

Good luck and no worries! I think they're generally understanding about this stuff.

Oh, and with the vest, I always just tell them its a breathing machine or percussor (easier than trying to explain it) and they usually just take the "wand" to it and let it go. Sometimes, however, they don't even stop it... just take a few extra seconds in the x-ray machine.


New member
Yep... I put meds in their original boxes/containers with the phramacy label and my name on them in my carryon. I never put them in see-through bags though, since they're usually in the boxes. I've also never declared them, but was asked a lot about my vest ("Is this a c-pap?") Anyway, the vest is the only thing they've ever taken out and checked. The neb machine is always in with the vest, so they check that too. I agree a doc's note or something may be good to have. I've had it in my bag, but never brought it out. I've also never been asked what the liquids were in my carryon when its been neb solution. So, maybe I'm just lucky, but haven't had too much issue with it. I have traveled twice since the new liquid restrictions and several times before that... all within the U.S. though.

Good luck and no worries! I think they're generally understanding about this stuff.

Oh, and with the vest, I always just tell them its a breathing machine or percussor (easier than trying to explain it) and they usually just take the "wand" to it and let it go. Sometimes, however, they don't even stop it... just take a few extra seconds in the x-ray machine.


New member
Yep... I put meds in their original boxes/containers with the phramacy label and my name on them in my carryon. I never put them in see-through bags though, since they're usually in the boxes. I've also never declared them, but was asked a lot about my vest ("Is this a c-pap?") Anyway, the vest is the only thing they've ever taken out and checked. The neb machine is always in with the vest, so they check that too. I agree a doc's note or something may be good to have. I've had it in my bag, but never brought it out. I've also never been asked what the liquids were in my carryon when its been neb solution. So, maybe I'm just lucky, but haven't had too much issue with it. I have traveled twice since the new liquid restrictions and several times before that... all within the U.S. though.

Good luck and no worries! I think they're generally understanding about this stuff.

Oh, and with the vest, I always just tell them its a breathing machine or percussor (easier than trying to explain it) and they usually just take the "wand" to it and let it go. Sometimes, however, they don't even stop it... just take a few extra seconds in the x-ray machine.


New member
If your nervous about it I would get a note from your doc. But the way that I bring it with me is I carry a little cooler with everything in it as part of my carry on. And if it's a long flight just ask the flight attendants for a bucket of ice to keep them cold...if you need it to stay cold. I have done this several times through customs and U.S and other countries, never had a problem. Exept trying to talk to chinese customs, they couldn't understand my english so they just let through. Everything was fine!


New member
If your nervous about it I would get a note from your doc. But the way that I bring it with me is I carry a little cooler with everything in it as part of my carry on. And if it's a long flight just ask the flight attendants for a bucket of ice to keep them cold...if you need it to stay cold. I have done this several times through customs and U.S and other countries, never had a problem. Exept trying to talk to chinese customs, they couldn't understand my english so they just let through. Everything was fine!


New member
If your nervous about it I would get a note from your doc. But the way that I bring it with me is I carry a little cooler with everything in it as part of my carry on. And if it's a long flight just ask the flight attendants for a bucket of ice to keep them cold...if you need it to stay cold. I have done this several times through customs and U.S and other countries, never had a problem. Exept trying to talk to chinese customs, they couldn't understand my english so they just let through. Everything was fine!