Need ideas


New member
What about:
Comics (if he is into them that is); Girl Scout Cookies;
Movies/CD's; Calling card <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://">(military exchange pre paid calling cards)</a>
Journal/Sationary; Magazines or books; Individual pre packaged drink mixes; Granola Bars; Key chain board games
Disposable Camera; Hand held games; Batteries

I looked this stuff up; I have no real expirience in this department, I just wanted to try to help! I also read some great ideas:

-Blow up a balloon, but don't tie it. Holding it closed, use a permanent marker to write a saying or a short letter on the balloon. Deflate it and send with a note that says to blow it up.

-Make a miniature scrapbook. Go to the craft store and get a small scrapbook (about 5"x7"). Get a few supplies and go crazy! Do a theme book-"a day in our life" where you take pictures all in one day for the book

-Boys and their Toys box; send hand held water guns, Door basketball hoop with nerf ball, Dartboard - soft tips if shipping, Hand held games - Target and Wal Mart both have these for about $10, Frisbees; Deck of cards w/ Poker Chips

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
What about:
Comics (if he is into them that is); Girl Scout Cookies;
Movies/CD's; Calling card <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://">(military exchange pre paid calling cards)</a>
Journal/Sationary; Magazines or books; Individual pre packaged drink mixes; Granola Bars; Key chain board games
Disposable Camera; Hand held games; Batteries

I looked this stuff up; I have no real expirience in this department, I just wanted to try to help! I also read some great ideas:

-Blow up a balloon, but don't tie it. Holding it closed, use a permanent marker to write a saying or a short letter on the balloon. Deflate it and send with a note that says to blow it up.

-Make a miniature scrapbook. Go to the craft store and get a small scrapbook (about 5"x7"). Get a few supplies and go crazy! Do a theme book-"a day in our life" where you take pictures all in one day for the book

-Boys and their Toys box; send hand held water guns, Door basketball hoop with nerf ball, Dartboard - soft tips if shipping, Hand held games - Target and Wal Mart both have these for about $10, Frisbees; Deck of cards w/ Poker Chips

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
What about:
Comics (if he is into them that is); Girl Scout Cookies;
Movies/CD's; Calling card <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://">(military exchange pre paid calling cards)</a>
Journal/Sationary; Magazines or books; Individual pre packaged drink mixes; Granola Bars; Key chain board games
Disposable Camera; Hand held games; Batteries

I looked this stuff up; I have no real expirience in this department, I just wanted to try to help! I also read some great ideas:

-Blow up a balloon, but don't tie it. Holding it closed, use a permanent marker to write a saying or a short letter on the balloon. Deflate it and send with a note that says to blow it up.

-Make a miniature scrapbook. Go to the craft store and get a small scrapbook (about 5"x7"). Get a few supplies and go crazy! Do a theme book-"a day in our life" where you take pictures all in one day for the book

-Boys and their Toys box; send hand held water guns, Door basketball hoop with nerf ball, Dartboard - soft tips if shipping, Hand held games - Target and Wal Mart both have these for about $10, Frisbees; Deck of cards w/ Poker Chips

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
What about:
Comics (if he is into them that is); Girl Scout Cookies;
Movies/CD's; Calling card <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://">(military exchange pre paid calling cards)</a>
Journal/Sationary; Magazines or books; Individual pre packaged drink mixes; Granola Bars; Key chain board games
Disposable Camera; Hand held games; Batteries

I looked this stuff up; I have no real expirience in this department, I just wanted to try to help! I also read some great ideas:

-Blow up a balloon, but don't tie it. Holding it closed, use a permanent marker to write a saying or a short letter on the balloon. Deflate it and send with a note that says to blow it up.

-Make a miniature scrapbook. Go to the craft store and get a small scrapbook (about 5"x7"). Get a few supplies and go crazy! Do a theme book-"a day in our life" where you take pictures all in one day for the book

-Boys and their Toys box; send hand held water guns, Door basketball hoop with nerf ball, Dartboard - soft tips if shipping, Hand held games - Target and Wal Mart both have these for about $10, Frisbees; Deck of cards w/ Poker Chips

<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
What about:
<br />Comics (if he is into them that is); Girl Scout Cookies;
<br />Movies/CD's; Calling card <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://">(military exchange pre paid calling cards)</a>
<br />Journal/Sationary; Magazines or books; Individual pre packaged drink mixes; Granola Bars; Key chain board games
<br />Disposable Camera; Hand held games; Batteries
<br />
<br />I looked this stuff up; I have no real expirience in this department, I just wanted to try to help! I also read some great ideas:
<br />
<br />-Blow up a balloon, but don't tie it. Holding it closed, use a permanent marker to write a saying or a short letter on the balloon. Deflate it and send with a note that says to blow it up.
<br />
<br />-Make a miniature scrapbook. Go to the craft store and get a small scrapbook (about 5"x7"). Get a few supplies and go crazy! Do a theme book-"a day in our life" where you take pictures all in one day for the book
<br />
<br />-Boys and their Toys box; send hand held water guns, Door basketball hoop with nerf ball, Dartboard - soft tips if shipping, Hand held games - Target and Wal Mart both have these for about $10, Frisbees; Deck of cards w/ Poker Chips
<br />
<br /><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">
<br />Chrissy
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
<br />
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