Need info on pseudomonas aeruginosa


New member
A friend of mine is concerned about her 22 month old grandson. The dr said he has pseudomonas aeruginosa. He has not been diagnosed as having C/F and they dont think he does. What else causes this? Are you able to totally eradicate it or does it keep coming back? What effects does it have, long term?
Any suggestions or advice for her?

Thanks so much,


New member
A friend of mine is concerned about her 22 month old grandson. The dr said he has pseudomonas aeruginosa. He has not been diagnosed as having C/F and they dont think he does. What else causes this? Are you able to totally eradicate it or does it keep coming back? What effects does it have, long term?
Any suggestions or advice for her?

Thanks so much,


New member
A friend of mine is concerned about her 22 month old grandson. The dr said he has pseudomonas aeruginosa. He has not been diagnosed as having C/F and they dont think he does. What else causes this? Are you able to totally eradicate it or does it keep coming back? What effects does it have, long term?
Any suggestions or advice for her?

Thanks so much,


New member
I think if you can eradicate it it will go away for good I think, but could be wrong, it could possibly come back again too. Have they tested the grandson for CF? Hopefully someone else can help you better than me.


New member
I think if you can eradicate it it will go away for good I think, but could be wrong, it could possibly come back again too. Have they tested the grandson for CF? Hopefully someone else can help you better than me.


New member
I think if you can eradicate it it will go away for good I think, but could be wrong, it could possibly come back again too. Have they tested the grandson for CF? Hopefully someone else can help you better than me.


New member
My CF center has said that only peopel with CF or severe lung comromising issues get PA cultures, that is how I was dx by symptoms without them being able to find both of my genes. Iwoudl bet money it is CF.

btw that is also how they dx the 62yo director of our CF clinic who;s son had died of CF - they never knew she had it all tests were - so when she cultured PA after getting pneumonia they did full panel at ambry again and it was + that time with a rare and new gene


New member
My CF center has said that only peopel with CF or severe lung comromising issues get PA cultures, that is how I was dx by symptoms without them being able to find both of my genes. Iwoudl bet money it is CF.

btw that is also how they dx the 62yo director of our CF clinic who;s son had died of CF - they never knew she had it all tests were - so when she cultured PA after getting pneumonia they did full panel at ambry again and it was + that time with a rare and new gene


New member
My CF center has said that only peopel with CF or severe lung comromising issues get PA cultures, that is how I was dx by symptoms without them being able to find both of my genes. Iwoudl bet money it is CF.

btw that is also how they dx the 62yo director of our CF clinic who;s son had died of CF - they never knew she had it all tests were - so when she cultured PA after getting pneumonia they did full panel at ambry again and it was + that time with a rare and new gene


New member
I know a few people (3 of then kids) who have Cerebral Palsy and culture PA. All 3 of of the kids have been fitted for the vest. One of them being the son of my former Supervisor when I worked whose son with CP is 5 months younger then my daughter.


New member
I know a few people (3 of then kids) who have Cerebral Palsy and culture PA. All 3 of of the kids have been fitted for the vest. One of them being the son of my former Supervisor when I worked whose son with CP is 5 months younger then my daughter.


New member
I know a few people (3 of then kids) who have Cerebral Palsy and culture PA. All 3 of of the kids have been fitted for the vest. One of them being the son of my former Supervisor when I worked whose son with CP is 5 months younger then my daughter.


New member
My brother who did NOT have CF got pseudumonas aeruginosa in the hospital when he was on a ventilator. He didn't have any lung problems, but had had heart surgery and a stroke. He was able to clear the PA with no problems.
I was always glad I hadn't visited him at the hospital because I would think I gave him the PA.

My Mom (no CF) developed a "lesser Pseudumonas" after cleaning a flooded basement. She was also able to clear the infection.

33 w/CF


New member
My brother who did NOT have CF got pseudumonas aeruginosa in the hospital when he was on a ventilator. He didn't have any lung problems, but had had heart surgery and a stroke. He was able to clear the PA with no problems.
I was always glad I hadn't visited him at the hospital because I would think I gave him the PA.

My Mom (no CF) developed a "lesser Pseudumonas" after cleaning a flooded basement. She was also able to clear the infection.

33 w/CF


New member
My brother who did NOT have CF got pseudumonas aeruginosa in the hospital when he was on a ventilator. He didn't have any lung problems, but had had heart surgery and a stroke. He was able to clear the PA with no problems.
I was always glad I hadn't visited him at the hospital because I would think I gave him the PA.

My Mom (no CF) developed a "lesser Pseudumonas" after cleaning a flooded basement. She was also able to clear the infection.

33 w/CF


New member
You can get Pa and not have Cf, I see it alo tin the nursing home that I work in. Most of the time the culutre it in ther urine.


New member
You can get Pa and not have Cf, I see it alo tin the nursing home that I work in. Most of the time the culutre it in ther urine.


New member
You can get Pa and not have Cf, I see it alo tin the nursing home that I work in. Most of the time the culutre it in ther urine.


New member
I shoudl clarify my comments, are we talking about culturing CF in sputum? that is what my answer was in reference to, nto other parts body. Sorry


New member
I shoudl clarify my comments, are we talking about culturing CF in sputum? that is what my answer was in reference to, nto other parts body. Sorry