Hi there John. I just joined this site a few minutes ago and will become more active soon. But for some reason your post came up. I am nanny to 5 yr old Matthew. He has CF and Celiac's Disease. Both diseases were diagnosed within a week of each other. Before we started all the testing, Matt's bowels were...ummmm...just downright nasty. Very loose, oily with orange fat, the smell from his bowel movements or just gas cleared the room within seconds, he couldn't gain weight, and ate nonstop day in day out. For us I guess it was a combination of both diseases working together but against Matthew. It took us a whole YEAR before his blood work came back negative for Celiac's. So don't expect to see too much of a change when you change her diet up for a few days. If she has Celiac's, it'll take a while to get her body back into shape w/out gluten. I can tell you this, though, and maybe it'll help you out. There have been a few times where we've gone to relatives and Matthew will 'sneak' a cracker or snack with wheat, even though he knows better. Sometimes he'll get a tummy ache, but I know he's been sneaking by his bowels the next day. They're right back to stinkin horribly and the oil will be present. And loose, of course. Just nasty. That takes another day to fix. If your daughter is neg for CF,and I truly pray she is, look into Celiac's. Unfortunately, the digestive issues with both diseases are so similar it's hard to tell. We had one doc checking for Celiac's and another doc checking for CF and damn both diseases turned up positive. Matt is now 100% gluten free and his CF is mild, knock on wood. I hope I helped some. Good luck!!