need some advice


New member
Thats my way of thinking - you have a 25% of having a baby with CF, and a 75% of not having one with CF. The odds are in your favor. But do get the baby tested when its born.


New member
Thats my way of thinking - you have a 25% of having a baby with CF, and a 75% of not having one with CF. The odds are in your favor. But do get the baby tested when its born.


New member
My wife and I are in the same situation now. She is 24 weeks along now. We are both carriers of the delta F508. We have a healthy boy already and are looking forward to #2 whatever the outcome! We decided against the amnio and will just get the baby tested at birth. It is tough waiting but the input of everyone else on this forum has helped a lot!


New member
My wife and I are in the same situation now. She is 24 weeks along now. We are both carriers of the delta F508. We have a healthy boy already and are looking forward to #2 whatever the outcome! We decided against the amnio and will just get the baby tested at birth. It is tough waiting but the input of everyone else on this forum has helped a lot!


New member
I was in the same situation over a year ago. My husband and I found out that we were both carriers of CF which came out of no where. I was about 3 months along at the time. Anyway, we did opt for the amnio because we both really wanted to know because honestly I don't know if we could of handled a child with CF. Because of the stress I ended up having to take 1 month out of work because I simply could not function. All I did was cry and cry and cry.

I will tell you though from start to finish of when we found the news out it was the longest two months of our lives. We finally got the news a the end of two months that we were having a boy and that he would be a carrier of my mutation but not my husbands. It was the best news anyone could of ever given us. We thank god and our friends and family every day because I honestly don't know how we would of made it through without them. I did a lot of research on CF and found out as much as I could on it. So I guess what I'm trying to say is do your research and stay strong no matter what. Things will be okay and somehow you will make it throuh this. I think the doctor's these days take all the fun out of the pregnancy with giving us way too much information whether it be this or some other genetic disorder.

Now our son is almost 9 months old and I can't even imagine not having him.

Also, to this day anytime my family members are out and about and see people taking donations for CF they always make a point to donate.

Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck!


New member
I was in the same situation over a year ago. My husband and I found out that we were both carriers of CF which came out of no where. I was about 3 months along at the time. Anyway, we did opt for the amnio because we both really wanted to know because honestly I don't know if we could of handled a child with CF. Because of the stress I ended up having to take 1 month out of work because I simply could not function. All I did was cry and cry and cry.

I will tell you though from start to finish of when we found the news out it was the longest two months of our lives. We finally got the news a the end of two months that we were having a boy and that he would be a carrier of my mutation but not my husbands. It was the best news anyone could of ever given us. We thank god and our friends and family every day because I honestly don't know how we would of made it through without them. I did a lot of research on CF and found out as much as I could on it. So I guess what I'm trying to say is do your research and stay strong no matter what. Things will be okay and somehow you will make it throuh this. I think the doctor's these days take all the fun out of the pregnancy with giving us way too much information whether it be this or some other genetic disorder.

Now our son is almost 9 months old and I can't even imagine not having him.

Also, to this day anytime my family members are out and about and see people taking donations for CF they always make a point to donate.

Congratulations on your pregnancy and good luck!


New member
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. As others have stated, we are in the same boat as you. I'm a little over 5 months prg. and my husband and I both have the delta F508 gene. We decided against the amnio, and I'm glad we did. We've had a few more ultrasounds and I'm hoping to monitor the bowels closely through u/s. I've been researching (which is scary-they are right!!) The people on this forum have been absolutely wonderful-so keep coming for support! No matter what happens, I've found a cause that is very close to my heart. Also, I'm finalizing plans that will help to let me stay at home for at least the first 6 months. When are you due? We are due 6/16 (via c-section if this little girl doesn't come earlier--I have this feeling...) Anyway, keep in touch and I wish you all the best!


New member
I just wanted to let you know that you are not alone. As others have stated, we are in the same boat as you. I'm a little over 5 months prg. and my husband and I both have the delta F508 gene. We decided against the amnio, and I'm glad we did. We've had a few more ultrasounds and I'm hoping to monitor the bowels closely through u/s. I've been researching (which is scary-they are right!!) The people on this forum have been absolutely wonderful-so keep coming for support! No matter what happens, I've found a cause that is very close to my heart. Also, I'm finalizing plans that will help to let me stay at home for at least the first 6 months. When are you due? We are due 6/16 (via c-section if this little girl doesn't come earlier--I have this feeling...) Anyway, keep in touch and I wish you all the best!