Need some advice!


New member
Okay ladies! I am stumped. The pediatrician's office just called. They have not received all of his blood work yet, but they have received some. And based on this, they want me to bring him in for shots in the morning to boost his immunitiy. I didn't get a clear understanding of what that means?!?! Has this ever happened to anyone?


New member
Okay ladies! I am stumped. The pediatrician's office just called. They have not received all of his blood work yet, but they have received some. And based on this, they want me to bring him in for shots in the morning to boost his immunitiy. I didn't get a clear understanding of what that means?!?! Has this ever happened to anyone?


New member
Kelli, do you have an HMO or a PPO insurance plan? If you have an HMO, you must get a referral to a CF specialist. It usually isn't a problem, but sometimes people (ins. co's) put the "walls up" and make it difficult. Let us know how that goes.

Second thing, have you looked into trying to get any sort of state insruance for your child? Every state differs, and every state has different requirements, some give ins. if you have a sick child without much concern about overall income whereas other states make it all about being under a certain income limit. It would be worth applying for now, especially since your son had an abnormal sweat test.

As far as an immunity shot, never heard of that. Only thing I can think of is they might be referring to a flu shot, but I believe we are past the time to give it so it is most effective. Also, Mark refused his flu shot this year because of all the commotion going on in the heathcare industry about the amount of mercury in the shot relating to Alsheimers (not spelled right). Just something to keep in mind.....


New member
Kelli, do you have an HMO or a PPO insurance plan? If you have an HMO, you must get a referral to a CF specialist. It usually isn't a problem, but sometimes people (ins. co's) put the "walls up" and make it difficult. Let us know how that goes.

Second thing, have you looked into trying to get any sort of state insruance for your child? Every state differs, and every state has different requirements, some give ins. if you have a sick child without much concern about overall income whereas other states make it all about being under a certain income limit. It would be worth applying for now, especially since your son had an abnormal sweat test.

As far as an immunity shot, never heard of that. Only thing I can think of is they might be referring to a flu shot, but I believe we are past the time to give it so it is most effective. Also, Mark refused his flu shot this year because of all the commotion going on in the heathcare industry about the amount of mercury in the shot relating to Alsheimers (not spelled right). Just something to keep in mind.....