Need to supplement vitamins?


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows if CF causes malabsorption of vitamins in everyone or only if you have pancreatic insufficiency....

My 7 week old is not expected to have any pancreatic involvement (DF08 and R117H-7T) but her CF center started her on liquid vitamins. Source CF.


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows if CF causes malabsorption of vitamins in everyone or only if you have pancreatic insufficiency....

My 7 week old is not expected to have any pancreatic involvement (DF08 and R117H-7T) but her CF center started her on liquid vitamins. Source CF.


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows if CF causes malabsorption of vitamins in everyone or only if you have pancreatic insufficiency....

My 7 week old is not expected to have any pancreatic involvement (DF08 and R117H-7T) but her CF center started her on liquid vitamins. Source CF.


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows if CF causes malabsorption of vitamins in everyone or only if you have pancreatic insufficiency....

My 7 week old is not expected to have any pancreatic involvement (DF08 and R117H-7T) but her CF center started her on liquid vitamins. Source CF.


New member
Just wondering if anyone knows if CF causes malabsorption of vitamins in everyone or only if you have pancreatic insufficiency....
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<br />My 7 week old is not expected to have any pancreatic involvement (DF08 and R117H-7T) but her CF center started her on liquid vitamins. Source CF.


New member
I am not for sure that everyone has issues with malabsorption of vitamins in CF or not, but I do know that vitamin levels are very important for all CFer's.

I believe that it is routine for all the CF centers to do vitamin level checks annually on all CF patients. Plus, taking vitamins seems to be almost a norm for all people these days but it is especially important for the health of the CFer. I also know that in my sons case, who is pancreatic insufficient, that he also takes extra Vitamin D, K, and E along with his CF vitamin.

Not sure this helps or not but I think it is a good idea for her to take the vitamin and make it a habit for her now rather than later.



New member
I am not for sure that everyone has issues with malabsorption of vitamins in CF or not, but I do know that vitamin levels are very important for all CFer's.

I believe that it is routine for all the CF centers to do vitamin level checks annually on all CF patients. Plus, taking vitamins seems to be almost a norm for all people these days but it is especially important for the health of the CFer. I also know that in my sons case, who is pancreatic insufficient, that he also takes extra Vitamin D, K, and E along with his CF vitamin.

Not sure this helps or not but I think it is a good idea for her to take the vitamin and make it a habit for her now rather than later.



New member
I am not for sure that everyone has issues with malabsorption of vitamins in CF or not, but I do know that vitamin levels are very important for all CFer's.

I believe that it is routine for all the CF centers to do vitamin level checks annually on all CF patients. Plus, taking vitamins seems to be almost a norm for all people these days but it is especially important for the health of the CFer. I also know that in my sons case, who is pancreatic insufficient, that he also takes extra Vitamin D, K, and E along with his CF vitamin.

Not sure this helps or not but I think it is a good idea for her to take the vitamin and make it a habit for her now rather than later.



New member
I am not for sure that everyone has issues with malabsorption of vitamins in CF or not, but I do know that vitamin levels are very important for all CFer's.

I believe that it is routine for all the CF centers to do vitamin level checks annually on all CF patients. Plus, taking vitamins seems to be almost a norm for all people these days but it is especially important for the health of the CFer. I also know that in my sons case, who is pancreatic insufficient, that he also takes extra Vitamin D, K, and E along with his CF vitamin.

Not sure this helps or not but I think it is a good idea for her to take the vitamin and make it a habit for her now rather than later.



New member
I am not for sure that everyone has issues with malabsorption of vitamins in CF or not, but I do know that vitamin levels are very important for all CFer's.
<br />
<br />I believe that it is routine for all the CF centers to do vitamin level checks annually on all CF patients. Plus, taking vitamins seems to be almost a norm for all people these days but it is especially important for the health of the CFer. I also know that in my sons case, who is pancreatic insufficient, that he also takes extra Vitamin D, K, and E along with his CF vitamin.
<br />
<br />Not sure this helps or not but I think it is a good idea for her to take the vitamin and make it a habit for her now rather than later.
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<br />LOL