NEED TO VENT!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Ok do you want to hear about my day from h**l. Well took my son for surgery this morning, had to get up at 3:20 a.m. after going to bed at 11:00 p.m. (ok not to bad) We do the first breathing treatment of the day at 3:30 a.m. We drive 2 hours one way and get there early at 6:00 a.m. we were suppose to be there at 6:30 a.m. good. We go to surgery waiting room and sit for 1.5 hours --ok. They come and tell us they don't have us down until 1:00 p.m.--- no I told them they told us to be there at 6:30 a.m., ok they say we'll check it out. we sit, ok they take us to pre-op. Where we sit for 5 MORE hours, with my 4 year old running around and bored and me falling out of my chair so sleepy. The doctor comes and tells me it will be right after these two twins gettting tonsils out --- 1 more hour EACH, why couldn't he just take us before we had been waiting for 5 hours just in pre-op area, they just got there, and my sons procedure was to be only 20 minutes long, just clean out the junk in his nose from his sinus surgery three weeks ago. OF-- finally he gets in and it takes 30 minutes and then to post recovery for 3 hours, I told them to get me there before he wakes, well he is awake before I get there and upset...............He has to see me when he first wakes up. He is also mad because he has a port and they won't use it for surgery, they use his arm, which makes us both mad. That is why we have the port................... Why can't they use it??? Ok now a 2 hour drive home and drop off the precription, oh they can't fill because doctor didn't put on the dosage, they say they will have to wait, I make calls for 1.5 hours to get the medicine filled, get the doctor and he calls the pharmacy. I call the pharmacy and they tell me can't fill with any 3 of our insurance coverages, need prior authorization, what we need now. I gave them the doctors number let them call, that is their job per the nurse at the hospital. Well it is after closing time no call from the pharmacy---surprise. I wish sometimes those people could walk in my shoes for one day. It makes me so mad sometimes. My husband is out of state and I am all alone with 3 of my 4 kids. One who is very demaning with her chromosome deletion disorder. I feel like I am going crazy. HELP.......... I knew I could vent here because you all know what I am talking about. We live in a different world, having or caring & loving someone with cf. We need more awareness!!!!!!!!! Thanks for listening!!!

I didn't sign in because you all would think I had flipped out.



New member
Holy crap Angie! I hope you are able to get some sleep soon. Are there any family members to help you, or close friends to babysit for a while. You need a break. Good for you for advocating for your child!!!
Take care and get some rest. You make my life look like a walk in the park; in comparison.


New member
Angie, I know a bit of topic but somewhat relevant... have you looked into any sort of in home supportive programs in your areas, especially with a CFer and another one with the chromosome deletion disorder? If you want to tell me waht state you live in, I'd be happy to try and help you with this! We had something like this for Mark in CA and it was great, we got about 80 hours of "help" a month that the state paid for. email me if you want the info.

Julie (wife to Mark 25 w/CF)

Not logged in, but doing it now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


New member
Hi Kelli and Julie- Thanks for the replies.

Julie- Yeah if you have information and want to pass it to me that would be great. I live in Ohio. I do have to say I have a "hard" time asking for help, I try to do it all myself until I can't take anymore and then I have to vent. I guess I feel like no one can take care of my kids the way I can. I feel a little better today, just a long day yesterday. It is time to get back on the horse, you can't ever stop, you know how that is. I am leaving on thursday for Texas for the longest time ever leaving the kids so I have mixed emotions. I need this time though and I am sure I will be glad I went. I am meeting my husband there so we really need some time alone, which we never have anymore.


Step-Mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chromosome 9q deletion q21.2 q22.1


New member
Where do you live in Ohio? I'm a mother to a 3 1/2 year old with CF. I live in Columbus, Ohio. Enjoy your trip to Texas. I know it's hard to leave your children, but you need to take care of yourself and your marriage as well.


New member
We live in Celina, Ohio. Have you ever heard of Grand Lake St Marys- That is the lake we live near by. It is a nice town, about 10,000 people. I think Columbus is about 2 hours away.

Angie fourkidsmom- not logged in


New member
Ugh, your story makes me tense! I am sorry you had to go through all of that and hope you can get some help soon. It can be SO frustraiting to feel like no one (docs, pharm, insurance, etc) really cares.

Side note, we live in IN (used to live in Cols, OH) and like to vacation at Grand Lake St. Mary's - we used to camp but this last summer we stayed on the Celina side. Not that it is important, but it really is a small world, lol.

(another) Kelli - mom of Sydney 2.5 wcf


New member
I've heard of Celina, have never been there however. I live in Worthington just outside of Columbus. Do you go to Columbus Children's CF clinic? I'm always looking for other families around here to talk to, always trying to add people to my support group.


New member
This is my first time at this website and was appalled at your rotten day. I work at a hospital and as all of you know, this should never happen. Please do make an official report to administration. I assure you, they are read and handled appropriately. Do this so others won't have to ever go through this.

grandmother to 4 yr old with CF


New member
I'm so sorry! It's bad enough when it happens to you, but if it's to your child!! I'd have flipped out on them! Definately make an official stern complaint.
Get a sitter and go to a spa for an hour.



New member
I agree with Newbie and hope you will file a grievance as others that follow will benefit. I am apalled with some of the things that my daughter has endured and have personally contacted the charge nurse. We see good results with attitudes during a stay at the hospital after that conversation. Sometimes I think we are so concerned with the care we want for our children and grandchildren that we don't want to complain as we think it may show in their quality of care. We have also decided that it is essential for someone to be at the hospital with sweetness at all times during a stay if at all possible. We have seen him left in the room alone his vitals monitored and no one around otherwise. Just horrible!!!


New member
Boy do I hear you. We've had a very similar experience with a sinus surgery, was told to be there first thing in the morning. My six year old hadn't had anything to eat or drink all night we waited and waited all day while they took kids back who waited for 30 mins for ear tubes and tonsils out. They finally took us after waiting literally all day for what was suppose to take 1 hour, after 2 hours we had heard nothing I start looking out these blinds from the waiting room and a nurse came and yelled at me (at least I got to talk to a nurse) of course she had no ideal where my son was. Later we found out that just as he was suppose to go in an emergency came in they put him to the side. I Never found out if he was awake, asleep, alone or what??One of
the hardest thing about this diesease is deling with that kind of stuff over and over agian. Where do you live I thought that kind of stuff just happened at my hospital?

Mom to 3
17 no cf
13 w cf
9 w cf


New member
This made me think of a situation that happened when Holly had to go into the outpatient lab to have a first time dose of iv drugs in a "controlled" place. We were already upset that it had to be done the way it did. We get there and had to wait forever. Holly was irritated and not feeling well, her prior iv drugs were not helping. So there we were waiting, waiting for a long time. They finally take us back in the "controlled" room to get the iv drug. The nurse brings it in and hooks her up and the medicine was ran slow so there we were longer yet and to top it all off the medicine is now finished. Holly looks up and goes mom, that is not my medicine. I looked up and sure enough it was not her medicine. They had infused her with an adult dose of a man's medicine. I just about flipped out of my chair. I told the nurse about it and she left the room and someone else entered the room and the nurse was no where to be seen for awhile. Longer yet, now the time wasn't the issue, it was now rather or not the drug was going to hurt Holly. I couldn't believe it. She ended up being ok, but it was just the point. I learned a valuable lesson that day, ALWAYS CHECK YOUR MEDICINE, NAME AND DOSE! cfmama


New member
Oops, Angie have fun on your trip and enjoy yourself. I feel the same way when I am not with my kids, but you deserve time away. Enjoy!! cfmama


New member
Angie, someone in Ohio might be able to give you much better advice, even a local office.. but here's what I've found. Sometimes I have a hard time keeping track of all the posts (I spent 15 minutes looking for this one, I am such a dork <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!!!) So if you ever need, feel free to email me,

Here are some links, some may apply, others not but it's a place to get you started. Let me know if you need more!

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> (info on home care, caring for a child with a disability...)

<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

Hope this helps, let me know if you need more!!!


New member
Thanks Julie!!!!

Step-Mom to Brittany 13 no cf
Mom to Tyler 12 no cf, cf carrier
Mom to Brady 4 with cf
Mom to Taylor 3 no cf, but chromosome 9q deletion q21.2 q22.1