Need your


New member

I am suffering with sinus problems and on my second lot's of oral antibiocits. I was fine for three days on starting the 2nd lot. But fear might need IV'S?
I am on Cprixoain and Klacid for two weeks. I use my nasal spray twice a day and on steriods.
I was going to order form <b>National Allergy </b> some products to help me in the long term...I think but, before I do have you heard or used them. OR what do you do!!!!
1. Mold spray... 2. Wein room Ioniszer or 3. nasal irrigation.
When you are on vacation what type of a mask would you use when Flying. I am using N100 respirator mask.
I would really appreciate your help.

Sunflower (CF dx's 3half years ago)
would like to have a baby this year and preparing my body to get to a health standard.


New member

I am suffering with sinus problems and on my second lot's of oral antibiocits. I was fine for three days on starting the 2nd lot. But fear might need IV'S?
I am on Cprixoain and Klacid for two weeks. I use my nasal spray twice a day and on steriods.
I was going to order form <b>National Allergy </b> some products to help me in the long term...I think but, before I do have you heard or used them. OR what do you do!!!!
1. Mold spray... 2. Wein room Ioniszer or 3. nasal irrigation.
When you are on vacation what type of a mask would you use when Flying. I am using N100 respirator mask.
I would really appreciate your help.

Sunflower (CF dx's 3half years ago)
would like to have a baby this year and preparing my body to get to a health standard.


New member

I am suffering with sinus problems and on my second lot's of oral antibiocits. I was fine for three days on starting the 2nd lot. But fear might need IV'S?
I am on Cprixoain and Klacid for two weeks. I use my nasal spray twice a day and on steriods.
I was going to order form <b>National Allergy </b> some products to help me in the long term...I think but, before I do have you heard or used them. OR what do you do!!!!
1. Mold spray... 2. Wein room Ioniszer or 3. nasal irrigation.
When you are on vacation what type of a mask would you use when Flying. I am using N100 respirator mask.
I would really appreciate your help.

Sunflower (CF dx's 3half years ago)
would like to have a baby this year and preparing my body to get to a health standard.


New member
I am not familiar with that company, sorry. For my allergies, I use a nasal spray-Rhinocort, but I don't know what the name would be in your country. And sometimes I need Allegra or other meds.
I put these special allergy pillowcases on my pillows and one on my mattress too, b/c it helps with dust mites.
Thats all I do-and we just had a hepa unit installed on our entire house ventilation system that cleans the air and removes dust and molds.

Hope you find something to help you!


New member
I am not familiar with that company, sorry. For my allergies, I use a nasal spray-Rhinocort, but I don't know what the name would be in your country. And sometimes I need Allegra or other meds.
I put these special allergy pillowcases on my pillows and one on my mattress too, b/c it helps with dust mites.
Thats all I do-and we just had a hepa unit installed on our entire house ventilation system that cleans the air and removes dust and molds.

Hope you find something to help you!


New member
I am not familiar with that company, sorry. For my allergies, I use a nasal spray-Rhinocort, but I don't know what the name would be in your country. And sometimes I need Allegra or other meds.
I put these special allergy pillowcases on my pillows and one on my mattress too, b/c it helps with dust mites.
Thats all I do-and we just had a hepa unit installed on our entire house ventilation system that cleans the air and removes dust and molds.

Hope you find something to help you!


New member
Hi Chrisitan,

Thanks for replying to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">. I have got the covers for matress, pillows. Do not have the cover on my partners pillows. My nasal spray is Flixonase spray. Should I look into a humidifier?
Hope you are well. Talk soon <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

dx's 33yrs old (3yrs ago)
mutations DF508/P67L


New member
Hi Chrisitan,

Thanks for replying to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">. I have got the covers for matress, pillows. Do not have the cover on my partners pillows. My nasal spray is Flixonase spray. Should I look into a humidifier?
Hope you are well. Talk soon <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

dx's 33yrs old (3yrs ago)
mutations DF508/P67L


New member
Hi Chrisitan,

Thanks for replying to me <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">. I have got the covers for matress, pillows. Do not have the cover on my partners pillows. My nasal spray is Flixonase spray. Should I look into a humidifier?
Hope you are well. Talk soon <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

dx's 33yrs old (3yrs ago)
mutations DF508/P67L


New member
Hi Sunflower,

Okay, this is a suggestion that really works for me.

I have had FOUR sinus surgeries due to post nasal drip, polyps, and whatever else you can possibly think of. So I do have GREAT experience with this issue.

If you can, get SINUS RINSE by NEILMED. It is over-the-counter. After my fourth surgery in 8 years, my doc suggested this product. I said, "Yeah, okay, whatever. Nothing will work." I then left and went on living my life.

Well, I'm not going to get too graphic, but I'd be driving to work and all of a sudden I'd feel like something huge was about to drip. Only not drip, like I would choke on it. So I pulled over and all of a sudden a huge clot of junk with everything you could imagine came out. It was the size of a quarter or half dollar. Needless to say, I couldn't keep going on like that.

So I listened and bought the SINUS RINSE. Within 2 weeks, the clots almost completely stopped. I felt AMAZING! To present day, I do blow things out maybe once every 2 weeks that are the size of my pinky nail but NOT every-other-day the size of half-dollars.

SINUS RINSE is kind of like the bulb syringe effect but different. I can't really express it. The bulb syringe thing didn't really work for me either. Trust me! Nothing ever worked but this. I swear by it. It's a plastic bottle that you fill with warm water to the fill line (8 oz.). Then, you put half of squeeze the bottle to put half in one side and then the other. I do that 3 x daily. Twice isn't quite enough for me and moreso with winter. If I'm sick, I do it 4 x daily. It works. I don't know why, how, or what, but it really does. It's so simple. The bottle costs about $11.99 with 50 packets I think. Then if you need just the packets, it's $12.99 for 100. It pretty cheap. They say to use sterile water, but I don't. Anyway, I has been a little over 3 years now without surgery when I use to average one every two years. I'm still going strong. If you use it, let me know. Since you have an active infection try it 4 x daily to start. Then, back it down as you start to feel better. I too use to live on Cipro for my sinuses.


New member
Hi Sunflower,

Okay, this is a suggestion that really works for me.

I have had FOUR sinus surgeries due to post nasal drip, polyps, and whatever else you can possibly think of. So I do have GREAT experience with this issue.

If you can, get SINUS RINSE by NEILMED. It is over-the-counter. After my fourth surgery in 8 years, my doc suggested this product. I said, "Yeah, okay, whatever. Nothing will work." I then left and went on living my life.

Well, I'm not going to get too graphic, but I'd be driving to work and all of a sudden I'd feel like something huge was about to drip. Only not drip, like I would choke on it. So I pulled over and all of a sudden a huge clot of junk with everything you could imagine came out. It was the size of a quarter or half dollar. Needless to say, I couldn't keep going on like that.

So I listened and bought the SINUS RINSE. Within 2 weeks, the clots almost completely stopped. I felt AMAZING! To present day, I do blow things out maybe once every 2 weeks that are the size of my pinky nail but NOT every-other-day the size of half-dollars.

SINUS RINSE is kind of like the bulb syringe effect but different. I can't really express it. The bulb syringe thing didn't really work for me either. Trust me! Nothing ever worked but this. I swear by it. It's a plastic bottle that you fill with warm water to the fill line (8 oz.). Then, you put half of squeeze the bottle to put half in one side and then the other. I do that 3 x daily. Twice isn't quite enough for me and moreso with winter. If I'm sick, I do it 4 x daily. It works. I don't know why, how, or what, but it really does. It's so simple. The bottle costs about $11.99 with 50 packets I think. Then if you need just the packets, it's $12.99 for 100. It pretty cheap. They say to use sterile water, but I don't. Anyway, I has been a little over 3 years now without surgery when I use to average one every two years. I'm still going strong. If you use it, let me know. Since you have an active infection try it 4 x daily to start. Then, back it down as you start to feel better. I too use to live on Cipro for my sinuses.


New member
Hi Sunflower,

Okay, this is a suggestion that really works for me.

I have had FOUR sinus surgeries due to post nasal drip, polyps, and whatever else you can possibly think of. So I do have GREAT experience with this issue.

If you can, get SINUS RINSE by NEILMED. It is over-the-counter. After my fourth surgery in 8 years, my doc suggested this product. I said, "Yeah, okay, whatever. Nothing will work." I then left and went on living my life.

Well, I'm not going to get too graphic, but I'd be driving to work and all of a sudden I'd feel like something huge was about to drip. Only not drip, like I would choke on it. So I pulled over and all of a sudden a huge clot of junk with everything you could imagine came out. It was the size of a quarter or half dollar. Needless to say, I couldn't keep going on like that.

So I listened and bought the SINUS RINSE. Within 2 weeks, the clots almost completely stopped. I felt AMAZING! To present day, I do blow things out maybe once every 2 weeks that are the size of my pinky nail but NOT every-other-day the size of half-dollars.

SINUS RINSE is kind of like the bulb syringe effect but different. I can't really express it. The bulb syringe thing didn't really work for me either. Trust me! Nothing ever worked but this. I swear by it. It's a plastic bottle that you fill with warm water to the fill line (8 oz.). Then, you put half of squeeze the bottle to put half in one side and then the other. I do that 3 x daily. Twice isn't quite enough for me and moreso with winter. If I'm sick, I do it 4 x daily. It works. I don't know why, how, or what, but it really does. It's so simple. The bottle costs about $11.99 with 50 packets I think. Then if you need just the packets, it's $12.99 for 100. It pretty cheap. They say to use sterile water, but I don't. Anyway, I has been a little over 3 years now without surgery when I use to average one every two years. I'm still going strong. If you use it, let me know. Since you have an active infection try it 4 x daily to start. Then, back it down as you start to feel better. I too use to live on Cipro for my sinuses.


New member
my son has had 14 sinus surgeries over 12 years of life. He uses astelin and rhinacort along with the sinus rinse (which he hates). He says the rinse when coming out of his mouth leaves it tasting like the ocean for a couple of hours.


New member
my son has had 14 sinus surgeries over 12 years of life. He uses astelin and rhinacort along with the sinus rinse (which he hates). He says the rinse when coming out of his mouth leaves it tasting like the ocean for a couple of hours.


New member
my son has had 14 sinus surgeries over 12 years of life. He uses astelin and rhinacort along with the sinus rinse (which he hates). He says the rinse when coming out of his mouth leaves it tasting like the ocean for a couple of hours.


New member
I don't mind it, but I brush my teeth immediately afterwards. Does your son brush his teeth afterwards? It would really help! I'm sure it's not as easy to get a kid to brush their teeth more often but try it. I don't have kids, so I can't help much in that department.

I use to use Rhinocort with it, but discontinued it about 5 months after starting the Sinus Rinse. All I use is the Sinus Rinse. No nasal sprays, no other irrigation items, and NO ANTIBIOTICS.

Good luck!


New member
I don't mind it, but I brush my teeth immediately afterwards. Does your son brush his teeth afterwards? It would really help! I'm sure it's not as easy to get a kid to brush their teeth more often but try it. I don't have kids, so I can't help much in that department.

I use to use Rhinocort with it, but discontinued it about 5 months after starting the Sinus Rinse. All I use is the Sinus Rinse. No nasal sprays, no other irrigation items, and NO ANTIBIOTICS.

Good luck!


New member
I don't mind it, but I brush my teeth immediately afterwards. Does your son brush his teeth afterwards? It would really help! I'm sure it's not as easy to get a kid to brush their teeth more often but try it. I don't have kids, so I can't help much in that department.

I use to use Rhinocort with it, but discontinued it about 5 months after starting the Sinus Rinse. All I use is the Sinus Rinse. No nasal sprays, no other irrigation items, and NO ANTIBIOTICS.

Good luck!