My daughter is 5 1/2 with CF. She has said all kinds of things; like she hates CF, when she grows up big like me she won't need enzymes anymore. She hates her VEST etc, etc. It's hard. I try to be simply honest with her. It's fine for her to not want to have CF...Who would want that? I say something like, "It's ok for you to hate CF; in life we don't get to choose some things, this is something you didn't choose, we just work with what we get"..Something along those lines..I also, say it in front of my child without CF,, even the siblings without CF get a rough deal sometimes. I make her aware of people in other countrys with no food, no parents.. Nothing. In some ways, she's lucky. Don't know if this helps.. But I always let her know I love her just the way she is and will be there for her know matter what.