Hail2Pitt, if you have been taking zyvox for M.A. it is the cause of your peripheral neuropathy. I continued taking zyvox for 2 weeks after my intial symptoms and then after my calls into my old ped clinic were doing nothing, I did research and found it is a common side effect. I stopped taking it, thinking I would be pain free instantly, it was an agonizing 2 almost 3 months. My feet and calves hurt and ached and burned so bad, I would fill the bathtub up with icewater and stand in it to numb them. Neurontin did nothing for my pain, I believe that is the G one you are taking, I ended up using lidocaine and tramadol to help.
If you are taking zyvox, you should be taking it with vit b6 as well, it helps decrease the chance of neuropathy.
I will say though that my neuropathy was not permanent, though I do have occasional numbness on the back of my calves, I only notice when I am shaving my legs... but at least the pain is gone.
I couldn't wear socks, shoes, walk, lay in bed with the sheets on... It was probably the worst I've ever felt, almost debilitated me honestly, but I am probably a baby.