never had lung problems


New member
hi everyone. can someone please help answer some questions for me? i am a 28 yr old female and i have never had any major health problems or lung problems. i have never had to take cough medicine or anything for a lung infection. i have been going to an accupuncture doctor for a few visits. at my last visit he told me i have CF (without doing any kind of test). the only symptom that i have is gas in the intestines(i don't feel it's abnormal), and occasional abdomen pain(thats maybe once every 2 months). i'm wondering what steps i should take now? do i really have CF? i have a 2 year old little boy that is the light of my life, and the thought of not being around for him is scaring me to death. has anyone else been diagnosed with CF without ever having any symptoms(even bronchitis)? <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Hi there,

Well I think you should of course have a second opinion......I mean what makes him think that you have CF? Have you had a sweat test done? Go to your primary doctor and ask for a work up for CF if you feel the need.

Keep us posted ok!

As a first step I would go and see a pulmonologist. I would have somebody test you for CF. I wouldnt just go by accupuncture. I hope that helps. Let us know what you find out


New member
Oh you poor thing, That guy who said that to you should be put out of business...Don't listen to him and don't go back to him... The only way to be dx with CF is to have a sweat chloride test or a genetic test done. Their is no way a doctor can say you have CF by doing accupuncture, at least none that I am aware of...someone correct me if I am wrong...

He should be sued for malpractice... Gas in the intenstine is normal...

I would seriously consider stopping seeing him because either he is nuts or he is going to try to sell you something to cure your CF or somthing like that.

If you have no symptoms, never been sick, and all you have is gas, I would be on my knees thanking God, though not that gas can't be painful but don't worry. If you want to put your mind at ease go to your regular doctor and tell him what this guy said. He will help put your mind at ease..



New member
And suddenly an accupuncturist is qualified to diagnose CF without *any* testing? Yeah... No. Kristy, don't buy his crap, because that's all it is -- crap. Unless you have had a sweat test or a genetic test for CF, he has no justification for saying that to you, for scaring you like that. The guy should lose any license he has. And for the love of anything, do not go back and see him again. Sounds like a huge quack.

Oh and if you're worried you might have CF now because of this fool, go to a CF accredited center and get tested. That's the only way you'll know for sure.


New member
Ditto to what everyone said. Unless they are a medical doctor no one can really say another person does or does not have cf. Even then some medical doctors misdiagnose, for cf its best to be tested by an accredited center specializing in cf. Just ask yourself this, how does someone putting needles in my body for stress relief and whatever be capable of diagnosing me with such a complicated disease after only a few visits, if he has phycic abilites wouldnt he have foreseen this earlier?

Seriously though, your first step is to calm down. Dont think the worst. If you have not been sick in the past, or are not sick now thats good. Even if you have cf no symptoms but mild intestinal problems at this age is great. If you have done research on cf you will notice that there are a wide range of symptoms and the way it affects people. So if you are still unsure go to a medical doctor and tell him your fears. Yes it is possible to have cf without lung problems. Not to scare you but some people are diagnosed late in life because they never have lung issues. But i still doubt a accupunturist (sp?) can diagnose you with cf by sticking tiny needles in certain places.

Also are you sure he said cystic fibrosis. Maybe something else that sounded like cystic fibrosis? I know there are serveral things with the name fibrosis, and cystic in them but not together...i also think there is something i forget the real name but it has fibrosis in it and it means scar tissue of some sort. Just wondering.


New member
Hello... I have a question, is there any way that you could be diagnosed with cystic fibrosis so late in life?? Has anybody ever heard of that happening because now that kristy has said that (granted the guy does sound like a quack and it probably isn't true) I'm wondering since my daughter has cystic fibrosis... I'm 20 years old, I've never had any symptoms or anything like that but could I have it too and have just never known it?? Probably sounds like a very stupid question, but cf is completely new to me.


New member
There are people diagnosed in their 20s and 30s all the time. Probably even older. It's entirely possible. You could have a really mild case. And even beyond the possibility of having a milder case, a lot of doctors just miss it. There are people here who were sick all their lives and didn't get diagnosed until they were well into adulthood. If you're wondering about it, go for a test.


New member
I definitely will. Thanks... I had no idea that people were diagnosed so late and could go so long without having any symptoms.


New member
A few years back there was a lady who posted. Her grandson tested positive for CF. During all of this her husband was tested. For years her husband had frequent bouts of pneumonia/bronchitis etc, but that was about it. He was the biological father of her children so they didnt think he could have CF. He was 60 when he was diagnosed. Until recently many people didnt get tested unless there was a family history. Ironically most CF diagnoses dont have a family history.