New Baby BOY Born 10-23-05


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Hello everyone, just wanted to update you all on our new arrival! He was born on sunday 10-23-05 after i thought that my water had broke on thursday. Ashton is in the NICU and will be there for approx 6-8 weeks due to his bowel not forming all of the way. They tried to do an enema on him and it would not go through so they went in for his surgery and were very surprised to find that his bowel was obstructed due to the fact that it did not form all of the way. So now he has two stoma's and they are waiting on his bowels to work so he is on IV nutrients. After they get the part of his bowel that was blocked due to not having anywhere to go to shrink down to the size it is supposed to be they will go back in after about 4 weeks to reconnect the bowel section that didnt connect. He was 6lbs 3 oz and 18 1/2 inches long!! he is doing good otherwise not on O2 or under the warmer any more wich is good. We meet with the pulomonologist to discuss confirming the CF diagnosis that we got in utero in the future. Has anyone ever heard of CF causing the bowel just not to completely form?? If so let me know.. I will keep everyone updated from time to time on his progress because as some of you know having a baby in the NICU is very difficult.. talk to you all later

christi (ashtons mommy)


New member
Even with the difficulties it sounds like he was a good weight & I am sure he is a fighter. Congrats & patience will pay off when your little one is finally home. Let us know what happens!


New member
He sounds just wonderful and I Love the name. What did you choose for a middle name? I hope all goes well in the NICU, it is so stressful. Be calm and try not to worry too much because Ashton will sense that. Just give him lots of love and know that people he doesn't know and will never meet and praying for him and hoping the best not only for him but for his mommy and daddy too.
Take car and congratulations on your perfect little boy!

ps. I love your screen name too.


New member
Congrats NEW MOM!!!! Thanks for the info on Ashton. I will keep his progress in my thoughts and prayers as well as you and your family! Please do keep us updated!


New member
Congrats on you new little miracle!! How exciting, a new person in the family!! Enjoy these precious moments, you'll never get them back. I miss that smell, that sweet smelling breath, ah i could go on forever. I loved that newness!! Well keep you in our thoughts & prayers also. Take care of yourself, being @ the hospital 24-7 canwear you out.
Leah~ mommy 2 Reece 3yrs oldw/cf
P.S. Reece had twistwd bowels but they were all the way formed. They drained his bowels out. That took about a week. (mecouium elais) sp?<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
Congratulations on Ashton's arrival. There's nothing more exciting and exhausting than a newborn! I'll bet he's a pretty tough little guy already. Make sure you're resting yourself so when he comes home you'll be ready for anything he hands you! <img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">


New member
Hello everyone! went to see ashton today and he is doing good. They started hearing bowel sounds on him last night so we are hoping that he will have a bowel movement anytime... Other than that all is going good!! Of course we are all very tired! the NICU does wear you out!!

christi (ashtons mommy)


New member
CONGRATS! WE WISH NOTHING BUT THE BEST!!! WELCOME TO THE FAMILY <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Congratulations on the birth of your son- Ashton is a cute name. Stay strong and take lots of pictures. We will be thinking about you and keeping you and your family in our prayers. take care and enjoy every precious moment you have with Ashton.


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Congratulations on your baby. Stay Strong! He will be in my prayers.<img src="i/expressions/angel_ani.gif" border="0">

Tiffany 15 w/cf


New member
CONGRATS ON YOUR NEW BUNDLE OF JOY! It's so good to hear exciting news like this. I hope all finds all of you well and hope that little ashton is doing GREAT! I'll keep all of you in my prayers and do the same for us.--cfsis


New member
Hi! Just wanted to say I hope you're hanging in there. We've been in the NICU for 14 days now, and I am wearing out. I can imagine you're feeling the same way. Hope Ashton is doing well. Our little Emily is a fighter, too. I'll pray they'll both be home soon!


New member
Congrats on your new arrival! Hang in there. I've been to the NICU a few times for class and know it is not a happy place. You and Ashton will be in my thoughts!