New baby with CF...


New member
To Paula,
Your response to Lindsay was touching. I just had to respond to your reaction when you first went on the Adult board. I realize that a lot of difficult things get addressed there. A lot of scary things or things you would never have thought of. Please remember that what you read is not all that exists for us. I tend to post "negative" things because this is a place where people would understand it better. The "positive" things everyone can appreciate. Also think of it this way. Definitely medicine has made head way over the years & babies born now have a big advantage from the time of diagnosis. Also remember that even tho some of the things you read in the "Adult" section might not have existed at one time because people didnt live to Adulthood. Those of us who are Adults are now giving you & your children such a great opportunity of learning. For many of us that are older, the CF community are still learning how to help us medically, emotionally & financially. When I got pregnant there were 6 other CF patients due within 4 weeks of each other. Our CF doctor said it was an epidemic & they had to learn things that didnt need to address before. There will be good times & bad. Thats life no matter what. In the CF world you just have different things thrown in. Just love your children & take one day at a time for now. You never know what great things can be headed your way..............


New member
<STRONG>To Jen - </STRONG>Drop me an email at <A href=""></A>. I have several mothers who have given birth vaginally without complication to babies with CF. I also have contact with some midwives who have assisted the delivery of babies with CF without complication. It might be very encouraging for you to talk to them and ask questions. They also have some really wonderful and unique approaches to caring for their children that might inspire you.