New CF Podcast on NUTRITION!


New member
Nutrition and CF
Julie Desch, 48 years old with cystic fibrosis living in Northern California, single mom with 2 fabulous children and works from home running a non-profit - New Day Wellness (, and LIVING BREATHING SUCCEEDING LIVING on a daily basis...
Julie has realized the benefits of nutrition and exercise and at New Day Wellness Julie coach's nutrition, fitness, stress management, and disease management to people with chronic illness - many with CF.
- Julie was born in Nebraska, diagnosed at birth; the youngest of 7 siblings, attended Stanford University, and enjoys golf, running, weight training, and reading.
- "I enjoy sharing my thoughts on nutrition, wellness, and exercise on my blog:, this is a great way to get the word out there", states Julie.
- Julie's "junk" foods include; pretzels, yogurt, frosted mini wheat's dipped in peanut butter.
- "I am a firm believer in supplements such as fish oil, NAC, and additional vitamins but ALL are with doctors approval", states Julie.
- Shakes and smoothies with protein added are a must have when Julie is not feeling well or needs an extra boost!
- "Eat early and eat often, and make sure you are eating lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein - I eat a lot of the right foods..." states Julie
- Gaining weight... "Get involved in exercise and especially weight training and eat a lot", believes Julie
- Julie's advice to others... "hope... and be compliant and aggressive to keep your lungs clear"


New member
Nutrition and CF
Julie Desch, 48 years old with cystic fibrosis living in Northern California, single mom with 2 fabulous children and works from home running a non-profit - New Day Wellness (, and LIVING BREATHING SUCCEEDING LIVING on a daily basis...
Julie has realized the benefits of nutrition and exercise and at New Day Wellness Julie coach's nutrition, fitness, stress management, and disease management to people with chronic illness - many with CF.
- Julie was born in Nebraska, diagnosed at birth; the youngest of 7 siblings, attended Stanford University, and enjoys golf, running, weight training, and reading.
- "I enjoy sharing my thoughts on nutrition, wellness, and exercise on my blog:, this is a great way to get the word out there", states Julie.
- Julie's "junk" foods include; pretzels, yogurt, frosted mini wheat's dipped in peanut butter.
- "I am a firm believer in supplements such as fish oil, NAC, and additional vitamins but ALL are with doctors approval", states Julie.
- Shakes and smoothies with protein added are a must have when Julie is not feeling well or needs an extra boost!
- "Eat early and eat often, and make sure you are eating lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein - I eat a lot of the right foods..." states Julie
- Gaining weight... "Get involved in exercise and especially weight training and eat a lot", believes Julie
- Julie's advice to others... "hope... and be compliant and aggressive to keep your lungs clear"


New member
Nutrition and CF
Julie Desch, 48 years old with cystic fibrosis living in Northern California, single mom with 2 fabulous children and works from home running a non-profit - New Day Wellness (, and LIVING BREATHING SUCCEEDING LIVING on a daily basis...
Julie has realized the benefits of nutrition and exercise and at New Day Wellness Julie coach's nutrition, fitness, stress management, and disease management to people with chronic illness - many with CF.
- Julie was born in Nebraska, diagnosed at birth; the youngest of 7 siblings, attended Stanford University, and enjoys golf, running, weight training, and reading.
- "I enjoy sharing my thoughts on nutrition, wellness, and exercise on my blog:, this is a great way to get the word out there", states Julie.
- Julie's "junk" foods include; pretzels, yogurt, frosted mini wheat's dipped in peanut butter.
- "I am a firm believer in supplements such as fish oil, NAC, and additional vitamins but ALL are with doctors approval", states Julie.
- Shakes and smoothies with protein added are a must have when Julie is not feeling well or needs an extra boost!
- "Eat early and eat often, and make sure you are eating lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein - I eat a lot of the right foods..." states Julie
- Gaining weight... "Get involved in exercise and especially weight training and eat a lot", believes Julie
- Julie's advice to others... "hope... and be compliant and aggressive to keep your lungs clear"


New member
Nutrition and CF
Julie Desch, 48 years old with cystic fibrosis living in Northern California, single mom with 2 fabulous children and works from home running a non-profit - New Day Wellness (, and LIVING BREATHING SUCCEEDING LIVING on a daily basis...
Julie has realized the benefits of nutrition and exercise and at New Day Wellness Julie coach's nutrition, fitness, stress management, and disease management to people with chronic illness - many with CF.
- Julie was born in Nebraska, diagnosed at birth; the youngest of 7 siblings, attended Stanford University, and enjoys golf, running, weight training, and reading.
- "I enjoy sharing my thoughts on nutrition, wellness, and exercise on my blog:, this is a great way to get the word out there", states Julie.
- Julie's "junk" foods include; pretzels, yogurt, frosted mini wheat's dipped in peanut butter.
- "I am a firm believer in supplements such as fish oil, NAC, and additional vitamins but ALL are with doctors approval", states Julie.
- Shakes and smoothies with protein added are a must have when Julie is not feeling well or needs an extra boost!
- "Eat early and eat often, and make sure you are eating lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein - I eat a lot of the right foods..." states Julie
- Gaining weight... "Get involved in exercise and especially weight training and eat a lot", believes Julie
- Julie's advice to others... "hope... and be compliant and aggressive to keep your lungs clear"


New member
Nutrition and CF
<br />Julie Desch, 48 years old with cystic fibrosis living in Northern California, single mom with 2 fabulous children and works from home running a non-profit - New Day Wellness (, and LIVING BREATHING SUCCEEDING LIVING on a daily basis...
<br />Julie has realized the benefits of nutrition and exercise and at New Day Wellness Julie coach's nutrition, fitness, stress management, and disease management to people with chronic illness - many with CF.
<br />- Julie was born in Nebraska, diagnosed at birth; the youngest of 7 siblings, attended Stanford University, and enjoys golf, running, weight training, and reading.
<br />- "I enjoy sharing my thoughts on nutrition, wellness, and exercise on my blog:, this is a great way to get the word out there", states Julie.
<br />- Julie's "junk" foods include; pretzels, yogurt, frosted mini wheat's dipped in peanut butter.
<br />- "I am a firm believer in supplements such as fish oil, NAC, and additional vitamins but ALL are with doctors approval", states Julie.
<br />- Shakes and smoothies with protein added are a must have when Julie is not feeling well or needs an extra boost!
<br />- "Eat early and eat often, and make sure you are eating lots of fruit, vegetables, and protein - I eat a lot of the right foods..." states Julie
<br />- Gaining weight... "Get involved in exercise and especially weight training and eat a lot", believes Julie
<br />- Julie's advice to others... "hope... and be compliant and aggressive to keep your lungs clear"


New member
Hello Julie,

I am a 54 yr old CFer and have discovered a holistic method which is reducing my congestion from cups/day to a trickle. I alkaline my diet by having 5-6 glasses of water per day with fresh lime or lemon squeezed in it and limiting acidic foods (see internet for list of alkaline/acid food chart, lemon/lime taken in the body has the highest alkaline rating). I read on the internet that germs could not live in an alkaline environment and it's worked dramatically for me. Have you ever tried this?


New member
Hello Julie,

I am a 54 yr old CFer and have discovered a holistic method which is reducing my congestion from cups/day to a trickle. I alkaline my diet by having 5-6 glasses of water per day with fresh lime or lemon squeezed in it and limiting acidic foods (see internet for list of alkaline/acid food chart, lemon/lime taken in the body has the highest alkaline rating). I read on the internet that germs could not live in an alkaline environment and it's worked dramatically for me. Have you ever tried this?


New member
Hello Julie,

I am a 54 yr old CFer and have discovered a holistic method which is reducing my congestion from cups/day to a trickle. I alkaline my diet by having 5-6 glasses of water per day with fresh lime or lemon squeezed in it and limiting acidic foods (see internet for list of alkaline/acid food chart, lemon/lime taken in the body has the highest alkaline rating). I read on the internet that germs could not live in an alkaline environment and it's worked dramatically for me. Have you ever tried this?


New member
Hello Julie,

I am a 54 yr old CFer and have discovered a holistic method which is reducing my congestion from cups/day to a trickle. I alkaline my diet by having 5-6 glasses of water per day with fresh lime or lemon squeezed in it and limiting acidic foods (see internet for list of alkaline/acid food chart, lemon/lime taken in the body has the highest alkaline rating). I read on the internet that germs could not live in an alkaline environment and it's worked dramatically for me. Have you ever tried this?


New member
Hello Julie,
<br />
<br />I am a 54 yr old CFer and have discovered a holistic method which is reducing my congestion from cups/day to a trickle. I alkaline my diet by having 5-6 glasses of water per day with fresh lime or lemon squeezed in it and limiting acidic foods (see internet for list of alkaline/acid food chart, lemon/lime taken in the body has the highest alkaline rating). I read on the internet that germs could not live in an alkaline environment and it's worked dramatically for me. Have you ever tried this?