New compressor


New member

So my compressors (I have ProNeb and another one by PARI that is bigger but I can't remember it) are at least 15 years old each.... I'm curious if I can upgrade and have insurance cover it? Or, will they say I already have a compressor that works that THEY already paid for years ago? I just wonder if it will be a fight like the new version of the Vest was... "Well, we paid for the OLD version 10 years ago, and there is nothing better about this one except convenience, so we wont' pay for another one." URGH. Anyone have a compressor covered even after they'd had one that still works? What did you have to do to have it covered?



New member
Just thinking outloud here but do you have to tell them it still works????? If so, surely there must be some research on the CFF that describes why ones that are 10 years+ old are outdated and less efficient.

If I were you, I might even contact them. The have actually been quite helpful in providing me with information as we fight Tricare for the coverage of supplements... they even wrote a letter to tricare aobut it. Maybe give them a call too if you hit a dead end with Tricare.


New member
what julie said.
Just get a new script and order a new one.
My husband had a couple covered by insurance - I do not remember the exact length of time between scripts, but it was less than 15 years.


New member
you should beable to get them every year or two.. depends on the state that you live in(well thats if you have medicare).


New member
#1 everyone insurance is different so no one can answer based on your insurance

#2 you should be replacing every 2 years. my humble opinion - i'd pay cash to replace even if insurance didn't cover (and I did when mine broke in Europe) because it's that important to have a high functioning compressor.

#3 ask you doc for help. they're often experts on working with insurance companies


New member
My insurance company covers a new compressor every two years, which seems quite often. Anyway, I have been thinking of getting a new one. I'd like to try the eflow for albuterol and HS, but not sure if they will pay for that one yet as they probably consider it a luxury; however, I am hoping the azteonam study concludes and I can try that which requires the eflow and insurance would probably then cover it than. Anyway, call your insurance company, you may be surprised how often they cover you to get a new one. They are fairly cheap these days around 100 dollars.


New member
ditto to everyone and the last anonymous poster -- they are cheap --

the reason they make such a deal about the vest upgrades or replacements is because they are $14-$16,000 instead of $100-$200

I would guess you won't have a problem.



the "normal" is every three years...Medicare is more like 5 years but most medicaids and primary insurances will get you a new one every 2-3 years. I imagine the insurance now isn't the same one you had back then so it really is a moot point anyway. Get a Rx and take it to your local DME. Be sure to get your warrany info with it...just in case the company isn't as honorable as they should be.



New member
When I use to by my own compressors, I never needed a script. I walked into our local medical supply place & said I want to buy blah, blah, blah. No problems, no questions asked. Did they do it wrong? Just wondering! Now my doctors call it in so that its a place my insurance carrier is contracted with.


New member
I have ordered compressors before too. Just get a script and order one from a covered medical supply company. Should not be a problem. Just make sure you know what your durable medical equipement coverage is on your insurance and you should be good to go!! Good luck!

Jennifer 34 years old with Cf and Cfrd



You don't need a RX to buy one...just if you want the insurance to pay for it. Actually insurance's even go one step further. On top of the RX they require home care companies to get a certificate of medical necessity to prove why you need it(diagnosis, length of need, blah blah blah). It isn't easy to get things anymore!


New member
I know ya'll have mentioned buying them outright without insurance and that they're not that expensive, but most I've looked at have ranged around $300+.... That's a bit spendy to me to pay out of pocket.

I DO have the same insurance that covered my last 2. But, like I mentioned, it was probably 10 years ago. Do they really get too old? I mean, they still work really well and the pulmo-aide is the same one I can buy today I think. I don't know if I should even look into replacing them if they still work well. Ya know? Why fix it if it aint broken?




My neb machine is 10 years old too. You can take the machine is to get it checked out by your homecare company. So long as it is putting out the right flow it doesn't matter how old it is.



New member
Just remember to change the filter on those old nebulizers.
I had a friend who hadn't changed his in <i>years</i> ! Boy was it dirty when we pulled it out for her. YUCK!!!


New member
Where would you find a home care company? Is this free to get it checked? I have lived in 4 places since getting it, and cannot get back to where it was purchased originally. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> What a pain.



They should do it for free....I would just check the yellow pages and call around until you find someone who will.


New member

I've done the script thing in the past, no problem. But I actually got a new one last month through a state-run program (FL) that helps me out with equipment, copays, etc. It's called Abilities... not sure how common these programs are, but maybe worth checking out?