new cure?????


New member
Just seen this have a look..<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
</a>22/M/Ireland with cf


New member
this suggesstion has been around for quite some time, so I don't think they are any closer than they were a couple of years ago, unfortunately!


for all we know they have a cure, and are just keeping it from us to recieve more money from the medications ?

who knows, it's a corrupted world we live in


<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0">

uhh, i didn't mean to offend you. sorry i guess?

just being honet.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>gee, another negative response....thanks!<hr></blockquote>

This is the internet, grow tougher skin if that offends you. Sadly this wouldn't suprise me to find out a cure was being withheld for CF or any disease for that matter, to make money. You honestly think that as much money is thrown at Cancer research they aren't farther along than they say?


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>jennaxox</b></i><br>for all we know they have a cure, and are just keeping it from us to recieve more money from the medications ?

who knows, it's a corrupted world we live in<hr></blockquote>

My boyfriend says the same. He thinks they have a cure for everything but since they are so greedy keep it to themselves to make more money. Who know it definitely could be true!


New member
You have to remember that the money that is put towards cancer research MAINLY goes towards HELPING those with the disease with the costs associated with it, wigs, treatments, etc., NOT the research! It is different with CF in that 90% of the money goes towards research, BUT the CF Foundation doesn't raise as much money as cancer because is doesn't affect nearly as many people as cancer. If it did, CF WOULD have been cured by is much smarter at investing their dollars. I am a mother of a child with CF and I do a lot to raise money....if I didn't think it wasn't going to make a difference, I wouldn't do it, but I believe in the CF Foundation and will until a cure is found, which I believe will happen. Sorry for rambling, but this is what I believe!!!!!!!!!!!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
What is up with all the cynicism? Okay, there may be a few people like that out there, who would "forget" to mention they found how to cure a disease... It may even be a majority of the people out there, but there is good people scattered about this world, too. If there was a cure, it would get out, whether the pharmaceutical companies wanted it to or not.


New member
I don't think they are withholding a cure from us. Gene therapy has not been successful in any genetic disease. They thought it would be an easy fix once they discovered the gene, but they were wrong. I don't really believe that they will ever find a cure for CF in the sense that babies will no longer be born with the disease. If they find a "cure", it will be some sort of treatment we will all have to do on a continual basis ( a nebulizer prob) that would alleviate symptoms to the point that CFers live a normal life span. I think we have to take a step back from all the cynicism and be glad there is so much CF research going on.


New member
I find it hard to believe that they can do what they are able to medically; ie. CLONE and NOT be able to stop CF. Also if Cancer RESEARCH money goes to wigs, that is a darn shame. I'd much rather have a cure than hair.


New member
i can definately relate to the cynisism. There have been lots of times where people have gotten our hopes up and then let up down. Like "oh yay we found the gene a cure is just around the bend". then years pass by and nothing. Just too many instances like that, so all us cfers if anyone have a right to be cynical about any kind of "cure". It also depends on where you send the research funds that will determine the motivation. Say the pharma companies like merch or whatever say they are going to do a study--chances are you will never get a cure, but rather an alternative longterm treatment......cause remember these guys want customers for life, not a one time deal...MY .02


New member
When the gene was discovered, I don't recall "them" announcing the cure was just around the bend. In fact, I remember them warning that the cure could be a decade or more away.


New member
We, and I mean absolutely everyone, I believe, is fighting for the same thing here. We all want a cure for CF, just like we want a cure for cancer. I hear 1 in 3 people have been touched by cancer (meaning they know someone who had/has it). Chances are that among the hundreds/thousands of scientists across the world, there will be a significant number who have been touched by the disease. Do you really think that they wouldnt see the bigger picture? Scientists and even those greedy pharmaceutical company CEOs are people too... and some might have entered their profession for the sole purpose of finding a cure, and thus a relief from some of the pain they have endured with their own loved ones.
If there are selfish people out there who would rather make a bunch of money while millions across the world are suffering, then I dont think they would last long. I am not talking in a religious sense and I also am not necessarily a believer that good ALWAYS triumphs over bad... but Im just saying that chances are, it will. This is especially so when fighting a battle such as finding a cure for a life-threatening disease, where it is in the very vast majority or people's interests.
Instead of jumping down people's throats for being cynical, or indeed jumping down someone's throat for not being cynical and instead being unrealistic, why dont we stop jumping down people's throats and instead just take a step back and see what is really happening.
I don't have much info on this particular case, but I do believe that everyone within the profession of finding a cure is doing their best, and I have faith (and hope) that a cure (or at least some excellent treatment) will come within my lifetime (and will hopefully be of benefit to me and everyone else with CF). There is nothing wrong with hope and faith, and it is just this that keeps me fighting everyday.

So Ive had my rant, now my coffee's cold!

Rob 24 w cf


New member
I think the article was very exciting, the last time I read something similar to this was in 2003, and it was then being done on it seems like a good progression that they are now using monkeys (don't send this article to PETA lol), since they said "The gap between monkeys and humans is much smaller than from mice to monkeys," says Ray Pickles, a gene therapy researcher at the University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill.


New member
My boyfriend's mother has valley fever, and they just recently told her that there is a cure for it but she'll have to pay a lot to get it. MORE THEN SHE HAS, I dont remember how much, but its a lot. Hopefully they are closer to a cure but be prepared to be paying an arm and a leg for it, which I know your saying "its worth it if you'll finally be cured. But wont it drive you crazy if you didnt have the money but it was right there in front of you!?