We, and I mean absolutely everyone, I believe, is fighting for the same thing here. We all want a cure for CF, just like we want a cure for cancer. I hear 1 in 3 people have been touched by cancer (meaning they know someone who had/has it). Chances are that among the hundreds/thousands of scientists across the world, there will be a significant number who have been touched by the disease. Do you really think that they wouldnt see the bigger picture? Scientists and even those greedy pharmaceutical company CEOs are people too... and some might have entered their profession for the sole purpose of finding a cure, and thus a relief from some of the pain they have endured with their own loved ones.
If there are selfish people out there who would rather make a bunch of money while millions across the world are suffering, then I dont think they would last long. I am not talking in a religious sense and I also am not necessarily a believer that good ALWAYS triumphs over bad... but Im just saying that chances are, it will. This is especially so when fighting a battle such as finding a cure for a life-threatening disease, where it is in the very vast majority or people's interests.
Instead of jumping down people's throats for being cynical, or indeed jumping down someone's throat for not being cynical and instead being unrealistic, why dont we stop jumping down people's throats and instead just take a step back and see what is really happening.
I don't have much info on this particular case, but I do believe that everyone within the profession of finding a cure is doing their best, and I have faith (and hope) that a cure (or at least some excellent treatment) will come within my lifetime (and will hopefully be of benefit to me and everyone else with CF). There is nothing wrong with hope and faith, and it is just this that keeps me fighting everyday.
So Ive had my rant, now my coffee's cold!
Rob 24 w cf