new cure?????



After the gene was discovered in 1989, I clearly recall numerous articles/quotes where they said a cure could be possible in 5-10 years. I think they really hoped for that, but it hasn't happened yet. The optimism about gene therapy has certainly died down since they cannot get the human body to not react adversely to whatever they use to deliver the corrected gene (I may not be saying that exactly right but I do think that's the main stumbling block they keep hitting).


New member
that person that posted that is correct. it is against the law to find a cure for a disease. i know it sounds terrible, but it is true. when they found the cure for small pox, it put a lot of people out of business, like the drug companies and people who made leg braces. they can have medicines that will control the disease, but not actually cure. the government does not want people to know that.


New member
I feel torn on this. I like to have some faith in humanity, but at the same time, I understand the reach of government and big business, which includes the medicinal companies. Whereas the government is concerned with jobs, think of how many would be lost, or how many pharmeceutical companies would need to cut costs and jobs if a cure cf were released. Again, I like to have faith that our health is the top priority, but I also understand the depth of government special interests. Reality is unfortunately real.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Anonymous</b></i><br>that person that posted that is correct. it is against the law to find a cure for a disease. i know it sounds terrible, but it is true. when they found the cure for small pox, it put a lot of people out of business, like the drug companies and people who made leg braces. they can have medicines that will control the disease, but not actually cure. the government does not want people to know that.<hr></blockquote>

Whether it's a law or not, do you really think the goverment is going to try to arrest someone who's found a cure? They probably just made that law to appease the voters who lost their jobs; I really doubt they'd try to enforce it.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>Mockingbird</b></i>
<I>Originally posted by: Anonymous</B></I> that person that posted that is correct. it is against the law to find a cure for a disease. i know it sounds terrible, but it is true. when they found the cure for small pox, it put a lot of people out of business, like the drug companies and people who made leg braces. they can have medicines that will control the disease, but not actually cure. the government does not want people to know that.
</BLOCKQUOTE>Whether it's a law or not, do you really think the goverment is going to try to arrest someone who's found a cure? They probably just made that law to appease the voters who lost their jobs; I really doubt they'd try to enforce it.<hr></blockquote>they wouldn't arrest anyone, they would just stall fda approval and probly just ban it altogether.  I think these drug companies are too busy making allergy medication that will cause you to die rather than finding cures for anything


New member
forget about a cure. the cf gene is actually owned by a corporation already. there will be no cure until they can make it profitable. modern medicine is not about curing, it can't be.

think about it: drug companies are the only ones with enough money to conduct the necessary research to cure diseases. these same companies are corporate entities owned by share holders. by definition, they have to put the financial interests of the share holders first, they don't even have a choice in this regard. if you owned a business would you would you invest money into something that will ultimately destory your market?

this isn't about conspiracy theories, it's just simple business. if you don't believe me, do some research on corporations and how they operate. holding out for a cure is naive. what we should be hoping for is the cloning of our own organs, this is the best chance we've got.


New member
ugh, i'm sick of this thread. I'm not holding out for a cure. I never said that. I'm just saying the goodness of people would win out over greed of money. Maybe it doesn't make a lot of economical sense for a company to present a cure, but not everything is about money. Even the head of a huge heartless corporation still has a heart. Maybe he doesn't let it out much, but its still there. And even if it is true the government would ban it, I believe there would be at least one doctor in a back alley providing the cure, simply because he believes it is right.

I'm not going to come back to this thread, because its depressing how some of you look at the world. Call me unrealistic if you like, but I always hold out hope for the human heart.


New member
Come on, who could possibly believe that the government doesn't allow diseases to be cured?

1 - Even if that were true here in the US, you couldn't stop the rest of the world from trying to find a cure for cancer, CF, Parkinson's, AIDS, etc...
2 - Hello, penicillian (antibiotics) cured many diseases people often died from
3 - Yes, corporations make money off of people that are ill but insurance companies don't and neither does the government (local/state/federal) and someone would make money from "selling" the cure

Pull your head out!

Our CF Dr. is very realistic and doesn't think there will be a cure for at least another 15-25 years. She knows the cure isn't just around the corner but feels that the longer she can keep our CFer in good health the better the chances he'll be here when there is a cure.


New member
I can see both sides. Government & Pharmaceutical companies have made it difficult to trust them &/or the system. On the other hand....Medicine is not an exact science and many illnesses are very complicated. Just look at how different CF patients have different severities, different mutations of the gene & respond/react differently to what is being used. Nothing, nothing happens overnight. Strides have been made since I was diagnosed at 7. There is no question about that. I much rather wait & be sure of the actual "cure" than to get a half-assed "cure". This doesnt apply to maintenance etc. This is to "rid" CF cure.


New member
<blockquote>Quote<br><hr><i>Originally posted by: <b>CFHockeyMom</b></i><br>Come on, who could possibly believe that the government doesn't allow diseases to be cured?

1 - Even if that were true here in the US, you couldn't stop the rest of the world from trying to find a cure for cancer, CF, Parkinson's, AIDS, etc...

2 - Hello, penicillian (antibiotics) cured many diseases people often died from

3 - Yes, corporations make money off of people that are ill but insurance companies don't and neither does the government (local/state/federal) and someone would make money from "selling" the cure

Pull your head out!


1. the drug companies are worldwide (it's the same story everywhere)

2. penicillan? are you kidding me? how much money has been made from the use of penicillan. yes, people were dying before penicillan but they (drug coompanies) weren't profiting from that so along came penicillan. drug coompanies don't want us to to die quickly, they want us to be good consumers. they'll release and research drugs that will increase the amount of time that we are consumers. the only problem is that they often create these drugs knowing that they'll have certain side effects which they can then profit from also by feeding us more drugs to cover up the side effects of the initial drugs. it's a vicious cycle unfortunately.

3. again. go back and have a think about what you wrote. re: making money from a cure; sure but presumably people would only purcase the cure once and unless they could charge each person millions of dollars for the cure, the there is no way that it would work out more profitable in the long run.

this isn't about good and bad and right and wrong. they are corporations and they act as such, they have no choice. would mcdonalds put money into a marketing campaign that was designed to put people off eating big macs? of course not.

we all need to wake out about this and see the forest for the trees. i've not doubt that cf will eventually be cured, but i wouldn't be expecting the drug companies to release it anytime soon. perhaps the answer lays in alternative medicine. this cycle will only end when we (the consumers) stand up and refuse to accept the status quo.