New enzyme question


New member
HI, I just got some of the Zenpep enzymes and I think they are making me poop(loose, like when You are on IV's.) I just started taking them this afternoon and got the urge to go within 1-2 hours. Anybody else having the same problems, does your body get used to them after a few days? I was on Ultrace MT20 and they were working ok.

Colin 27 w/cf


New member
HI, I just got some of the Zenpep enzymes and I think they are making me poop(loose, like when You are on IV's.) I just started taking them this afternoon and got the urge to go within 1-2 hours. Anybody else having the same problems, does your body get used to them after a few days? I was on Ultrace MT20 and they were working ok.

Colin 27 w/cf


New member
HI, I just got some of the Zenpep enzymes and I think they are making me poop(loose, like when You are on IV's.) I just started taking them this afternoon and got the urge to go within 1-2 hours. Anybody else having the same problems, does your body get used to them after a few days? I was on Ultrace MT20 and they were working ok.
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<br />Colin 27 w/cf