New Enzymes



Alexa has been better since she started taking the new Creon 12. Pancreacarb didn't work for her. I hope you find the right enzymes for your son.


Alexa has been better since she started taking the new Creon 12. Pancreacarb didn't work for her. I hope you find the right enzymes for your son.


Alexa has been better since she started taking the new Creon 12. Pancreacarb didn't work for her. I hope you find the right enzymes for your son.


Alexa has been better since she started taking the new Creon 12. Pancreacarb didn't work for her. I hope you find the right enzymes for your son.


Alexa has been better since she started taking the new Creon 12. Pancreacarb didn't work for her. I hope you find the right enzymes for your son.


New member
I have an enzyme concern as well! Ellie was started on Pancrease MT4's at diagnosis. She was taking 4 capsules with meals then her doctor wanted to try Creon out of preference. She had 6+ BM's/day while on Creon so we switched back to Pancrease MT4s. Since that time, she has continued to have 3-6 BM's/day with visible oil separation. Prior to trying Creon, she had 1-2 BM's/day. Thoughts? Suggestions??


New member
I have an enzyme concern as well! Ellie was started on Pancrease MT4's at diagnosis. She was taking 4 capsules with meals then her doctor wanted to try Creon out of preference. She had 6+ BM's/day while on Creon so we switched back to Pancrease MT4s. Since that time, she has continued to have 3-6 BM's/day with visible oil separation. Prior to trying Creon, she had 1-2 BM's/day. Thoughts? Suggestions??


New member
I have an enzyme concern as well! Ellie was started on Pancrease MT4's at diagnosis. She was taking 4 capsules with meals then her doctor wanted to try Creon out of preference. She had 6+ BM's/day while on Creon so we switched back to Pancrease MT4s. Since that time, she has continued to have 3-6 BM's/day with visible oil separation. Prior to trying Creon, she had 1-2 BM's/day. Thoughts? Suggestions??


New member
I have an enzyme concern as well! Ellie was started on Pancrease MT4's at diagnosis. She was taking 4 capsules with meals then her doctor wanted to try Creon out of preference. She had 6+ BM's/day while on Creon so we switched back to Pancrease MT4s. Since that time, she has continued to have 3-6 BM's/day with visible oil separation. Prior to trying Creon, she had 1-2 BM's/day. Thoughts? Suggestions??


New member
I have an enzyme concern as well! Ellie was started on Pancrease MT4's at diagnosis. She was taking 4 capsules with meals then her doctor wanted to try Creon out of preference. She had 6+ BM's/day while on Creon so we switched back to Pancrease MT4s. Since that time, she has continued to have 3-6 BM's/day with visible oil separation. Prior to trying Creon, she had 1-2 BM's/day. Thoughts? Suggestions??


Staff member
Sounds as if Ellie probably needs more enzymes. DS' digestive tract was always kinda 'hinky' when he was a baby. We'd gradually bump up half a capsule and then we'd have issues with constipation. But for the most part, until he was off formula and no longer a toddler, he always had loose stools. Looking back we probably should have upped his enzymes more aggressively, but the trauma of constipation and stools getting stuck was stressful.


Staff member
Sounds as if Ellie probably needs more enzymes. DS' digestive tract was always kinda 'hinky' when he was a baby. We'd gradually bump up half a capsule and then we'd have issues with constipation. But for the most part, until he was off formula and no longer a toddler, he always had loose stools. Looking back we probably should have upped his enzymes more aggressively, but the trauma of constipation and stools getting stuck was stressful.


Staff member
Sounds as if Ellie probably needs more enzymes. DS' digestive tract was always kinda 'hinky' when he was a baby. We'd gradually bump up half a capsule and then we'd have issues with constipation. But for the most part, until he was off formula and no longer a toddler, he always had loose stools. Looking back we probably should have upped his enzymes more aggressively, but the trauma of constipation and stools getting stuck was stressful.


Staff member
Sounds as if Ellie probably needs more enzymes. DS' digestive tract was always kinda 'hinky' when he was a baby. We'd gradually bump up half a capsule and then we'd have issues with constipation. But for the most part, until he was off formula and no longer a toddler, he always had loose stools. Looking back we probably should have upped his enzymes more aggressively, but the trauma of constipation and stools getting stuck was stressful.


Staff member
Sounds as if Ellie probably needs more enzymes. DS' digestive tract was always kinda 'hinky' when he was a baby. We'd gradually bump up half a capsule and then we'd have issues with constipation. But for the most part, until he was off formula and no longer a toddler, he always had loose stools. Looking back we probably should have upped his enzymes more aggressively, but the trauma of constipation and stools getting stuck was stressful.


New member
Sarah, my little boy has had changes since switching to the new formula of creon as well, so I think you may be be on to something! He was averaging 1 -2 b/m a day, now he is anywhere between 6-9 per day. My clinic dietician says that he is having enough creon for what he is eating, so they are putting it down to the fact that he was on TOBI and Cipro last month. He has since stopped these and the b/m have not improved. He is also teething so they said this could contribute, but I am really not convinced that teething could cause these changes.

We have a clinic appointment this week so I will bring it up again. Good luck with your little one.
Natalie, Mom to Tom, DDF508, 6 months, and Jack, 3 no c/f


New member
Sarah, my little boy has had changes since switching to the new formula of creon as well, so I think you may be be on to something! He was averaging 1 -2 b/m a day, now he is anywhere between 6-9 per day. My clinic dietician says that he is having enough creon for what he is eating, so they are putting it down to the fact that he was on TOBI and Cipro last month. He has since stopped these and the b/m have not improved. He is also teething so they said this could contribute, but I am really not convinced that teething could cause these changes.

We have a clinic appointment this week so I will bring it up again. Good luck with your little one.
Natalie, Mom to Tom, DDF508, 6 months, and Jack, 3 no c/f


New member
Sarah, my little boy has had changes since switching to the new formula of creon as well, so I think you may be be on to something! He was averaging 1 -2 b/m a day, now he is anywhere between 6-9 per day. My clinic dietician says that he is having enough creon for what he is eating, so they are putting it down to the fact that he was on TOBI and Cipro last month. He has since stopped these and the b/m have not improved. He is also teething so they said this could contribute, but I am really not convinced that teething could cause these changes.

We have a clinic appointment this week so I will bring it up again. Good luck with your little one.
Natalie, Mom to Tom, DDF508, 6 months, and Jack, 3 no c/f


New member
Sarah, my little boy has had changes since switching to the new formula of creon as well, so I think you may be be on to something! He was averaging 1 -2 b/m a day, now he is anywhere between 6-9 per day. My clinic dietician says that he is having enough creon for what he is eating, so they are putting it down to the fact that he was on TOBI and Cipro last month. He has since stopped these and the b/m have not improved. He is also teething so they said this could contribute, but I am really not convinced that teething could cause these changes.

We have a clinic appointment this week so I will bring it up again. Good luck with your little one.
Natalie, Mom to Tom, DDF508, 6 months, and Jack, 3 no c/f


New member
Sarah, my little boy has had changes since switching to the new formula of creon as well, so I think you may be be on to something! He was averaging 1 -2 b/m a day, now he is anywhere between 6-9 per day. My clinic dietician says that he is having enough creon for what he is eating, so they are putting it down to the fact that he was on TOBI and Cipro last month. He has since stopped these and the b/m have not improved. He is also teething so they said this could contribute, but I am really not convinced that teething could cause these changes.
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<br />We have a clinic appointment this week so I will bring it up again. Good luck with your little one.
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<br />Natalie, Mom to Tom, DDF508, 6 months, and Jack, 3 no c/f