New Kind of Chat Server


New member
lol Teamspeak. I use VENT myself for all my Gaming. Not sure if i would use it on this site though. Thats just me though.


New member
I reckon just setting up a chat on IRC would be a better idea. Less lag than the flash based thing they have on here, and simply better and more stable.

I made a guide how to do it, but as I am in the process of moving from Australia to Norway I don't have it handy right now. Nor am I on-line on IRC at the moment. It is heaps better than the flah based one, and fairly simple to use, and allows unlimited number of users.

Mic chat, not that interesting really. Sure I talk to people I don't know all the time on Xbox Live, but that's different. For real chatting though I prefer text, and IRC is simply the best way to text chat.


New member
I reckon just setting up a chat on IRC would be a better idea. Less lag than the flash based thing they have on here, and simply better and more stable.

I made a guide how to do it, but as I am in the process of moving from Australia to Norway I don't have it handy right now. Nor am I on-line on IRC at the moment. It is heaps better than the flah based one, and fairly simple to use, and allows unlimited number of users.

Mic chat, not that interesting really. Sure I talk to people I don't know all the time on Xbox Live, but that's different. For real chatting though I prefer text, and IRC is simply the best way to text chat.


New member
I reckon just setting up a chat on IRC would be a better idea. Less lag than the flash based thing they have on here, and simply better and more stable.

I made a guide how to do it, but as I am in the process of moving from Australia to Norway I don't have it handy right now. Nor am I on-line on IRC at the moment. It is heaps better than the flah based one, and fairly simple to use, and allows unlimited number of users.

Mic chat, not that interesting really. Sure I talk to people I don't know all the time on Xbox Live, but that's different. For real chatting though I prefer text, and IRC is simply the best way to text chat.