New Members: We welcome you here!


New member
hey guys,

how are you all doing? i am doing good, i see there is new member section and i am a new member so i figured i would introduce name is Aaron and I currently live in minnesota...i was dx and 3 months basically had 24 hours to live before i would hav died, the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me they test me for leukemia, AIDS/HIV, and the last thing they did was the CF sweat test...i had a very good child hood (thanks to a hard working mother and father) CF wise my PFT's were up all the time at where they were suppose to be the only thing i struggled with was my weight....i was first hospitalized when i was 23 years old a year ago, i caught pneumonia so i was put in the hospital for a week...i got to experience a PIC line for the first time and the wonders of IV antibiotics (amazing what a drug can do for my coughing) during that visit my bloodsugar was up so they started me on insulin...i continue to have a good life with just the major thing now is coughing every once and awhile and my weight is still a thing they want me to work on (5'9'' and i weight 145 pounds) but that is all i know of for now i am glad i found this site, i am new to this whole CF community thing and i find this stuff all very interesting and learning new stuff every day!!! Thanks guys and have a good one


New member
hey guys,

how are you all doing? i am doing good, i see there is new member section and i am a new member so i figured i would introduce name is Aaron and I currently live in minnesota...i was dx and 3 months basically had 24 hours to live before i would hav died, the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me they test me for leukemia, AIDS/HIV, and the last thing they did was the CF sweat test...i had a very good child hood (thanks to a hard working mother and father) CF wise my PFT's were up all the time at where they were suppose to be the only thing i struggled with was my weight....i was first hospitalized when i was 23 years old a year ago, i caught pneumonia so i was put in the hospital for a week...i got to experience a PIC line for the first time and the wonders of IV antibiotics (amazing what a drug can do for my coughing) during that visit my bloodsugar was up so they started me on insulin...i continue to have a good life with just the major thing now is coughing every once and awhile and my weight is still a thing they want me to work on (5'9'' and i weight 145 pounds) but that is all i know of for now i am glad i found this site, i am new to this whole CF community thing and i find this stuff all very interesting and learning new stuff every day!!! Thanks guys and have a good one


New member
hey guys,

how are you all doing? i am doing good, i see there is new member section and i am a new member so i figured i would introduce name is Aaron and I currently live in minnesota...i was dx and 3 months basically had 24 hours to live before i would hav died, the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me they test me for leukemia, AIDS/HIV, and the last thing they did was the CF sweat test...i had a very good child hood (thanks to a hard working mother and father) CF wise my PFT's were up all the time at where they were suppose to be the only thing i struggled with was my weight....i was first hospitalized when i was 23 years old a year ago, i caught pneumonia so i was put in the hospital for a week...i got to experience a PIC line for the first time and the wonders of IV antibiotics (amazing what a drug can do for my coughing) during that visit my bloodsugar was up so they started me on insulin...i continue to have a good life with just the major thing now is coughing every once and awhile and my weight is still a thing they want me to work on (5'9'' and i weight 145 pounds) but that is all i know of for now i am glad i found this site, i am new to this whole CF community thing and i find this stuff all very interesting and learning new stuff every day!!! Thanks guys and have a good one


New member
hey guys,

how are you all doing? i am doing good, i see there is new member section and i am a new member so i figured i would introduce name is Aaron and I currently live in minnesota...i was dx and 3 months basically had 24 hours to live before i would hav died, the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me they test me for leukemia, AIDS/HIV, and the last thing they did was the CF sweat test...i had a very good child hood (thanks to a hard working mother and father) CF wise my PFT's were up all the time at where they were suppose to be the only thing i struggled with was my weight....i was first hospitalized when i was 23 years old a year ago, i caught pneumonia so i was put in the hospital for a week...i got to experience a PIC line for the first time and the wonders of IV antibiotics (amazing what a drug can do for my coughing) during that visit my bloodsugar was up so they started me on insulin...i continue to have a good life with just the major thing now is coughing every once and awhile and my weight is still a thing they want me to work on (5'9'' and i weight 145 pounds) but that is all i know of for now i am glad i found this site, i am new to this whole CF community thing and i find this stuff all very interesting and learning new stuff every day!!! Thanks guys and have a good one


New member
hey guys,

how are you all doing? i am doing good, i see there is new member section and i am a new member so i figured i would introduce name is Aaron and I currently live in minnesota...i was dx and 3 months basically had 24 hours to live before i would hav died, the doctors had no clue what was wrong with me they test me for leukemia, AIDS/HIV, and the last thing they did was the CF sweat test...i had a very good child hood (thanks to a hard working mother and father) CF wise my PFT's were up all the time at where they were suppose to be the only thing i struggled with was my weight....i was first hospitalized when i was 23 years old a year ago, i caught pneumonia so i was put in the hospital for a week...i got to experience a PIC line for the first time and the wonders of IV antibiotics (amazing what a drug can do for my coughing) during that visit my bloodsugar was up so they started me on insulin...i continue to have a good life with just the major thing now is coughing every once and awhile and my weight is still a thing they want me to work on (5'9'' and i weight 145 pounds) but that is all i know of for now i am glad i found this site, i am new to this whole CF community thing and i find this stuff all very interesting and learning new stuff every day!!! Thanks guys and have a good one


New member
Hi Aaron and welcome aboard <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Sounds like things are going well for you.. looking forward to hearing more about you.. the blogs are fun and the chat is too.. take care ...joni


New member
Hi Aaron and welcome aboard <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Sounds like things are going well for you.. looking forward to hearing more about you.. the blogs are fun and the chat is too.. take care ...joni


New member
Hi Aaron and welcome aboard <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Sounds like things are going well for you.. looking forward to hearing more about you.. the blogs are fun and the chat is too.. take care ...joni


New member
Hi Aaron and welcome aboard <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Sounds like things are going well for you.. looking forward to hearing more about you.. the blogs are fun and the chat is too.. take care ...joni


New member
Hi Aaron and welcome aboard <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Sounds like things are going well for you.. looking forward to hearing more about you.. the blogs are fun and the chat is too.. take care ...joni


New member
Hello one and all. My name is Yvette from Kentucky. I'm a 25 yo female who lives with my husband and four legged yellow lab son. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was dx with CF at age 12. I decided I wanted to try to meet other CF patients and their families so I started surfing and found this website. I'm interested in comparing cases with others. It's interesting to see the variance in each case. I currently take 2 inhalers and do daily exercises in order to maintain open airways. I only have small airway blockage. Other than that, no damage to lungs, pancreas, or liver. I have been very blessed with minimal limitations due to my disease. I can't wait to get to know some of you and how this disease has affected each of you.


New member
Hello one and all. My name is Yvette from Kentucky. I'm a 25 yo female who lives with my husband and four legged yellow lab son. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was dx with CF at age 12. I decided I wanted to try to meet other CF patients and their families so I started surfing and found this website. I'm interested in comparing cases with others. It's interesting to see the variance in each case. I currently take 2 inhalers and do daily exercises in order to maintain open airways. I only have small airway blockage. Other than that, no damage to lungs, pancreas, or liver. I have been very blessed with minimal limitations due to my disease. I can't wait to get to know some of you and how this disease has affected each of you.


New member
Hello one and all. My name is Yvette from Kentucky. I'm a 25 yo female who lives with my husband and four legged yellow lab son. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was dx with CF at age 12. I decided I wanted to try to meet other CF patients and their families so I started surfing and found this website. I'm interested in comparing cases with others. It's interesting to see the variance in each case. I currently take 2 inhalers and do daily exercises in order to maintain open airways. I only have small airway blockage. Other than that, no damage to lungs, pancreas, or liver. I have been very blessed with minimal limitations due to my disease. I can't wait to get to know some of you and how this disease has affected each of you.


New member
Hello one and all. My name is Yvette from Kentucky. I'm a 25 yo female who lives with my husband and four legged yellow lab son. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was dx with CF at age 12. I decided I wanted to try to meet other CF patients and their families so I started surfing and found this website. I'm interested in comparing cases with others. It's interesting to see the variance in each case. I currently take 2 inhalers and do daily exercises in order to maintain open airways. I only have small airway blockage. Other than that, no damage to lungs, pancreas, or liver. I have been very blessed with minimal limitations due to my disease. I can't wait to get to know some of you and how this disease has affected each of you.


New member
Hello one and all. My name is Yvette from Kentucky. I'm a 25 yo female who lives with my husband and four legged yellow lab son. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I was dx with CF at age 12. I decided I wanted to try to meet other CF patients and their families so I started surfing and found this website. I'm interested in comparing cases with others. It's interesting to see the variance in each case. I currently take 2 inhalers and do daily exercises in order to maintain open airways. I only have small airway blockage. Other than that, no damage to lungs, pancreas, or liver. I have been very blessed with minimal limitations due to my disease. I can't wait to get to know some of you and how this disease has affected each of you.


New member
Hi everyone

I just reciently joined the forum and thought I would officially introduce myself and family.

My name is Carey. I have two children.
My daughter Chloe was born August 23, 2000 and other then wanting to come out bottom first was born healthy.
My son Jack was born September 10, 2006 and until his early birth (five weeks earlly) we had no indication that anything was wrong.
He was born with Meconium Ileus and ended up with a total of five surgeries, three PICC lines, one broviac line (that caused three readmittings), one g-tube and a grand total of over 155 days in the hospital.
As bad as everything was I am very thankful that Jack has yet to have any Pulmonary issues yet. His main issue is GI, and he has an eating adversion. He gets everything through his g-tube and has barly any interest in food in general.
He has yet to get on the standard growth chart.
Currently (at 13 months old) his weight is 18 pounds 5 1/2 ounces.
At almost a year old he got a bad bout of diarrhea and droped a pound in five days, and it took a month to put that pound back on.
He is averaging a gain of a few ounces every two weeks.
Clinically he looks great!
While in the hosptial Jack developed liver disease and when we brought him home his bilirubin was so high his skin was green.
thankfully he is almost completely recovered from that. His bilirubin peeked at 25.
The liver disease was due to the amount of time he was on TPN (total parenteral Nutrition) and the cf.
Anyway here is a current picture of Jack.
We are doing well considering and I am estatic to have found this forum and look forward to getting to know everyone.


New member
Hi everyone

I just reciently joined the forum and thought I would officially introduce myself and family.

My name is Carey. I have two children.
My daughter Chloe was born August 23, 2000 and other then wanting to come out bottom first was born healthy.
My son Jack was born September 10, 2006 and until his early birth (five weeks earlly) we had no indication that anything was wrong.
He was born with Meconium Ileus and ended up with a total of five surgeries, three PICC lines, one broviac line (that caused three readmittings), one g-tube and a grand total of over 155 days in the hospital.
As bad as everything was I am very thankful that Jack has yet to have any Pulmonary issues yet. His main issue is GI, and he has an eating adversion. He gets everything through his g-tube and has barly any interest in food in general.
He has yet to get on the standard growth chart.
Currently (at 13 months old) his weight is 18 pounds 5 1/2 ounces.
At almost a year old he got a bad bout of diarrhea and droped a pound in five days, and it took a month to put that pound back on.
He is averaging a gain of a few ounces every two weeks.
Clinically he looks great!
While in the hosptial Jack developed liver disease and when we brought him home his bilirubin was so high his skin was green.
thankfully he is almost completely recovered from that. His bilirubin peeked at 25.
The liver disease was due to the amount of time he was on TPN (total parenteral Nutrition) and the cf.
Anyway here is a current picture of Jack.
We are doing well considering and I am estatic to have found this forum and look forward to getting to know everyone.


New member
Hi everyone

I just reciently joined the forum and thought I would officially introduce myself and family.

My name is Carey. I have two children.
My daughter Chloe was born August 23, 2000 and other then wanting to come out bottom first was born healthy.
My son Jack was born September 10, 2006 and until his early birth (five weeks earlly) we had no indication that anything was wrong.
He was born with Meconium Ileus and ended up with a total of five surgeries, three PICC lines, one broviac line (that caused three readmittings), one g-tube and a grand total of over 155 days in the hospital.
As bad as everything was I am very thankful that Jack has yet to have any Pulmonary issues yet. His main issue is GI, and he has an eating adversion. He gets everything through his g-tube and has barly any interest in food in general.
He has yet to get on the standard growth chart.
Currently (at 13 months old) his weight is 18 pounds 5 1/2 ounces.
At almost a year old he got a bad bout of diarrhea and droped a pound in five days, and it took a month to put that pound back on.
He is averaging a gain of a few ounces every two weeks.
Clinically he looks great!
While in the hosptial Jack developed liver disease and when we brought him home his bilirubin was so high his skin was green.
thankfully he is almost completely recovered from that. His bilirubin peeked at 25.
The liver disease was due to the amount of time he was on TPN (total parenteral Nutrition) and the cf.
Anyway here is a current picture of Jack.
We are doing well considering and I am estatic to have found this forum and look forward to getting to know everyone.


New member
Hi everyone

I just reciently joined the forum and thought I would officially introduce myself and family.

My name is Carey. I have two children.
My daughter Chloe was born August 23, 2000 and other then wanting to come out bottom first was born healthy.
My son Jack was born September 10, 2006 and until his early birth (five weeks earlly) we had no indication that anything was wrong.
He was born with Meconium Ileus and ended up with a total of five surgeries, three PICC lines, one broviac line (that caused three readmittings), one g-tube and a grand total of over 155 days in the hospital.
As bad as everything was I am very thankful that Jack has yet to have any Pulmonary issues yet. His main issue is GI, and he has an eating adversion. He gets everything through his g-tube and has barly any interest in food in general.
He has yet to get on the standard growth chart.
Currently (at 13 months old) his weight is 18 pounds 5 1/2 ounces.
At almost a year old he got a bad bout of diarrhea and droped a pound in five days, and it took a month to put that pound back on.
He is averaging a gain of a few ounces every two weeks.
Clinically he looks great!
While in the hosptial Jack developed liver disease and when we brought him home his bilirubin was so high his skin was green.
thankfully he is almost completely recovered from that. His bilirubin peeked at 25.
The liver disease was due to the amount of time he was on TPN (total parenteral Nutrition) and the cf.
Anyway here is a current picture of Jack.
We are doing well considering and I am estatic to have found this forum and look forward to getting to know everyone.


New member
Hi everyone

I just reciently joined the forum and thought I would officially introduce myself and family.

My name is Carey. I have two children.
My daughter Chloe was born August 23, 2000 and other then wanting to come out bottom first was born healthy.
My son Jack was born September 10, 2006 and until his early birth (five weeks earlly) we had no indication that anything was wrong.
He was born with Meconium Ileus and ended up with a total of five surgeries, three PICC lines, one broviac line (that caused three readmittings), one g-tube and a grand total of over 155 days in the hospital.
As bad as everything was I am very thankful that Jack has yet to have any Pulmonary issues yet. His main issue is GI, and he has an eating adversion. He gets everything through his g-tube and has barly any interest in food in general.
He has yet to get on the standard growth chart.
Currently (at 13 months old) his weight is 18 pounds 5 1/2 ounces.
At almost a year old he got a bad bout of diarrhea and droped a pound in five days, and it took a month to put that pound back on.
He is averaging a gain of a few ounces every two weeks.
Clinically he looks great!
While in the hosptial Jack developed liver disease and when we brought him home his bilirubin was so high his skin was green.
thankfully he is almost completely recovered from that. His bilirubin peeked at 25.
The liver disease was due to the amount of time he was on TPN (total parenteral Nutrition) and the cf.
Anyway here is a current picture of Jack.
We are doing well considering and I am estatic to have found this forum and look forward to getting to know everyone.