New novel with heroine with CF coming out in August


New member
called "A Little Love Story" see <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a> .


New member
Thank you for posting this book. It sounds like a very interesting read. Sounds full of drama and suspense just the kind of book you cannot put down. I will spread the news


it's already out. In fact I mentioned it before.
It's ok I suppose. I've read better though.
The CF is a litte vague in details but I suppose I've read worse too.


New member
Can someone let me know if this book makes you cry? I don't read or watch things that make me cry... I think life has enough of that. It sounds like an awesome book that I'd love to read (if it doesn't make me cry).

Thanks for posting!


Staff member
Click on the hardcover version and you can order it used via amazon. Think the cheapest is $3.20 and add another $3-4 for shipping. I just ordered a bunch of used books from there this morning, too bad I didn't notice this one. Is this one a religious/inspirational book or is it just a plain old fictional novel? I once purchased a suspense/murder mystery and it turned out to be a religious romance. Not my cup of tea. Liza


I personally didn't care for it all that much. The writing style seemed choppy and hard to follow.
Then again that's just me.

It deals with transplant obviously, and she apparently gets close to death so if that makes you cry then yeah that'll do it. Then there was that part with the main guy and his previous g/f that died on the 9/11 flight.


New member
you can also get this book at

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">http://www.product.half.ebay.c...QQtgZinfoQQprZ43819559</a>


New member
I'm having trouble with the link. Try going to:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>

And, type in the title. Hope that works!


New member
the person who this is written about goes to the same clinic as I do, My doc has been telling me about the book for months and says its really good.