New Pep device, CPT device, and some abstracts


New member
Ok well i got this email from a mailing list, which is written by the wonderful lady that created GSH therapy. Just thought I would share some of them.

335.This study suggests that 4 weeks of TOBI was
more effective in fighting PA than nebulized colistin
and oral Cipro.

336. FEF25 is associated with lower airway

339.Inhalation of nebulized L-arginine increases
exhaled NO and improved pulmonary function in CF pts.
NO augmentation therapy may be a valuable treatment
option for CF pts.

(the above is something of interest, and i do know of some people trying this thereapy, with good result)

373. Inspiratory muscle training helped CF pts to
improve expectoration and reduce sense of
breathlessness, and they also had fewer days of abx
than the control group

379. The Frequencer is a digitally controlled
electro-acoustical transducer device invented by a CF
adult and manufactured by Dymedso. A power head
transmits vibrations to the airways. The user adjusts
the frequency until a sympathetic resonance in the
thorax is felt. The Frequencer induced similar
clearance to that of CPT.

(seems like an interesting alternative to the vest, wonder how much)

384. The Quake, the Acapella, and the Flutter were
evaluated, and the Quake proved to be the best. It is
made by Thayer Medical

(the Quake is the new one, looks pretty cool)

443. Oral intake of 30 of zinc gluconate
reduced the # of days of oral Abx. A higher daily
dose may be needed to protect from respiratory tract
infections and enhance zinc-related immunity response.

448. CF mice fed EPA (an omega 3 fatty acid) had
statistically lower mortality compared with mice fed
arachidonic acid or control mice.

(similar human studies shown to be effective)

498. Complementry medicine was used with 18% of CF
chlidren and 57% of CF adults. One-third did not
inform their doctors.
(WOOPS hahahahha)

507. Reported rates of adherence to CPT among CFers
is 40-47%. Adherence to enzymes was <50%.


Just thought I would share...



New member
Hmmmmm, some interesting stuff there. I need to learn more about some of the CPT stuff. I like my Vest, but it just takes sooo much time. Anyways, thanx for sharing Kiel.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i> 336. FEF25 is
associated with lower airway inflammation 339.Inhalation of
nebulized L-arginine increases exhaled NO and improved pulmonary
function in CF pts. NO augmentation therapy may be a valuable
treatment option for CF pts. (the above is something of interest,
and i do know of some people trying this thereapy, with good
result) 443. Oral intake of 30 of zinc gluconate reduced the
# of days of oral Abx. A higher daily dose may be needed to protect
from respiratory tract infections and enhance zinc-related immunity
***Okay all of the above...I have NO idea what that all means...can
anyone translate for me??? *feels like a dumb blonde*<br>
Everything below...guilty as charged... woops!<br>
498. Complementry medicine was used with 18% of CF chlidren and 57%
of CF adults. One-third did not inform their doctors. (WOOPS
hahahahha) 507. Reported rates of adherence to CPT among CFers is
40-47%. Adherence to enzymes was <50%. (Interesting) Just
thought I would share... Kiel</end quote></div>


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Ender</b></i>

Ok well i got this email from a mailing list, which is written by the wonderful lady that created GSH therapy. Just thought I would share some of them.

335.This study suggests that 4 weeks of TOBI was

more effective in fighting PA than nebulized colistin

and oral Cipro.

336. FEF25 is associated with lower airway


339.Inhalation of nebulized L-arginine increases

exhaled NO and improved pulmonary function in CF pts.

NO augmentation therapy may be a valuable treatment

option for CF pts.

(the above is something of interest, and i do know of some people trying this thereapy, with good result)

373. Inspiratory muscle training helped CF pts to

improve expectoration and reduce sense of

breathlessness, and they also had fewer days of abx

than the control group

379. The Frequencer is a digitally controlled

electro-acoustical transducer device invented by a CF

adult and manufactured by Dymedso. A power head

transmits vibrations to the airways. The user adjusts

the frequency until a sympathetic resonance in the

thorax is felt. The Frequencer induced similar

clearance to that of CPT.

(seems like an interesting alternative to the vest, wonder how much)

384. The Quake, the Acapella, and the Flutter were

evaluated, and the Quake proved to be the best. It is

made by Thayer Medical

(the Quake is the new one, looks pretty cool)

443. Oral intake of 30 of zinc gluconate

reduced the # of days of oral Abx. A higher daily

dose may be needed to protect from respiratory tract

infections and enhance zinc-related immunity response.

448. CF mice fed EPA (an omega 3 fatty acid) had

statistically lower mortality compared with mice fed

arachidonic acid or control mice.

(similar human studies shown to be effective)

498. Complementry medicine was used with 18% of CF

chlidren and 57% of CF adults. One-third did not

inform their doctors.

(WOOPS hahahahha)

507. Reported rates of adherence to CPT among CFers

is 40-47%. Adherence to enzymes was <50%.


Just thought I would share...

Kiel</end quote></div>

Do you have a copy of any of these studies? Or can you get a copy? I would love to read them.


New member
Here is the website with the abstracts. There is so much information, you can literally take a week or two to read them all.

Some things i was really intersted in. Tween 80 (a surfactant), L-arganine inhalation and GSH. It goes more in depth about NO and the lungs as well. Have fun.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
This is really interesting! Thanks for sharing. I have a few new things to inquire about with docs. I always pick their brains, thanks for helping me out <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">!!!!!


New member
Ya i love reading about this stuff too. Just to see what's on the horizon. Also gives me ideas <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
I've a friend with CF.  He heard something about a device
called the Vibralung which is supposedly in a trial at Childerns
Hospital in Denver.   Does anyone have any more
information about the device or the trial?   Or how he or
I could find out more about this.<br>
Thanks in advance.


New member
Hi ender, thanks for this great stuff. I already devoured the articles about oral, inhaled and IV L-arginine and I am also in great interest of that. Problem is I don't know what product L-arginine and where to buy it. I send an email to the researcher dr Grasemann who moved to Canada and told me has funds for a long term L-arginine trial. I also asked him what product he used, but he referred me to the study which says
"The study medications consisted of 18 ml of a 7% L-arginine hydrochloride solution (600 mOsmol/kg, pH 5-6) containing
1.3 g of L-arginine or 18 ml of 1.7% saline (NaCl) with similar osmolarity and pH as a control. The L-arginine solution was prepared by diluting a 21%
(w/v) L-arginine hydrochloride solution which is licensed for intravenous use (Braun Melsungen AG, Melsungen, Germany) with sterile water.
Can you check with your contacts what L-arginine product they use, in which quantities and where they buy it. I want to start asap.
Dr Grasemann also stated "The improvement in pulmonary function after a single inhalation of L-arginine was a nice effect; however I expect that the long-term effects of inhaled L-arginine will include anti-inflammatory as well as bactericidal effects." SO I am totally on your track, this sounds great. If you can find anything out for me related to L-arginine inhalation use, thanks so much in advance!!
Can you also let me know how to get on that email list you talk about, Miss Hudson is THE BEST!!! All respect to her work!
Best regards,


New member
Hey there Jeanpaul,
That site is truly a blessing for cf information. I find myself sometimes wasting hours looking up abstracts...and searching for new ideas <img src="">

Ok so here is the link to the original article, about l-arganine treatment.

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Above is the direct link, click open. Hopefully it works without asking to login???

Increasing No production in the lungs has positive effects, however the half life is a mere 5-10 seconds. Alternatively, GSNO has a half life of around 5 hours, and is much more stable and effective, however cf patients don't have an adequate supply of GSH to produce GSNO. What I'm saying is that it would be beneficial to first inhale GSH to increase the levels in your cells, then use the L-arganine to increase NO production, thus having a nice backbone for GSNO production.

What the article suggests is to mix l-arganine freebase with l-arganine hydrochloride. The quantities for the mixture are in the article. However, the hydrochloride version is only available to companies. I am in contact with someone who has it delivered, and is willing to send it to patients that want to try it because if a bunch of individuals try to order it to their house, they might stop sending it to us altogether. I will talk to her and see if she has any on hand.

The freebase stuff you can buy at a health food store, no problem.

I hope this helps and goodluck. This is definately something on my to do list as soon as i get some time and money together. Take care.


ps. if you are a member of the site, just go to your settings and have all new posts sent to your email...


New member
Hi ender, thanks for this reply! If anything can be arranged on the arginine area that would be great. I just created an account on the yahoo group and lost my entire night in reading posts. That is what you call a treasure of info!
I also followed up your tips on the quake and ordered one. Something I am very charmed about is the frequencer, a very cool thing, but no information on their website about ordering, prices etc. The request info site not even includes an option "customer" or "patient", but only doctor, researcher, etc. If this is affordable (10% of the Vest....max...) I definitely want to save for that one.


New member
You might want to check the web site of Dymedso. Things have change. They are FDA approoved and are getting approoved by major US insurance company. So you might want to check it out for americans it could be much more easy to get one.

- BTW the order form is on the web site.

if you have any questions you can e-mail them at

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">e-mail of dymedso</a>



New member
You might want to check the web site of Dymedso. Things have change. They are FDA approoved and are getting approoved by major US insurance company. So you might want to check it out for americans it could be much more easy to get one.

- BTW the order form is on the web site.

if you have any questions you can e-mail them at

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">e-mail of dymedso</a>



New member
You might want to check the web site of Dymedso. Things have change. They are FDA approoved and are getting approoved by major US insurance company. So you might want to check it out for americans it could be much more easy to get one.

- BTW the order form is on the web site.

if you have any questions you can e-mail them at

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">e-mail of dymedso</a>



New member
You might want to check the web site of Dymedso. Things have change. They are FDA approoved and are getting approoved by major US insurance company. So you might want to check it out for americans it could be much more easy to get one.

- BTW the order form is on the web site.

if you have any questions you can e-mail them at

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">e-mail of dymedso</a>



New member
You might want to check the web site of Dymedso. Things have change. They are FDA approoved and are getting approoved by major US insurance company. So you might want to check it out for americans it could be much more easy to get one.

- BTW the order form is on the web site.

if you have any questions you can e-mail them at

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">e-mail of dymedso</a>
