new pics of me and lucas


New member
Vampy, I think you look great. Lucus is such a cutie! Curious, how much weight did you gain with the pregnancy?


Staff member
I took DS on a lot of walks when he was a baby.

And once I got him into a routine, it helped me get back on track as far as eating habits, exercise. But at first, I just didn't feel like doing anything 'cuz it seemed like I was forever feeding, changing, rocking, bathing -- he wasn't a good napper at first. And I was just overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities.

Just enjoy your little guy and don't worry about losing weight. You'll have plenty of time to do that in the future.


Staff member
I took DS on a lot of walks when he was a baby.

And once I got him into a routine, it helped me get back on track as far as eating habits, exercise. But at first, I just didn't feel like doing anything 'cuz it seemed like I was forever feeding, changing, rocking, bathing -- he wasn't a good napper at first. And I was just overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities.

Just enjoy your little guy and don't worry about losing weight. You'll have plenty of time to do that in the future.


Staff member
I took DS on a lot of walks when he was a baby.

And once I got him into a routine, it helped me get back on track as far as eating habits, exercise. But at first, I just didn't feel like doing anything 'cuz it seemed like I was forever feeding, changing, rocking, bathing -- he wasn't a good napper at first. And I was just overwhelmed with all the new responsibilities.

Just enjoy your little guy and don't worry about losing weight. You'll have plenty of time to do that in the future.


New member
I have to chime in again with the breastfeeding. I am breatsfeeding a 7 month old and I am now down to the size I was at 21! In fact, I am to the point now where I eat whatever I want whenever I want so I don't keep losing. If you're not breastfeeding and are really dedicated you could try to relactate, but I would say don't even bother if it is only for weight loss desires. It's a ton of work if you aren't dedicated to the idea of breastfeeding as well.

If you aren't breastfeeding and aren't interested- <b>exercise</b>! It's good for your CF and for weight loss. Try putting the baby in a sling or baby carrier on your body and go for a walk every night - that should increase your heart rate a bit and give both of you some good time together. Be patient though - you're only 2 months pp, it will come off in time! Your babe is a beauty!


New member
I have to chime in again with the breastfeeding. I am breatsfeeding a 7 month old and I am now down to the size I was at 21! In fact, I am to the point now where I eat whatever I want whenever I want so I don't keep losing. If you're not breastfeeding and are really dedicated you could try to relactate, but I would say don't even bother if it is only for weight loss desires. It's a ton of work if you aren't dedicated to the idea of breastfeeding as well.

If you aren't breastfeeding and aren't interested- <b>exercise</b>! It's good for your CF and for weight loss. Try putting the baby in a sling or baby carrier on your body and go for a walk every night - that should increase your heart rate a bit and give both of you some good time together. Be patient though - you're only 2 months pp, it will come off in time! Your babe is a beauty!


New member
I have to chime in again with the breastfeeding. I am breatsfeeding a 7 month old and I am now down to the size I was at 21! In fact, I am to the point now where I eat whatever I want whenever I want so I don't keep losing. If you're not breastfeeding and are really dedicated you could try to relactate, but I would say don't even bother if it is only for weight loss desires. It's a ton of work if you aren't dedicated to the idea of breastfeeding as well.

If you aren't breastfeeding and aren't interested- <b>exercise</b>! It's good for your CF and for weight loss. Try putting the baby in a sling or baby carrier on your body and go for a walk every night - that should increase your heart rate a bit and give both of you some good time together. Be patient though - you're only 2 months pp, it will come off in time! Your babe is a beauty!


New member
Lucas is so adorable !! You look great in my opinion <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Lucas is so adorable !! You look great in my opinion <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Lucas is so adorable !! You look great in my opinion <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member

Posts: 1282
Joined: 01/16/2006

Vampy, I think you look great. Lucus is such a cutie! Curious, how much weight did you gain with the pregnancy?

LouLou I was 114 lbs when i found out iw as pregnant and then i went down to 11. but by the time i had him i was roughly 150 lbs and i still had nearly two months to go. i got huge. everyone asked me how i got out of bed, and if i was carrying twins. I got married september 30th and i was only 10 weeks pregnant and i had a baby bump. I wanna be back down to 115 and not only that i wanna stop jiggyling everytime i walk too LOL


New member

Posts: 1282
Joined: 01/16/2006

Vampy, I think you look great. Lucus is such a cutie! Curious, how much weight did you gain with the pregnancy?

LouLou I was 114 lbs when i found out iw as pregnant and then i went down to 11. but by the time i had him i was roughly 150 lbs and i still had nearly two months to go. i got huge. everyone asked me how i got out of bed, and if i was carrying twins. I got married september 30th and i was only 10 weeks pregnant and i had a baby bump. I wanna be back down to 115 and not only that i wanna stop jiggyling everytime i walk too LOL


New member

Posts: 1282
Joined: 01/16/2006

Vampy, I think you look great. Lucus is such a cutie! Curious, how much weight did you gain with the pregnancy?

LouLou I was 114 lbs when i found out iw as pregnant and then i went down to 11. but by the time i had him i was roughly 150 lbs and i still had nearly two months to go. i got huge. everyone asked me how i got out of bed, and if i was carrying twins. I got married september 30th and i was only 10 weeks pregnant and i had a baby bump. I wanna be back down to 115 and not only that i wanna stop jiggyling everytime i walk too LOL


New member
A 36 lb. weight gain isn't crazy huge. I don't know your height but you may have been underweight at 114 lbs. I encourage as you set your weight goal to think in terms of a healthy BMI. Ask your doctor what BMI (s)he thinks you should be. And then here's a calculator to see what weight that correlates to. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">BMI Calculator</a>

I had a BMI of 22.5 pre-pregnancy at 5'3" and 127lbs.

I know it's easier said than done but you might need to work on correcting your self image. You may be healthier at a weight higher than 114 (again I don't know your height so I don't know for sure) and isn't that want you want be healthy and live a long time with Lucus and your hubby. Exercising will help improve your self image as you ton that wonderful body of yours.


New member
A 36 lb. weight gain isn't crazy huge. I don't know your height but you may have been underweight at 114 lbs. I encourage as you set your weight goal to think in terms of a healthy BMI. Ask your doctor what BMI (s)he thinks you should be. And then here's a calculator to see what weight that correlates to. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">BMI Calculator</a>

I had a BMI of 22.5 pre-pregnancy at 5'3" and 127lbs.

I know it's easier said than done but you might need to work on correcting your self image. You may be healthier at a weight higher than 114 (again I don't know your height so I don't know for sure) and isn't that want you want be healthy and live a long time with Lucus and your hubby. Exercising will help improve your self image as you ton that wonderful body of yours.


New member
A 36 lb. weight gain isn't crazy huge. I don't know your height but you may have been underweight at 114 lbs. I encourage as you set your weight goal to think in terms of a healthy BMI. Ask your doctor what BMI (s)he thinks you should be. And then here's a calculator to see what weight that correlates to. <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">BMI Calculator</a>

I had a BMI of 22.5 pre-pregnancy at 5'3" and 127lbs.

I know it's easier said than done but you might need to work on correcting your self image. You may be healthier at a weight higher than 114 (again I don't know your height so I don't know for sure) and isn't that want you want be healthy and live a long time with Lucus and your hubby. Exercising will help improve your self image as you ton that wonderful body of yours.


New member
In case you are curious, my BMI is a 26 now since I am up to 147 lbs. at 31 weeks pregnant. My goal is to be 152 lbs. at 37 weeks. This is my goal because I want to have a buffer to protect my body as I breastfeeding my baby in case I get sick and lose 10 lbs I won't have to give up nursing just to maintain my own health. Although I am fully aware I might have to give up bf'ing with the extra energy it will require from my body. I will do it as long as I am capable but will not jepardize my health because although I want to give my baby the best start possible and all the immunities possible, I want to be around as long as possible.


New member
In case you are curious, my BMI is a 26 now since I am up to 147 lbs. at 31 weeks pregnant. My goal is to be 152 lbs. at 37 weeks. This is my goal because I want to have a buffer to protect my body as I breastfeeding my baby in case I get sick and lose 10 lbs I won't have to give up nursing just to maintain my own health. Although I am fully aware I might have to give up bf'ing with the extra energy it will require from my body. I will do it as long as I am capable but will not jepardize my health because although I want to give my baby the best start possible and all the immunities possible, I want to be around as long as possible.


New member
In case you are curious, my BMI is a 26 now since I am up to 147 lbs. at 31 weeks pregnant. My goal is to be 152 lbs. at 37 weeks. This is my goal because I want to have a buffer to protect my body as I breastfeeding my baby in case I get sick and lose 10 lbs I won't have to give up nursing just to maintain my own health. Although I am fully aware I might have to give up bf'ing with the extra energy it will require from my body. I will do it as long as I am capable but will not jepardize my health because although I want to give my baby the best start possible and all the immunities possible, I want to be around as long as possible.


New member
According the the BMI calculator im a few points shy of being overweight. that means time to diet for me. My whole family is overweight my grandmother has a honkeytonk badonkiedonk that would make j lo mad with envy. You could set a tray on her butt full of food and it wouldnt go no where. we are all short and overweight. I was pretty much only one who stayed thin until i got pregnant, i dont wanna look like my mother. 220 pounds and 5ft 5in. I look at that pic i posted and i can see im almost exactly like her which scares the crap out of me.