new pics of me and lucas


New member
This is Lucas Austin D. Almost 2 months old. Almost 7 pounds. He has a wonderful personality already, loves to smile alot and generally quiet.
<img src="">
this is me....nuff said LOL
<img src="">

I just wanted to ask if it was easy for you to loose the weight you gained. i used to be half the size i am. i wanna be small again. i hate my pics bc of how big i am. i know im not totally huge but im big enough for me to hate it.
i figured i could loose the weight easy since ppl with cf burn so many calories? whats up help me!


New member
This is Lucas Austin D. Almost 2 months old. Almost 7 pounds. He has a wonderful personality already, loves to smile alot and generally quiet.
<img src="">
this is me....nuff said LOL
<img src="">

I just wanted to ask if it was easy for you to loose the weight you gained. i used to be half the size i am. i wanna be small again. i hate my pics bc of how big i am. i know im not totally huge but im big enough for me to hate it.
i figured i could loose the weight easy since ppl with cf burn so many calories? whats up help me!


New member
This is Lucas Austin D. Almost 2 months old. Almost 7 pounds. He has a wonderful personality already, loves to smile alot and generally quiet.
<img src="">
this is me....nuff said LOL
<img src="">

I just wanted to ask if it was easy for you to loose the weight you gained. i used to be half the size i am. i wanna be small again. i hate my pics bc of how big i am. i know im not totally huge but im big enough for me to hate it.
i figured i could loose the weight easy since ppl with cf burn so many calories? whats up help me!


New member
It's only been two monts, give it a little time. At your age, it should melt off soon. Don't worry. That Lucas is such a cutie pie! And you are too! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
It's only been two monts, give it a little time. At your age, it should melt off soon. Don't worry. That Lucas is such a cutie pie! And you are too! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
It's only been two monts, give it a little time. At your age, it should melt off soon. Don't worry. That Lucas is such a cutie pie! And you are too! <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
He is cute! Are you breast feeding? This often burns those extra calories. If not then are you eating differently and of course the good old exercise that I hear so much about (LOL) would help. You look beautiful to me, but I know that isnt always enough for ones self esteem!


New member
He is cute! Are you breast feeding? This often burns those extra calories. If not then are you eating differently and of course the good old exercise that I hear so much about (LOL) would help. You look beautiful to me, but I know that isnt always enough for ones self esteem!


New member
He is cute! Are you breast feeding? This often burns those extra calories. If not then are you eating differently and of course the good old exercise that I hear so much about (LOL) would help. You look beautiful to me, but I know that isnt always enough for ones self esteem!


New member
You look good, remember it was only 2 months ago. I know you've probably heard "It took you 9 months to put it on, it wil take 9 months to get it off."
My stepdaughter usually loses her weight starting the 7th month after the birth (she doesn't have CF).
But just remember the amazing thing your body just did and that Lucas is worth every little ounce you gained. He is a cutie. I can't believe how red his hair still is. What a little lover!

Good luck to you, I know self esteem is a big thing but you'll go back down. I gained 20 pounds from medicine, at least you have a good reason for your weight gain. I did take the 20 back off but it took forever in the gym to get my body back to a size that I was comfortable with.....but I'm also 29. Age is setting in.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
29 f CF


New member
You look good, remember it was only 2 months ago. I know you've probably heard "It took you 9 months to put it on, it wil take 9 months to get it off."
My stepdaughter usually loses her weight starting the 7th month after the birth (she doesn't have CF).
But just remember the amazing thing your body just did and that Lucas is worth every little ounce you gained. He is a cutie. I can't believe how red his hair still is. What a little lover!

Good luck to you, I know self esteem is a big thing but you'll go back down. I gained 20 pounds from medicine, at least you have a good reason for your weight gain. I did take the 20 back off but it took forever in the gym to get my body back to a size that I was comfortable with.....but I'm also 29. Age is setting in.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
29 f CF


New member
You look good, remember it was only 2 months ago. I know you've probably heard "It took you 9 months to put it on, it wil take 9 months to get it off."
My stepdaughter usually loses her weight starting the 7th month after the birth (she doesn't have CF).
But just remember the amazing thing your body just did and that Lucas is worth every little ounce you gained. He is a cutie. I can't believe how red his hair still is. What a little lover!

Good luck to you, I know self esteem is a big thing but you'll go back down. I gained 20 pounds from medicine, at least you have a good reason for your weight gain. I did take the 20 back off but it took forever in the gym to get my body back to a size that I was comfortable with.....but I'm also 29. Age is setting in.

<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">
29 f CF


New member
He is beautiful and so are you !!! Dont be so hard on yourself, it will come off, you have youth on your side (when you get older like me, it's really tough) give yourself a break, enjoy that little doll.. if after a reasonable amount of time your still not losing, try weight watchers, it worked for me several times,(my prob. i start eating alot right after i lose the weight) but it does work.... God Bless you guys... Joni 55 y/o f w c/f mom to 4 sons


New member
He is beautiful and so are you !!! Dont be so hard on yourself, it will come off, you have youth on your side (when you get older like me, it's really tough) give yourself a break, enjoy that little doll.. if after a reasonable amount of time your still not losing, try weight watchers, it worked for me several times,(my prob. i start eating alot right after i lose the weight) but it does work.... God Bless you guys... Joni 55 y/o f w c/f mom to 4 sons


New member
He is beautiful and so are you !!! Dont be so hard on yourself, it will come off, you have youth on your side (when you get older like me, it's really tough) give yourself a break, enjoy that little doll.. if after a reasonable amount of time your still not losing, try weight watchers, it worked for me several times,(my prob. i start eating alot right after i lose the weight) but it does work.... God Bless you guys... Joni 55 y/o f w c/f mom to 4 sons


New member
I agree about the breastfeeding thing. I lost most of my weight that way. Also try walking. Take Lucas with you. BTW he is a handsome lil guy. I LOVE his hair! Good luck!


New member
I agree about the breastfeeding thing. I lost most of my weight that way. Also try walking. Take Lucas with you. BTW he is a handsome lil guy. I LOVE his hair! Good luck!


New member
I agree about the breastfeeding thing. I lost most of my weight that way. Also try walking. Take Lucas with you. BTW he is a handsome lil guy. I LOVE his hair! Good luck!


New member
Vampy, I think you look great. Lucus is such a cutie! Curious, how much weight did you gain with the pregnancy?


New member
Vampy, I think you look great. Lucus is such a cutie! Curious, how much weight did you gain with the pregnancy?