They had started sleeping about 10-12 hours right before christmas up until the middle of January when they got their 4mos shots, and then after that (the shots) we are back to waking up every AM at 4-5ish, it's still about 8 hours, but we don't get into bed until about 11pm-midnight, so it's only a small sleep stretch for Mark. Bummer! and as soon as I'm done breastfeeding, I'll help him but now if I get up out of bed in the middle of the night, I start leaking (TMI, sorry!) so I then have to pump, so I just stay in bed.... Last night WAS really bad, they were up every hour. It was a different baby each time, but there's only 2 of us and I have work today so MARK (poor guy) was up every hour. They are teething.
We stopped swaddling too because Ry was swaddled in one of those "miracle blankets" the other night and rolled himself over onto his stomach (HOW?????????????) and we are afraid that with being swaddled, the risk of SIDS is increased because he has no hands avaliable to move himself/push himself up. But they are struggling with flailing around and waking themselves up.
Aside from that though, they are doing well. I can't wait to get all the programs loaded back on to my laptop so I can update the website with some videos, they are laughing now and it's so funny.