New question about SSI


New member
Hi, I was wondering if anyone knew ---- If you start working and get cut off of SSI, then you get real sick after so many years, and can't work anymore do you have to go through the whole process of reapplying and waiting to get approved or do they automatically give it to you since youve been on it already?


New member
I think it depends on your state. I have always been told you have to reapply, sometimes the reapplication process is easier because they have your records....but you still have to reapply and they need to see if you qualify. Now if you were working SSi is different than SSDI and after you have worked you should apply for SSDI , for one you have paid into it through working, sometimes it pays more depending on how long you worked and paid into it....and sometimes its easier to get. Some people are able to get SSDI and SSI....but if you are going to go to work and say a year or longer later need to quit apply for SSDI as well....its the social security disabilty...they take out certain amounts from everyones checks for it so if you need it later its there for you (of course still have to qualify).