NeW sN cOnTeSt!!! LoL


New member
That's too bad. Every clinic I've been to has always been upbeat and everything; it usually made me smile, anyway, even if I was feeling down.


New member
lmao nooo goofball, i mean the people in the waiting room...omg im so proud of myself but kinda scared that ill get caught by my a sped (litteraly) and i have to read 2 books..lord of the flies and Bruneleschis dome..or whatever you spell it...and i CANNOT IN NO WAY IN ****! read heh i got the movie from the library of lord of the flies and im so happy..i just dont want them to yell at me...-sighs and smiles at the same time-


New member
Depends on the teacher, but the movie trick usually doesn't work. The teacher usually asks questions about the book that's different from the movie, to catch people. If you don't have time to read it, though, A movie's better than nothing at all! =-) Another trick is to find books on tape, if you can. usually they're condensed, so it doesn't take as long. Another trick is to go to an online site, where they have book reports, and just read a few of those. Heh, heh, of course, I never used any of these underhanded tactics. No way, I'm WAY too lazy for that; I just tried to BS my way through book reports or tests or whatever. =-) It usually ended up working, too; I'm still not surte how I managed to do that. =-)


New member
-nodds- it is on tape..but they are all taken...oh lmao they already know about hahaha im to lazy to do that too...haha id rather eat and watch a movie -nodds-


I would ahve to say eiether littlemissbrandi or misslittlebrandigirl


New member
hey brandi,
well yeah i think u should pick one that u like ...i know your asking people which one they like and yeah ... well yeah if u want u can aim m e at loverofdanny56 ! so u can talk to me !
well yeah hope to talk to u soon
- valeire

p.s aim me if u can !