I don't know much about modifer genes--after hearing the term, I figured it to be other genetic factors that influence mucus production, immune function, digestion...etc. That was just my guess based on semantics though
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<br />Sharon,
<br />I am sorry that your daughter is showing a lot of bronchiectasis. I believe that is common in people with CF. However, I don't know what the average age is when it starts appearing. I'd bet there is a gene that influences whether/when a person starts getting bronchiectasis from infections. The stats say that 50% of the bronchiectasis cases are from CF.
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<br />The bronchiectasis forum that I was referring to is Bronchiectasis R'US. A woman from the UK "Angel" started it. I believe that she has bronchiectasis from primary immune deficiency. Other people on the forum have it from TB, childhood infections, adult infections, autoimmune diseases and unknown causes. At least one person has a late diagnosis of CF.
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<br />Anyway, the people on the site are very supportive. The site is extremely helpful because outside the CF world, there is little understanding of how to deal with bronchiectasis. Some people are just given inhalers and told to expect to be sick all the time, others know about postural drainage and CPT but not the acapella or vest. Some have been on antibiotics all the time but have never given a sputum sample. It's nuts really.
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<br />Anwyay, you may find it an interesting site to read and post on. Just like here, people share info about nebbing saline, mucolytics...etc.
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<br />I love coming here for the medical research people are often discussing and for the info about exercise and alternative anti-inflammatory stuff. I have always been aware if CF because my parents told me I was tested for it as an infant. My digestive and respiratory issues are relatively mild: it wasn't until my late twenties that I started to need the whole routine of CPT, nebulizers, Vest, and constant antibiotics. Thanks to people on this site though (Jerry
, I have become a jogging maniac and have been infection free for almost two months.
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<br />__________
<br />Melissa 33 yrs, bronchiectasis (no CF)